Please be sure to go out to your nearest big city on 24 September 2005 to demonstrate your disgust with the junta-cabal in the White House and Pentagon right now, and to demonstrate against their extremist Right-Wing policies, agenda and actions, such as the completely, internationally illegal war against Iraq and its people, causing over 100,000 deaths of innocent people and U.S. soldiers. For more information, contact the International A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, the organizer of the nationwide mass-protest gatherings, at:
People from all walks of life go to these demonstrations, and they are for everyone, including "Christians", "Conservatives", Veterans, Current and Retired U.S. Military and/or Government Personnel, "Liberals", etc.; so there are no logical reasons for you to feel that they aren't for you. As Thomas Jefferson said, "(d)issent is the essential aspect of patriotism"; and it is your Constitutional right AND DUTY to protest and dissent against practices by your government that are not right and that you disagree with.