[The following was originally written to respond, and to post, to the "Anything" topic, entitled "'(A)nything' I can do; (i)n fact, let's make it, what is causing this apathy?", at http://www.MindSay.com/Topics/Anything, and Jen's blog thereon, at http://Jen.MindSay.com/?entry=39. It is my response to what Jen said thereat, is posted as an exception to my usual policy of only posting poems on my "poetry-only", Poetry Wolf, MindSay blog, and/or as an exception to my usual policy of only posting "titled" posts on my "essays-only", Apocalypse Now, blogs, and is now being (re-)posted to both of my MindSay blogs via the "NineEleven" and "PoetrySongs" topics, at http://www.MindSay.com/Topics/NineEleven, and at http://www.MindSay.com/Topics/PoetrySongs. {Copyright (c) 2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.}]
Geez, Jen and the others' here, "...where do I begin..." ( the theme song to Love Story :)! My best answer at this moment to why we have this apathy is because we have been very-heavilly indoctrinated and conditioned to have it. We live in the country that is supposed to be the greatest democracy on earth, meaning we're supposed to live up to our duty(ies) to stand up against ANYTHING which threatens that, as we are able, INCLUDING very evil, fascist presidents like "Dubya", and meaning that we're NOT supposed to worship ANYONE other than God, let alone a president, and/or believe and obey the lie(s) that we're allegedly not supposed to criticise, even the evil(s) of, our President!
You know what? "American" neighbors are now turning in American neighbors for exercising their freedom of speech and expression, and for criticising "Georgie-Boy"! That is what happened, and more, when German true-free-thinkers criticised Hitler! If what's really going on keeps up, very soon the "authorities" will have those "criticisers" imprisoned and even murdered for exercising not only what is supposed to be their Constitutional rights, but also their Constitutional DUTIES, as has probably already begun to happen; though, of course, the totally untrustworthy mainstream media isn't going to tell us, if anything, about those True Patriots and True Heroes!
People, True Democracy has to be stringently and/or stridently, and non-violently, FOUGHT for to preserve it, or we WILL lose it; and, in fact, we ARE losing it because a little over half of "Americans" very-unfortunately, wrongly, dangerously, and really, believe that they've got to voluntarilly give up their liberties and freedoms for the sake of their "safety", and that they're supposed to almost-literally worship their President(s) and not criticise them or the U.S. government in any way(s), even if what the President and/or the U.S. government does is very seriously evil and/or wrong (but it's supposedly okay for the Republicans to criticise Democratic presidents and what THEY do; yet God forbid if Democrats, or any other "Liberals" for that matter, dare(s) to criticise Republican presidents)!
As is quoted on my blogs, and as probably the greatest Founding Father of the United States said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"! (Thomas Jefferson.) Do you know what "dissent" means? It means WE ARE SUPPOSED TO question our government and seek redress (correction) of our grievances, even if it means, even as many "Conservatives" ARE doing, joining "Liberals" to march in unprecidented (to the level(s) of protest greater than has ever before been seen) in the history of this country, as has occurred very recently (e.g., at and around the times of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions), and has been going on for more than the past year and a half!
I am so tired of how apathetic and cold and lacking in civility, courteousness and common-sense-politeness most "Americans" are getting more and more to be! ["Oh, no, here he (I) go(es)"]: The Bible, the Word(s) of God, predicted that this would happen IN THE END TIMES: "....And because evil will be so prevalent (widespread), the love of many will become cold" (Matthew 24:12). You might not like the Bible, but even you can't say that isn't right-on-the-money, and didn't come so exactly true, unless you're living in a fantasy world! Even the professed-"Christians" are becoming colder and colder! Look at Bush and Company: They claim to be Christians, but they ARE responsible for slaughtering and murdering tens of thousands of innocent people because those people are Muslims and possess land where there is a great deal of oil, people who didn't threaten to attack us, who did NOT attack us, who did NOT have ANY weapons of mass destruction (W.M.D.), and who had NOTHING to do with 9-11 or Osama bin Laden!
Preemptive war in our time was invented by Hitler, and was COMPLETELY outlawed by the Geneva Accords after WW2; and the several international laws that outlaw and/or condemn it ARE still laws enacted by, among others', and agreed to, by the U.S., and ARE STILL required for the U.S. government to obey! If another country carries out a preemptive war, the U.S. government certainly won't stand for it, and would carry out military action(s) against it! And the U.S. government is NOT exempted from being outlawed from perpetrating THEIR OWN preemptive war(s)!
THANK GOD more and more "Americans" ARE learning these truths, and are NON-VIOLENTLY standing up against what is really going on; but we need MORE AND MORE "Americans" to stand up and say, "(w)e are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore", and to do a GREAT MANY MORE non-violent things about it! Are we really "We, The People" or not? If we are, this is what we WILL do because it IS our DUTY to do!
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