"CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS"?! (Written on 19 July 2003; Updated on 30 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain A few months ago, so-called Democrat and presidential candidate, Representative Kucinich, was asked by news media whether or not he thought the crimes Bush has committed rise to the level of impeachment, and he made the following statement in response: "Hopefully we will not end up in a Constitutional crisis". But the United States is already in a deep Constitutional crisis; and, even if Congress, the Senate, and the "American" people don't want to face it, and have chosen to live in denial concerning it, we have been in a Constitutional crisis for quite some time! We, the People were first put in a Constitutional crisis when Bush and the U.S. Supreme Court perpetrated a coup and appointed Bush "President" at the end of the 2000 presidential "election"; and then we were put into an even more grave Constitutional crisis when "the truest democracy on Earth" carried out a "first-strike" war of aggression against the sovereign country of Iraq, without the latter having IN ANY WAY attacked the shores and/or the people of the United States! On top of all this, the majority of the Senate and the Congress supported such an un-Constitutional and illegal war of aggression, and the "American" people blindly supported it as well! For this and Bush's deceptions of all of same, Bush should be impeached and tried in federal court for war crimes against the mostly-innocent people(s) of Iraq; as over thirteen-thousand innocent people have been murdered, probably tens of thousands more by latest estimates, thousands are still being murdered, and thousands more are still being seriously injured and/or maimed as the result, and at the hands of the U.S. government! There is so much political theater going on right now, and there has been for quite some time. Bush and company, along with British Primeminister Tony Blair, have been inundating us with non-stop lies, "painting" themselves as the saviors of "the free world", to "save" us from international terrorism, and putting on an extreme show of seeking peace between Israel and Palestine. But these people, including Israel, don't want peace; they want "endless war", and to completely destroy the Palestinian people, among many others'! William and Kathleen Christison, former CIA Analysts from 1950 to 1979 and 1963 to 1979 respectively, have said fairly recently, and for quite a while, that they are now both against U.S. government policies towards Israel and Palestine, against United States nuclear proliferation policies as well, and that said policies support Israel's complete eradication of the Palestinians, unmasking the lie that the U.S. government and Israel want to create an autonomous Palestinian country! Bush is working extremely hard right now, in preparation for the 2004 presidential election, to make himself look good, and to make it appear like he is supposedly having so many successes in the "War Against Terrorism" and in bringing peace to the Middle East and the rest of world, while he is ordering police-state tactics and the "first-strike" murders of thousands of innocent people, and like he is allegedly a great "man of peace"; but he is a homicidal maniac who, if he wasn't clothed in the costume of presidential authority, and if he performed his present criminal actions on his own, would be locked up in one form of prison institution or another, just as we, the average citizen, would be if we committed such criminal actions! The Christisons' also stated that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the United States government to control nuclear weapons worldwide as long as the U.S. doesn't get rid of their own as well, and that "American" foreign policy is unjust! They have gone on to say, "It is just as dangerous for Israel to possess nuclear weapons as for Iraq to possess them if they did"! Thank God for some voices of sanity regarding all of the insanity being supported by both Republicans and Democrats alike; and thank Goodness that more and more Truth is rising to the surface! Just because many of us disagree with United States government policies concerning Israel, does NOT mean we are "anti-Semitic"! It "simply" means that we are against all terrorists and their terrorism; for we are just as much against the non-Israeli foreign policies of the U.S. government as we are against the Israeli policies; and, as said before, this is because we know that "the big picture" is of a much larger racist and "religious intolerance" agenda of the United States government, that is leading to greater and greater genocide all around the globe! In his book, Transforming Leadership, James MacGregor Burns says that the word "happiness" in the foundation of American democracy, the Declaration of Independence, where it states, "...life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", means EQUALITY! 'ALL PEOPLE are created EQUAL, and are endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right(s) to life, liberty and the pursuit of EQUALITY'! There is ABSOLUTELY NO room WHATSOEVER for ANY religiously intolerant, racist agenda in that; and "(w)e, the people" must not continue to allow there to supposedly be, by the present un-Constitutional, terrorist actions of the U.S. government! Where are we as a country when, as the Indian author Arundhati Roy has said, "The 'freest' country (the United States of America) has the most prisoners in the (and of any country in the entire) world", and most of those prisoners are disenfranchised, ethnic minorities, as the result of the rampant poverty that the U.S. government intentionally allows to continue in the richest country on the face of the Earth, as well as in many other countries all over the world?! As long as we allow this to continue, we are the most intolerant, hypocritical, terrorist nation on the entire planet! Happiness is synonymous with equality; and we cannot have True Happiness in "America" and the rest of the world until we conquer, and ONLY conquer, inequality and the Constitutional crisis that we ARE in all over the world as the result of that inequality!! We MUST conquer inequality and poverty; "we" must stop "policing", imprisoning and murdering innocent people worldwide; and we must Truly, and ONLY, Care for one-another as we were put on this Earth to do!! We ARE our brother's and sister's keepers; and we can ONLY bring True Liberation to the world when we liberate its people from inequality and poverty, WITHOUT murdering, imprisoning and policing them IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Friday, July 30, 2004
"CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS"?! (Written on 19 July 2003; Updated on 30 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain A few months ago, so-called Democrat and presidential candidate, Representative Kucinich, was asked by news media whether or not he thought the crimes Bush has committed rise to the level of impeachment, and he made the following statement in response: "Hopefully we will not end up in a Constitutional crisis". But the United States is already in a deep Constitutional crisis; and, even if Congress, the Senate, and the "American" people don't want to face it, and have chosen to live in denial concerning it, we have been in a Constitutional crisis for quite some time! We, the People were first put in a Constitutional crisis when Bush and the U.S. Supreme Court perpetrated a coup and appointed Bush "President" at the end of the 2000 presidential "election"; and then we were put into an even more grave Constitutional crisis when "the truest democracy on Earth" carried out a "first-strike" war of aggression against the sovereign country of Iraq, without the latter having IN ANY WAY attacked the shores and/or the people of the United States! On top of all this, the majority of the Senate and the Congress supported such an un-Constitutional and illegal war of aggression, and the "American" people blindly supported it as well! For this and Bush's deceptions of all of same, Bush should be impeached and tried in federal court for war crimes against the mostly-innocent people(s) of Iraq; as over thirteen-thousand innocent people have been murdered, probably tens of thousands more by latest estimates, thousands are still being murdered, and thousands more are still being seriously injured and/or maimed as the result, and at the hands of the U.S. government! There is so much political theater going on right now, and there has been for quite some time. Bush and company, along with British Primeminister Tony Blair, have been inundating us with non-stop lies, "painting" themselves as the saviors of "the free world", to "save" us from international terrorism, and putting on an extreme show of seeking peace between Israel and Palestine. But these people, including Israel, don't want peace; they want "endless war", and to completely destroy the Palestinian people, among many others'! William and Kathleen Christison, former CIA Analysts from 1950 to 1979 and 1963 to 1979 respectively, have said fairly recently, and for quite a while, that they are now both against U.S. government policies towards Israel and Palestine, against United States nuclear proliferation policies as well, and that said policies support Israel's complete eradication of the Palestinians, unmasking the lie that the U.S. government and Israel want to create an autonomous Palestinian country! Bush is working extremely hard right now, in preparation for the 2004 presidential election, to make himself look good, and to make it appear like he is supposedly having so many successes in the "War Against Terrorism" and in bringing peace to the Middle East and the rest of world, while he is ordering police-state tactics and the "first-strike" murders of thousands of innocent people, and like he is allegedly a great "man of peace"; but he is a homicidal maniac who, if he wasn't clothed in the costume of presidential authority, and if he performed his present criminal actions on his own, would be locked up in one form of prison institution or another, just as we, the average citizen, would be if we committed such criminal actions! The Christisons' also stated that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the United States government to control nuclear weapons worldwide as long as the U.S. doesn't get rid of their own as well, and that "American" foreign policy is unjust! They have gone on to say, "It is just as dangerous for Israel to possess nuclear weapons as for Iraq to possess them if they did"! Thank God for some voices of sanity regarding all of the insanity being supported by both Republicans and Democrats alike; and thank Goodness that more and more Truth is rising to the surface! Just because many of us disagree with United States government policies concerning Israel, does NOT mean we are "anti-Semitic"! It "simply" means that we are against all terrorists and their terrorism; for we are just as much against the non-Israeli foreign policies of the U.S. government as we are against the Israeli policies; and, as said before, this is because we know that "the big picture" is of a much larger racist and "religious intolerance" agenda of the United States government, that is leading to greater and greater genocide all around the globe! In his book, Transforming Leadership, James MacGregor Burns says that the word "happiness" in the foundation of American democracy, the Declaration of Independence, where it states, "...life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", means EQUALITY! 'ALL PEOPLE are created EQUAL, and are endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right(s) to life, liberty and the pursuit of EQUALITY'! There is ABSOLUTELY NO room WHATSOEVER for ANY religiously intolerant, racist agenda in that; and "(w)e, the people" must not continue to allow there to supposedly be, by the present un-Constitutional, terrorist actions of the U.S. government! Where are we as a country when, as the Indian author Arundhati Roy has said, "The 'freest' country (the United States of America) has the most prisoners in the (and of any country in the entire) world", and most of those prisoners are disenfranchised, ethnic minorities, as the result of the rampant poverty that the U.S. government intentionally allows to continue in the richest country on the face of the Earth, as well as in many other countries all over the world?! As long as we allow this to continue, we are the most intolerant, hypocritical, terrorist nation on the entire planet! Happiness is synonymous with equality; and we cannot have True Happiness in "America" and the rest of the world until we conquer, and ONLY conquer, inequality and the Constitutional crisis that we ARE in all over the world as the result of that inequality!! We MUST conquer inequality and poverty; "we" must stop "policing", imprisoning and murdering innocent people worldwide; and we must Truly, and ONLY, Care for one-another as we were put on this Earth to do!! We ARE our brother's and sister's keepers; and we can ONLY bring True Liberation to the world when we liberate its people from inequality and poverty, WITHOUT murdering, imprisoning and policing them IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
THE SO-CALLED EXPENDABLE "USELESS EATERS" Dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Written on 28 August 2003; Updated on 28 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain There is no doubt that we truly live in a macabre, insane society when the corporate-military-industrial-government "elitists" like Henry Kissinger and the many others who run the United States "shadow government" believe, and have been publicly quoted as saying, that the majority of poor people and those who do not directly or indirectly contribute to the operation of, aims of, and to perpetuating the existence of, the military-industrial complex, and/or of allegedly-superior "America", are supposedly "useless eaters" who are expendable and should be wiped off the face of the Earth so only the elitists, and their cohorts and supporters, might survive in a world that they are fast destroying, such that it cannot sustain a population of over five billion people! Yet who is it who has brought us to the brink of self-destruction but the minority of elitist "leaders" like the Reagan and Bush administrations in particular, not the impoverished, disenfranchised poor majority! Watch out you "guardians of the elitists", for you too are expendable when they get through using you! And, as Howard Zinn has so correctly and clearly stated, it is you who most need to revolt against, and refuse to continue to support, the operation(s) of the military-industrial complex, for without your support they cannot continue to operate and so "effectively" destroy OUR very existence! [ SEE my website for Howard Zinn's entire "essay" on "The Coming Revolt Of The Guards", on the second half of my "More Comments, Part 2" page. ] The above-referenced U.S. government oligarchy are proponents, and are carrying out an agenda, of eugenics and genocide all over the world, with their own version of "ethnic cleansing" and mass-murder on a huge scale, by a multitude of methods including, but not limited to, world-wide "biological warfare" by creating and intentionally infecting millions of people with the HIV virus, intentionally infecting ninety-percent of the entire population with various other viral, prion, stealth, retroviral, and bacterial infections such as Human Herpes Virus 6-A, Strain GS, and Mycoplasmas, very serious "opportunistic" infections in HIV, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Multiple-Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, and other illnesses that cause life-threatening cancer(s), heart disease, pneumonia, and other symptoms, and Mad-Cow, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Hepatitis, Encephalitis, West Nile, Anthrax, Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and Influenza, among others; intentionally spraying cancer-causing biological and chemical weapon and "weather modification" experimentation materials through the use of "chemtrails" and other aerial applications in the skies the world-over, affecting millions upon millions of people; intentionally filling many of our lives with heart disease- and cancer- causing drug medications; intentionally and constantly bombarding us with extremely powerful and detrimental electromagnetic, microwave and radioactive exposures; intentionally subjecting mass urban and rural populations to cancer-causing Malathion and other extremely toxic neurotoxins for alleged "mosquito control" programs; intentionally poisoning the vast majority of the population with cancer- and heart- disease causing chlorine, fluoride, genetically modified food(s), a myriad of food additives including lard (animal fat(s) with the chemical and/or ingredient name of "mono and diglycerides" which, if it doesn't specifically say is "vegetable", is from very dangerous, bad cholesterol-producing animal fat sources), sugars, salts, preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, artificial colorings and flavorings, mycotoxins (funguses, molds and/or yeast-producing constituents), and other artificial food additives and/or contaminants, in virtually all of our food(s), pesticides, herbicides and/or mercury and other chemicals in our water, and further chemicals at every strata of our environment and in a vast array of other products in "common" use; intentionally allowing and/or causing slaughters, bombings and plane attacks killing thousands of innocent people; intentionally subjecting large urban populations to life threatening power outages, invasions, wars, "police actions", "peace-keeping missions", conquerings, occupations, colonialization, and corporate-government mass- exploitation(s) and murder(s) all over the globe; etcetera; all of which is terrorism that is being committed by "our very own" corporate-government "leaders", in the guise of being our "friends", and "friends" to the entire world, murdering millions of innocent people worldwide! The Truth of the matter is though, that NONE of the foregoing people are expendable; and NO ONE is a useless eater! EVERYONE is worthwhile and needs to be Loved and built up, not hated and destroyed, including our very enemies, especially when our so-called enemies are not really our enemies, and the evil military-industrial elitists, who falsely represent themselves as our "saviors", and are much closer to home, are our real enemies! These pathologically sociopathic people need to have all of their power removed from them, and are the real ones who need to be locked up and rehabilitated, until THEY can be recreated into Truly productive members of True Democracy, and no longer threats to True Freedom and "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of (Equality)....", all over the planet! Otherwise, "we" are creating more and more enemies, and greater and greater threats to ourselves, the world-over, as "we" are doing right now, more than ever before! This insanity has got to stop! The so-called "collateral damage" and "acceptable losses" are absolutely staggering and totally unacceptable to ANY and ALL True Human Being(s); and we must ALL seek to become True Human Beings who don't accept, and seek to put a stop to, all of this carnage; otherwise, we are NOT True Human Beings, and are a MAJOR part of the problem(s)! The solution is not in overturning civil liberties and committing mass-murders both at home and abroad; but this is what "Americans" have been allowing to occur for well over fifty years; and we've got to ONLY be a part of the solution(s) by trying to stop it! We cannot be a part of anything else! I was inspired by the Fortieth Anniversary March on Washington as I was watching and listening to it on C-Span on 23 August 2003; and, as a result, this essay is dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 40th anniversary of his, and hundreds of thousands of other civil rights activists, historic march on our nation's capital on 28 August 1963. It is indeed timely that this marking of the fortieth anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington should be commemorated at this time, a time when the administration that is the greatest government tyranny and oppression in the entire history of the United States and the world is in the White House, the present Bush administration; and this time, more than any other, is the time for us to stand up in continuous similar demonstrations of and for our True Freedom(s), and the ONLY kind of True Democracy we should and must stand for! This is the time to stand against ALL of the tyrannies and oppressions, including those named above, that threaten our True Liberty, and the True Liberty of the entire world! Much to the consternation of the racist majority of "America" in 1963, the civil rights movement accomplished a great deal of good, including but not limited to the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the civil rights movement of today is accomplishing a great deal of good as well, and will continue to do so! If we are to be True Americans, this is what we must be a part of; for this is the True representation and carrying out of True Patriotism! But to stand by and literally and/or figuratively wave American flags while the greatest tyranny and oppression of our country and the entire world is being carried out falsely in the guise and lying claims of patriotism, freedom and liberation by the most evil administration to ever occupy the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, is to be the ultimate in false so-called "patriots"; and we must come out of ALL false patriotism to ONLY stand up for what is True and Right! There is a gross darkness covering the people of the United States that appears to stand for what is allegedly true and right; but it is world-wide evil, racism, eugenics, genocide, imperialism, invasion, occupation, abrogation of human rights and civil liberties, and tyranny and oppression, in sheep’s clothing; and it must be non-violently, and without fail, fought against with every ounce of our beings! This is being Truly Patriotic and standing up for the greatest Democracy on Earth that the United States of America is ONLY supposed to represent; and to do anything less is to be part and parcel of these great evils, condoning and being complicit in them! But we must COMPLETELY separate ourselves from these great evils in the costume of truth, right, rightness and righteousness, and ONLY be a part of what is Truly Right! Therefore, since what is Truly Right has been spelled out for you in the foregoing, in all of my writings, and in all of the many presentations of the many others' who stand for the civil rights movement, what are you going to do now? Are you going to be a True Patriot and non-violently fight against all of the above-referenced evil(s), or are you going to continue to be a part of the insanity? I say again, NO ONE is a "useless eater", and NO ONE is expendable! EVERYONE is needed to "fight the good fight" of Faith in God and Love for our fellow-humanity, and this is what we were put on this Earth to do! So, PLEASE, come out of your self-centeredness and ONLY be a part of THIS fight, NOT the fight for world-control, mass-extermination and corporate domination, that is WITHOUT ANY True Humaneness at its core AT ALL! "It is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ)...." "Greater Love has no (person) than this, that a (person) lay down (their lives) for (their) friends"! (John 15:13; emphasis added by me.) ALL people are our brothers and sisters, and therefore our friends; so we must be more than willing to lay our very lives down for them, as this is True Humaneness; and ANY other laying down of our lives for and/or against the foregoing, figuratively or literally, is laying our lives down ONLY for great evil(s)! Be not fooled! Again, "(i)t is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ)...." "....God is Light, and in Him is no darkness (and/or evil) at all(!) If we say that we have (True Unity) with Him, and walk in darkness (and/or commit ANY evil[s]), we lie, and do not (live) the Truth: But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have (True Unity) with eachother, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from ALL sin. If we say that we have (not committed) sin (when we have), we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned (when we have), we make Him a (so-called) liar, and His Word(s) (of Truth are) NOT in us(!) "My little children, these things (do) I write to you, that you sin not. (But) if any (person) sin(s), we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous: And He is the Hope for our sins: and not for our's only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby do we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. (They who) say, 'I know Him', and (do not obey) His commandments, (are) liar(s), and the Truth is NOT in (them). But whoever (obeys) His Word(s), in (them)... is the Love of God perfected: (and) hereby do we know (if) we are in Him. (They who) say (they) abide in Him ought... to walk, even as He walked (and/or live as He lived)... (They who) say (they are) in the Light, and hate (their) brother(s) (and sisters), (are) in darkness (and/or evil)... (They who) Love (their) brother(s) (and sisters) abide in the Light, and there is no occasion (for) stumbling in (them). But (they who) hate (their) brother(s) (and sisters are) in darkness, and walk in darkness, and (do not) know where (they are) going, because the darkness has blinded (their) eyes... Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any (person) loves the world, the Love of (God) the Father is NOT in (them). For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of (God) the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but (they) that do the will of God abide for ever. Little children, it is the end time(s): and as you have heard that (the) antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the end time(s). The (antichrists came) from us, but they were NOT (part) of us; for if they had been (part) of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they (separated themselves from us), that (it) might be made (obvious) that they were NOT (part) of us. But you have a (calling) from the Holy One, and you know all (True) things. I have not written to you because you do not know the Truth, but because you (do) know it, and that NO lie is of the Truth. Who is a liar but (they) that deny that Jesus is the (Messiah)? (They are) antichrist(s) that deny the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son, does NOT have (God) the Father: (but) (they who) acknowledge (that) the Son (of God is the Messiah), (do) have (God) the Father. Let that (Spirit of Love) therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, you also shall continue in (God the) Son, and in (God) the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us, even Eternal Life. These things have I written to you concerning those (who seek to deceive) you. But (if) the (calling) which you have received of Him abides in you... you do not need any (person) to teach you: but as the same (calling) teaches you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall (return), we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His (return). If you know that He is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is (re)born of Him. "Behold, what manner of Love (God) the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world does not recognize us, because it did not recognize Him. Beloved, now are we the sons (and daughters) of God (ONLY if we have been reborn of Him), and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall (return), we shall be like Him; for we shall (recognize) Him as He is (ONLY if we have been reborn of Him). And every (person) that has this Hope in (themselves) purifies (themselves) [and/or makes themselves, with the help of God, to be holy], even as He is pure (and holy). Whoever (consciously and/or intentionally) commits sin (or any evil[s]) transgresses also The Law (of the Ten Commandments): for sin is the transgression of The Law. And you know that (God) was (made into a man in the form of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ) to take away (ALL of) our sins; (for) in Him is NO sin. Whoever abides in Him (does NOT commit) sin: whoever sins has NOT (recognized) Him, neither known Him (or had ANY true relationship with Him). Little children, let no (person) deceive you: (they) that (do) righteousness (are) righteous, even as (God in Jesus the Christ) is righteous. (They who) commit sin (and/or evil are) of the devil (and/or darkness and evil); for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, (so) He (could eventually, and completely) destroy the works of the devil. Whoever is (re)born of God does NOT commit sin; for (God's) (Holy Spirit of Love) remains in (them): and (they) CANNOT sin, because (they are) (re)born of God. In this the children of God are (made obvious), and the children of the devil (and/or darkness and evil are made obvious): whoever does not do righteousness is NOT of God, neither (they who do not) Love (their) brother(s) (and sisters). For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should Love eachother. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one (the devil), and murdered his brother. And why did he kill him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's (were) righteous. Do not be surprised, my (brothers and sisters), if the world hate(s) you. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we Love (our brothers and sisters). (They) who do not Love (their) brother(s) (and sisters) abide in death. Whoever hates (their) brother(s) (and/or sisters) is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has (God and/or) Eternal Life abiding in (them). Hereby do we (recognize) the Love of God, because He laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for (our brothers and sisters). But whoever has this world's good (in mind), and sees (that their) brother(s) (and/or sisters) have need (of anything), and shuts off (their) compassion from (them), how (can) the Love of God dwell in (them)? (It can't!) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue (alone); but in deed and in Truth. And hereby we know that we are of the Truth, and shall (then be able to) assure our hearts before Him. For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and knows all things. Beloved, if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence (with) God. And whatever we ask, we receive of Him, because we (obey) His commandments, and do (ONLY) those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus (the) Christ, and Love eachother, as He gave us commandment. And (they who obey) His commandments dwell in Him, and He in (them). And hereby we know that He abides in us, (if) the Spirit (of Love) which He has given us (dwells in us)[!] "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits (to see) whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby (you will know) the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus (the) Christ (came) in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus (the) Christ (came) in the flesh is NOT of God: and this is the spirit of (an) antichrist, whereof you heard would come; and even now already is in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them (ONLY if you have been totally transformed by and in-filled with Jesus the Christ): because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore they speak of the world, and the world listens to them. We are of God: (they who) know God listen to us; he that is not of God does not listen to us. Hereby do we know the Spirit of Truth, and the spirit of error. Beloved, let us Love eachother: for Love is of God; and every one that (Truly) Loves (with God's Love) is (re)born of God, and knows God. (They who do not) Love (do) NOT know God; for God is Love. In this was manifested the Love of God toward us, because God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might Live through Him. Herein is Love, not that we Loved God, but that He Loved us, and sent His Son to be the (acceptable sacrifice) for our sins. Beloved, if God so Loved us, we ought also to Love eachother. (Most people have not) seen God at any time. If we Love eachother, God dwells in us, and His Love is perfected in us. Hereby do we know that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit. And we have seen and so-testify that (God) the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, (shall have) God dwell in (them), and (they shall dwell) in God. And (thereby) we (shall) have known and believed the Love that God has towards us. God is Love; and (they who) dwell in Love dwell in God, and God in (them). Herein is our Love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so (shall) we (be) in this world. There is NO fear in Love; but Perfect Love casts out (ALL) fear: because fear is tormenting (and God has NO torment in Him or His Perfect Love). (They who) fear (are) NOT made perfect in Love. We Love Him, because He first Loved us. If a (person) say(s), I Love God, and hates (their) brother(s) (and sisters), (they are) a liar: for (they who do not) Love (their) brother(s) (and sisters) who (are right in front of them), how can (they) Love God who (is not right in front of them)? And (we received) this commandment... from Him, That (they) who Love God (must also) Love (their) brother[s] (and sisters)[!] "Whoever believes that Jesus is the (Messiah) (will be) (re)born of God: and every one that loves Him who Created (all life, also) loves (all of them who were) created by Him. By this we know that we Love the children of God, when we Love God, and (obey) His commandments. For this is the Love of God, (and by this Love we know) that we (obey) His commandments: and (that) His commandments are not (difficult to obey if we are completely transformed by and filled with God). For whoever is (re)born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our Faith. Who (are they who) overcome the world, but (they who) believe that Jesus (the Christ) is the Son of God? This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus (the) Christ; (yet) not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that bears witness (and/or testifies), because the Spirit is Truth. For there are three that bear (the) record (and/or testimony of the Truth) in heaven, (God) the Father, (God) the Word (Jesus the Christ), and (God) the Holy Spirit: and these three are One (and yet separate at the same time). And there are three that bear witness (on the) earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in (The) One (Jesus the Christ). If we receive the witness (and/or testimony) of men, the witness (and/or testimony) of God is greater: for this is the witness (and/or testimony) of God which He has testified of His Son (Jesus the Christ). (They who) believe on the Son of God have the witness (and/or testimony) in (themselves): (they who do not) believe God(,) have made Him a (so-called) liar; because (they do not believe the record (and/or testimony of the Truth) that God gave of His Son. And this is the record (and/or testimony), that God has given to us(,) Eternal Life, and this Life is in His Son. (They who have) the Son have Life; and (they who do not have) the Son of God (do not have) Life. These things have I written to you who believe on the name of the Son of God (Jesus the Christ); that you may know that you have Eternal Life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God (Jesus the Christ). And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we (will receive whatever we ask) of Him... We know that whoever is (re)born of God (does NOT sin and/or commit ANY evil); but (they who are) (reborn) of God keep (themselves pure and holy), and that wicked one (the devil cannot) touch (them). And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in wickedness (and/or darkness and evil)[!] And we (also) know that the Son of God is come, and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is True, and (that) we are in Him that is True, even in His Son Jesus Christ (if we have been fully transformed by and in-filled with Him). This is the True God, and Eternal Life. Little children, keep yourselves from (committing evil, with the Help of God in Jesus the Christ)[!] Amen." (1 John 1:5-10; 2:1-6, 9-11, 15-29; 3:1-24; 4:1-21; and 5:1-15, and 17-21; emphasis added by me.) Wherefore, as you should be able to clearly see by now, all those who commit evil(s), like ALL those of the mindset of the present Bush administration, and ALL those of organizations like the DHS, NSA/NSC and CIA, and their puppet military-industrial, defense contractor corporations, are antichrists and servants of great evil and darkness; they are the producers and/or causers of the final destruction(s) soon to transpire on this Earth; and, for all of the aforesaid reasons, they must not be honored or served IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER, otherwise we sell out our very souls' to that darkness and evil, which is unforgivable! The world is so full of our suffering brothers and sisters who it is our duty to relieve the suffering of, THROUGH GOD'S LOVE ALONE; and it is IMPOSSIBLE for that suffering to be relieved at gunpoint; so PLEASE ONLY be a part of the sanity, and NOT a part of ANY of the insanity! And remember, NO ONE is worthless, expendable, or a "useless eater", and that it is our True Democracy- duty to love and care for ALL HUMANKIND as God intended us, and gave us the responsibility, to do; and that as we fulfill that mandate, the only True Mandate for True Liberation from evil and darkness, God WILL give us that ability to accomplish what is an apparently insurmountable task!! God DOESN'T bless those who help themselves; He ONLY blesses those who carry out His will alone; and as He most assuredly did in the not too distant past, He WILL multiply what little we have, and bless those who carry out NOTHING BUT that will of His alone, without fail or limits!! There ARE many limits to what humankind can do alone; and humankind's many ambitions without God's True Blessing(s) are doomed to ultimate failure; but there are NO limits to what God can and will accomplish with "human effort aligned (and ONLY aligned) with Divine Power"!! "Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen." [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Monday, July 26, 2004
TO ALL "AMERICANS" WHO CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, AND TO ALL THOSE WHO DON'T CLAIM TO BE Remember..... (Written on 11 September 2003; Updated on 25 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain "Remember 9-11-01." We are surrounded by affirmations reminding us of what happened on that dark day; but of the Truth of what is presently going on a measly several thousand miles from us, the U.S. government and mainstream media don't want, and don't allow, us to be reminded of. What is it I'm talking about that is going on that most "Americans" know very little or nothing about? Why, it's the murderous slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and other places in the world at the hands of the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex, the smell of whose blood should more than fill our nostrils by now, and for which "we" are complicit in and responsible for! But "Americans", the majority of whom claim to be Christians, don't want to see or hear it; and by now, even if it was presented to them "in living color", most of them wouldn't watch it at all, or very little, would change the channel, or would stare at all of it glassy-eyed without any real comprehension of the level of the travesty and unforgivable evil of it all! It doesn't make "American" society look very good, to say the least, that most "Americans'" favorite television show is the "Sopranos", a show about mobsters, criminal activity(ies), violence, and murders; and that most of their favorite fictional writers condone and promote adultery, horror and killing, as Stephen King promotes the latter! Stephen King does have some redeeming stories, as do some of those other writers; but most of them have little or no redeeming value whatsoever; and what all of this shows, as Dr. M. Scott Peck put so accurately, is that most of "normal American society" is evil! Then add to that the "police dramas", both "reality" and fictional, like "24" and "Threat Matrix", shows that glorify evil, civil-liberties-gutting "police" agencies such as the "Department of Homeland Security" (DHS), and the CIA, NSA/NSC, FBI, ATF, etcetera, which propagandize, indoctrinate and condition "Americans" into believing that such agencies are supposedly "necessary evils", though they truly are NOT, that such agencies can supposedly be trusted, though they truly can NOT, and that "Americans" should go along with those agencies' abrogation(s) of civil liberties, though they truly should and must NOT; and the present "American system of government", through the use of such police dramas on television and in the movies, is getting most "Americans" to concentrate on individual murders, or small groups of murders, both fictional and those real ones reported on the news, so they won't pay attention to the thousands upon thousands of innocent human beings that the U.S. military is maiming and/or murdering all over the world, and so most "Americans" will be paying attention to all kinds of violence except the most appalling violence being committed at the expense of the those tens of thousands of innocent human beings the world-over! Yes, the three thousand or so Americans, and many international visitors, who were killed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are very important; yet they were, or are, NOT better than ANYONE else; and the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. government at the present time are just as important, even more so because there are so many more of them! ALL of their deaths choke me with sorrow because I have a God-given conscience! Do YOU have that conscience? Do YOU stand for anything truly important? If so, why are YOU not doing something, anything that you can, to try and stop this senseless slaughter?! Please don't say that there's nothing you can do; because there is plenty that you can do! YOU can write essays like this one, YOU can start a website expressing your outrage at the heinous loss of innocent lives, YOU can march in anti-war demonstrations, YOU can write letters to your President, your Congressional Representatives and your Senators, YOU can post and/or hand out flyers decrying the bloodshed of so many innocents, YOU can talk about it with your neighbors, even those who don't want to hear it, and try to wake them up to what is really going on, and/or YOU can directly volunteer with some agency or agencies that are trying to non-violently do something about, and to seek to stop, all of the carnage. What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! The terrorist bombing in Iraq on 29 August 2003 is being called the worst terrorist attack since 9-11-01; but the worst terrorist attack since 9-11 was the criminal, unprovoked, "first-strike" attack, invasion and conquering of Iraq which the U.S. government perpetrated (so far?) this year; and those who committed and/or supported this criminal war of aggression against sovereign peoples' of the world, are the real traitors against "America", not those True Americans who are trying to wake "Americans" up to what is really going on, one of the most Truly American duties that Americans have the responsibility to carry out! The following has had several other facts added thereto, and been sequenced in chronological order, on 26 February 2004: Remember the American hospital in Dubai..... where Osama bin Laden was visited by a CIA agent and allowed to fly away from scot-free after his treatment(s) in June 2001, after Clinton had put out an international "dead or alive" warrant for Osama as he was leaving office in January 2001! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the "insider", "put-option" stock trades..... that occurred just before 9-11-01 on the two airlines involved in the jet liner attacks, leading us to conclude that certain people knew in advance that the attacks were going to occur, making those probably-already-rich people even richer at the expense of over 3,000 innocent lives, as well as the many innocent lives thereafter! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how Bush acted upon being informed of the attack(s).... and that cameras recorded him not acting surprised by the news of the attack(s) on 9-11, but acting like he expected the news, as well as his not immediately leaving the elementary school classroom that he was visiting, upon receiving the news, as would be expected under the circumstances, and his acting like he was at a loss as to how he should act in front of the cameras to something he already knew was coming! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how, much too impossibly fast, the alleged hijackers'.... names and photographs were very conveniently brought to the "American" people (what, about a week or so after 9-11), of mostly-Arabs whose bodies and identification were completely disintegrated in the crashes, and subsequent (inferno) explosions, of the planes, and how two or three of whom turned out to still be alive and to have nothing to do with 9-11 (yet the official version of the story has not been admitted or corrected to this day, most of the "American" people still believe that all of those suspects are still guilty of that heinous crime when absolutely no concrete evidence of their alleged guilt has ever been proven to us, that most "Americans" have automatically believed, and continue to automatically believe, simply because the U.S. government and the mainstream, government-controlled media told us those were the facts, again, without any concrete proof of same ever having been provided---which is, much the same way, "we" have automatically taken the U.S. government's, and the mainstream media's, word(s) for the alleged "fact" that Osama bin Laden is the so-called mastermind behind all of it, also without any concrete proof ever having been given concretely proving same)! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how quick Bush and Company were to call Americans' traitors.... and to have done so over and over again about Americans who have done nothing but exercise their Constitutionally-given right(s) and duty(ies) to question the highly suspect, official version(s) of the alleged events and perpetrators on and surrounding 9-11, and to falsely claim that said Americans are supposedly "aiding the enemy", etcetera, which is nothing less than typical nationalistic, fascist propaganda, not only explicitly calculated to turn "Americans" against Americans and to attempt to scare Americans from exercising Constitutional dissent, but to also seek to prevent any deeper, truly impartial investigation to discover all that really and actually transpired on and surrounding 9-11, and who all of the real, actual perpetrators are! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the coverup that has occurred.... by the untainted evidence (as was also done regarding the Oklahoma City Bombing) as it was at the scene of the implosions of the World Trade Center Towers and immediately thereafter, being carted off without a complete and thorough forensic investigation being carried out, for the very clear, obvious and express purpose(s) of destroying evidence that, as experts are stating had to be present for those buildings to come down they way they did, other explosive devices were present; and to make certain that we will very likely never be able to prove who was responsible for those other explosive devices! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the 9-11 Commission is not conducting a thorough, impartial investigation.... but is continuing the coverup of events that occurred on and surrounding 9-11, much like the Warren Commission covered up the JFK assassination, and that no impartial, thorough investigation of 9-11 will probably ever be carried out as True Democracy and the Law demand(s), to prove categorically and without any doubt(s) what really and actually occurred on 9-11, and in events surrounding same, as well as who all of those involved in same were; and it is all much too convenient and totally unacceptable for any True Americans to accept without continuing to ask the questions that should be asked! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember Kosovo in October 2001..... where and when it was discovered that the CIA was still working with and training al Q'aeda! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the tens of thousands..... of innocent Iraqi men, women, children, and little babies who have been terrorized-to-death by the U.S. government "endless war" machine, and those including many more men, women, children, and little babies who have been seriously maimed for the rest of their lives, all in the names of "Peace", "Freedom", "Democracy", and "Liberation"! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the wars..... in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and the bombing, slaughter and maiming of thousands of additional innocent people, are still going on, contrary to what we've been led to believe by the U.S. government and mainstream media! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember..... [Who are the real enemies?!] (etcetera) {More to be added later.} On top of all that, it sickens and disgusts me that the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex all over the globe are treated like they supposedly don't matter by the majority of "Americans"; though All of those innocent people most-definitely DO matter, and NONE OF US should ever forget it! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"? ---Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I repeat: What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! Therefore, for the sake of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people who are yet to be maimed and/or slaughtered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex if enough Americans don't seek to put a stop to it, please fulfill YOUR duty to try and bring an end to all of the immeasurable suffering those people are having illegally inflicted upon them by the criminal U.S. government "war(s)-for-profit" machine! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Friday, July 23, 2004
WHAT ARE "BUSH-THE-MONSTROUS" AND COMPANY GOING TO PERPETRATE NEXT?! (Written on 11 October 2003; Updated on 23 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain Seeing as there is evidence that the CIA was involved in 9-11, and that Bush and Family, and his entire administration, are deeply involved in the CIA, what very serious event(s) is/are "Bush-the-Monstrous" and Company going to carry out next in order to get him elected for the first time, re-selected in another U.S. Supreme Court- aided coup, and/or to keep the "American" people in fear, and keep them calling for the blood of those who stand in the way of the corporate-military-industrial-government complex? "The People" have already been lied to right and left in order to get their and Congresses' support for the second war of aggression against Iraq, and to continue to support the so-called "War Against Terrorism"; and "we" are bombarded with "just enough" news reports of "our" enemies fighting back to get "us" to pour "our" money and other support into murdering tens of thousands of innocent people all over the world, so "we" can supposedly put a stop to sovereign people(s) having just as much right to defend themselves as "we" have. In order to get the support of "The People" for their campaign of "endless war", Bush and Company had to bring about an event like 9-11-01, as well as so they and their CIA and corporate-military-industrial-government friends could monetarily profit heavily from it directly, which they did. Now, what other catastrophic event are they going to at-minimum have a hand in allowing to occur, and/or instigating, for the purpose(s) of, again, keeping the "American" people in fear, supporting the endless war campaign against the "bogey-men" of their own creation, to get "Bush-the-Monstrous" re-selected, and/or to get him elected for the first time in November 2004? Will they allow an extremely serious biological and/or chemical attack to occur within "American" borders? Will they manufacture so-called "evidence" that international terrorists allegedly produced and "released" said attack, and/or the SARS and/or some other epidemic(s), such as when the CIA sent out the Anthrax spores to infect "American" lives, and/or detonated a conventional or nuclear bomb attack in the United States or some other "strategic", so-called "expendable", place in the world? Will they allow and/or actually carry out, under cover of alleged "proof" that international terrorists supposedly carried it out, another terrorist attack like September 11th, 2001? Or will they carry out a "Sum Of All Fears" kind of operation where they, through the use of some terrorist organization like the CIA and its international terrorist operatives, cause a nuclear attack on U.S. soil, where another country is blamed so they can claim to have more than enough justification to wipe the people of that other country off the face of the Earth and take it over for its strategic location and/or its natural resource wealth, and to make the "American" people, as well as the rest of the world, completely subservient to their false-"Christian" will? What and/or who will they sacrifice next, and where, to keep the juggernaut of the U.S. war machine driving ahead; and how many more thousands of innocent lives, including "Americans", will be sacrificed for their monetary gain(s) before the final end is brought to their monstrous actions? Or will an apparent, fraudulent period of "peace", "prosperity", "liberal democracy", and/or "benevolent conservatism" be brought about that will be the means used to get most of "us" to surrender to that "false-Christianity", and sell our souls to darkness in the guise of Light? Already, an antichrist in the persona of "Bush-the-Monstrous" has circumvented Congress and instituted his so-called "Benevolent Conservatism" to break down the separation of Church and State, giving billions of dollars of government money to proselytizing religious organizations to take the place of government in the provision of social service programs, so just such a false-"Christian", despotic government can be made a reality, and "The People" forced to bow down to it! Once more, don't be fooled! Are Martial Law and the suspension of civil liberties going to be instituted, if they haven't already been instituted in principle; and are all those who are vocal in their discontent with the present fascist government in "America", and refuse to bow down to its tyrannous, despotic and oppressive ways, going to be imprisoned for exercising their non-violent civil duty(ies) and responsibility(ies) to take their country back from the oppressors, despots and tyrants? Are the majority of the "American" people going to (continue to) allow the foregoing to happen without putting a stop to the anti-democratic campaign of the above-referenced autocracy? What are YOU going to do? Are YOU going say, "Well, there's nothing I can do to stop it", and allow it to occur unchecked? If the majority of "We, The People" do just that, nothing, than the fascist "dictators" will succeed, and we will no longer have a free country, or any chance of restoring our country to one, and "we" will find ourselves under the boot(s) of an even more evil, mesmerizing, lying "Hitler" than "we" already are under Bush and Company! But Bush and his administration aren't the only ones who have been monstrous "leaders" of our country. "Democrat" Clinton and his cabinet also committed gross atrocities and murders of thousands upon thousands of innocent people through their bombings of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan for the sake of gas, oil and drugs, preparing the way for what Junior Bush and his cohorts in crime have further perpetrated for the so-called "Black Gold" and "Poppy Mania"! It turns out that Clinton was "in-cahoots" with the far right and the evil agenda that the latter has in store for virtually every gas- and oil- rich, and/or mineral-rich and very large drug-producing, country over this vast world of "ours", no matter how many innocent people have to die for their financial "gains", and no matter how much more obvious that this is what these professed-"Christians" are up to! Even "Democrat" Carter, who fraudulently received the Nobel Peace Prize recently, approved, and aided and abetted, CIA atrocities during his administration, which were also part of the agenda to imperialistically gain control of other sovereign countries natural resource wealth, and were also in preparation for what Bush and Company are carrying out now to further control said wealth, at the expense of many preceding innocent lives! On 9-11-01, twenty-eight years to the day from the 1973 CIA assassination of one of Chilean President Allende's top staff members during the end of the Nixon administration, General Sneider, his son, Rene, brought a lawsuit against Henry Kissinger and the United States government for the murder of his father, who was against the CIA's plans for a coup against Allende, thereby standing in the way of the coup that Kissinger and the CIA were determined to, and eventually did, carry out after General Sneider's assassination! Nothing and nobody was going to be allowed to stand in their way, and in the way of the coup; and, after its success, Pinochet was made President, a vicious dictator who committed many gross atrocities against his own people, and the U.S. government supported his bloody dictatorship for seventeen years! If the United States government perpetrators of the foregoing terrorist acts were Christians, I wouldn't want to be in Heaven; for then such atrocities would be carried on throughout eternity; and those who Truly know the Truth know that isn't going to happen! As I've quoted before, the Word(s) of God in Jesus the Christ make(s) exceedingly clear, particularly in Revelation, Chapter 21, that ALL liars and murderers are going to soon be COMPLETELY destroyed, and are NEVER going to have ANY place in Heaven, thanks and praise be to God; for these evil people more than deserve their own destruction, and nothing less! ALL evil and suffering are also going to soon be destroyed, along with ALL such doers of evil, and especially ALL such false-"Christian" doers of evil; as their slaughters of the innocent rise up as a stench in God's nose that ALL perpetrators of will be held FULLY responsible and accountable for WITHOUT FAIL; for, though it may appear they are getting away with their evils, they will NOT! As I said, and showed, in my previous essay(s), there are plenty of things we CAN do to fight the foregoing! Start by not believing the lies of these monstrous dictators, and by not believing anything they say unless it can be proven without a doubt! Stop taking their lying "words" as truth just because they and their media cohorts say they are true! When the next major catastrophe occurs, don't automatically believe that the scapegoat which they portray as the enemy and the perpetrator actually is, without being given any concrete proof that "they are the one(s) who did it"! Look deeper, ask questions of the right sources, read the right books and articles, find out the truth about the accusers, make certain that it isn't actually the accusers who are the real perpetrators, or who at least had some part to play in it, stand up against all lies and the liars who disseminate them, cease calling those who stand up for the real Truth the so-called liars, and desist in seeking to avoid facing the Truth! On 9-18-03, Senator Edward Kennedy (Democrat-Massachusetts) said to the Associated Press that the United State's entry into this year's war in Iraq "was a fraud"; and "Bush-the-Monstrous" stated in response on or about 9-20-03 that people like Kennedy shouldn't use such words; but what about all of the many lying words that BUSH shouldn't have said, and is still saying?! Kennedy's words were nothing but the Truth! The Truth IS the Truth! And, in what is supposed to be such a great democracy as the U.S. is alleged to be, such words are SUPPOSED to be said! To not speak such Truths in this very dangerous, UNdemocratic climate that the United States is in right now, is to wrongly surrender to it! It has been so easy, much too easy, for "us" to allow the corporate-government fascists to slowly, over decades, undermine freedom(s) while making it appear that they're supposedly increasing them by giving us more products and credit to purchase them with, at lower cost(s) because they were produced by virtual, if not actual, slave-laborers in other countries, taking away millions of jobs from "Americans"! It has been much too easy as well for them to convince the majority of "us" to excessively over-consume without respecting our environment, without conserving our resources, and without ultimate respect for our own, and eachothers', very lives! Many, if not most, "Americans" claim to believe and follow "The Golden Rule", without (fully) realizing that it is a summary of the last six of the Ten Commandments, a reiteration of "the second great commandment", "....and your neighbor as yourself", and that it requires them to WITHOUT FAIL Love their fellow- human beings as "....you would have them do unto you"; so, as we would have them do unto us, or NOT do unto us, we MUST accordingly do, or NOT do, unto them; but, if we do unto them as we would not have them do unto us, we bring upon ourselves well-deserved retribution, and seal the doom of many, far too many, of "our own"! Therefore, we must ONLY support that which ONLY does unto others' as we would have them do unto us, and not do ANYTHING that does ANYTHING unto others' that we would NOT have them do unto us, including harming them IN ANY WAY(S)! EVERYONE should want, and has the duty, to learn the Truth for themselves; so they also have the duty, and should want, to bring the Truth to as many other people as they can, to "do unto others' as you would have them do unto you", and help them learn about, face and stand up against falsehood(s) and evil(s) themselves! Once again, we cannot leave this duty to others' to accomplish, but we must accomplish it ourselves! THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO ANY OF THE FOREGOING! We can't leave it to God either, or figure that it's going to happen anyway so we supposedly don't have to do anything about it, or don't at least have the duty to slow down the nefarious trend; for God has given all of us the duty and responsibility to curb the evil tide in order to help others' to prepare for the awful conflagration that is about to befall "our" world, and to save as many lives as will be saved from the destruction that will come upon them if they don't have their heart's, mind's and soul's transformed into the True Character of Jesus the Christ, our Creator and God of Love who will PERMANENTLY cleanse the universe of ALL evil very, very soon! Wherefore, the final prayer of God's Word(s) is again, "It is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ)".... "Even so (return quickly), Lord Jesus", to spare humankind any further suffering and death at the hands of such monstrous, ruthless, merciless, vicious, savage, and barbarous murder-mongers in the false guise of truth and right(eous)ness, as all those like Bush and Company are! (Revelation 22:20.) Amen=That IS Truth! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
"BENEVOLENT CONSERVATISM" (Written on 1 November 2003; Updated on 21 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain "'President'-by-Coup" Bush's so-called "faith-based initiative" of giving churches government money(ies) to supply social services to the public, in the name of "Benevolent Conservatism", is leading to what I have warned about earlier in my writings: Very soon the separation of church and state, which exists for very good reasons, will be done away with and "Americans" will be forced to obey a government-mandated, State-enforced observance of a false government "Christianity", along with everything that will come with it, including but not limited to the fact that no one will be able to get or keep a job, no one will be able to be paid by their employer(s), no one receiving government retirement or disability benefits, or any kind of social service benefits, will be able to continue to receive them, and no one will be able to buy or sell, unless they fully accept and obey this State-mandated religious government. But, if they do accept and obey it, they will be selling themselves, and all True Freedom, out to all that is false and against God's will; and those who do NOT accept and obey it will be some of the last voices left in defense of True Liberty. The deluded people who accept and obey this so-called "Benevolent Conservatism", and who will be the vast majority of "Americans" in the end, worship and blindly follow the "President" and the United States government; and they will do so to their own final destruction; but, in the meantime, they will appear to prosper for a very short period of time, and will therefore be even more convinced that they are supposedly the ones' who are in the right, and will believe that all of the minority of those who do not worship and blindly follow this government-enforced, false religion are supposedly the cause of all the calamities that will soon befall, after that false period of prosperity, the majority who have wrongly accepted and bowed down to it; and they will persecute the minority for not accepting and bowing down to it. This will be the ultimate in despotism, tyranny and oppression, and the final overthrow of True Liberty and Freedom; and it will appear to be the right and correct path to follow, for it will FALSELY appear to promise "God's" blessings upon us as a people, and to promise deliverance from all that ails our "Republic". As I've also warned previously, EVERY TIME throughout history that ANY AND ALL governments allied themselves with religion, they have been despotic, oppressive, murderous governments, particularly against all those of good conscience among their own people who did not conform to their evil will; and that is the kind of despotism, tyranny and oppression that those who run our government like Bush and Company are at the present time, is fast leading to. We are already seeing the beginnings of it with the abrogation(s) of civil liberties in the U.S., the imprisonment of those presumed guilty of terrorism in an "off-shore" prison of torture not subject to the civil liberty safeguards of Due Process of Law, the denigrating of all those who have the "temerity", courage and freedom of conscience to speak up against these abrogations of Liberty and Freedom, and in falsely accusing the latter of "aiding the enemy" and allegedly threatening the safety of "America"; for the despots like Bush and Company don't want The People to have the freedom to be a check and balance on the extreme abuse(s) of power that the latter are perpetrating. Bush and Company's so-called "Benevolent Conservatism" should more correctly be called "Malicious Imperialism", for it is the devious, Machiavellian, duplicitous, deceitful, unscrupulous seeking of absolute control over everyone, and to destroy the Free Will of The People. The Truth of the matter is, these evil men hate True Freedom and Democracy; and they will not let anything, or anyone, stand in the way of their pursuit of absolute power and control over everybody and everything, while presenting a false facade of protecting and preserving that very Democracy and Freedom. They don't want anyone or anything to be a check and balance on their desire(s) to do whatever they please, no matter who and/or what it harms; and they will stop at nothing to destroy True Freedom and Democracy, as well as the Free Will of The People, so they can go about their business of abusing their power and authority, and doing whatever they please, even if it destroys the essential boundaries on their power, and the very survival of humankind's True Free Will. True Democracy is what is at stake here. If the process of undermining True Liberty and Freedom is allowed to continue to be carried out as it is by Bush and Company, and the shadow government which runs "our" country, very soon we will not have any True Democracy left at all. But the majority of "Americans" just don't "get" what is going on, and are fast being indoctrinated and conditioned into falsely believing that all those who stand up against this usurpation of Freedom and Democracy are the so-called threat to them. The deception is insidious, and is very quickly blinding the majority to the evils that are about to quickly drown us in the crash of a huge tidal wave of murderous despotism, tyranny and oppression down upon us. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Not everything that appears to be good for our country and world is Truly Good and Right; and we MUST stand up against all of the treacherous overthrow of True Democracy and Freedom by antichrists like G.W. Bush who fraudulently appear to believe in, follow and do the will of Christ, as we were warned in the God's Word(s) would soon come, and are now here!! "It is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ)....." ".....Many false prophets will arise, and will deceive many....." (Matthew 24:11.) "Let no (person) deceive you by any means: for that day (when Jesus the Christ) returns will not come unless many fall away from the Truth first, so the 'man of evil' will be revealed, the 'son of destruction'; (w)hoever opposes and exalts (themselves) above all that is called God, or that is (rightfully) worshipped; so that he as God (appears to) sit in the temple of God, (making themselves appear to be) God. Don't you remember that, when I was with you, I told you these things? And now you know (the evil) that withholds (the Truth) that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of evil is already at work: only he who now allows the Truth to get out will prove (who the prince of darkness is), until (the prince of darkness) is taken out of the way. And then the evil one will be revealed (for who he really is), who the Lord will destroy with the spirit of His mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of His (second) coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of (s)atan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (a)nd with all deceitfulness of evil in those who will be destroyed; because they received not the Love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God will send them strong delusion(s), that they will believe lies: That they all will be destroyed who do not believe the Truth, but take pleasure in evil." (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12. Emphasis added by me.) "Little children, it is the end times: and as you have heard that the antichrist will come, even now there are many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the end times." (1 John 2:18.) BE NOT DECEIVED!! DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES THAT APPEAR TO BE TRUTH BEING PROMULGATED BY DECEIVERS LIKE BUSH AND COMPANY, AND DON'T FOLLOW THEM DOWN TO THE ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION TO COME VERY SOON!! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Monday, July 19, 2004
ILLUSIONS (Written on 11 December 2003; Updated on 18 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain "People create illusions like bubbles" that they live in.... "Indifferent people are cowards, and it is they who lead to the success of Hitlers." Arnost Lustig, college professor, novelist, memoirist, and screenwriter, in "Fighter", a documentary film journey of two survivors of the Nazi holocaust as they retrace the steps of one's escape from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia during World War 2. [ SEE the film's website, at: http://www.FighterFilm.com/ ] "Humanity will not be intimidated!" Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General during the Johnson administration, founder of the Inter- national Action Center [ http://www.IACenter.org/ ], anti-war activist, lawyer, author, and founder of http://www.VoteToImpeach.org/ [ a website de- voted to seeking the impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors" by and of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Condoleeza Rice, et al. ] What kind of world do we live in anyway? Most of "us" don't want to face it, but we live in a very bleak world where millions of innocent people are murdered constantly, in the name(s) of so-called democracy and freedom. Yet many "Americans" and many others have monetary credit, so they have a semblance of security, and can keep the poorhouse "wolf away from their door(s)". Well, this Wolf, as in me, cannot be kept away from the doors of those who at least read my message(s); but I am not a "bad wolf", though most of those who read what I have to say will not completely face it and do much if anything RIGHT about it. There is a fantasy world of apparent prosperity; but for most Americans and people the world over, there is the reality of being poor, and of suffering from the degradation which could be very-greatly alleviated with only a fraction of the billions of dollars that are being spent on slaughtering innocent people all over the globe. Yet most "Americans" have been brainwashed with the illusion that "we" must carry out the wars of aggression for the sake of "liberty" and "democracy"; and because "we" have been indoctrinated and conditioned with that illusion for so long, most of "us" believe it. But it is a great big, HUGE lie! Most "Americans" ignore the great deal of suffering going on in the world, brainwashed into believing the lie(s) that there's little or nothing they can do about it; and because they believe the lie(s), most of them DON'T do anything about it; or so little of the right thing(s), that a Truly Healthy dent is not made in the suffering, and billions of people go on suffering intolerable, unhealthy lives, full of so much fear, resentment, envy, and desperation that many of them want to violently get back at those who repress them and keep them down in the pit of despondency, while too many other people "prosper" at their expense. It is no wonder that there are so many with extremist views, who in suffering poverty a long time themselves, or as the result of viewing and hating the intolerable poverty in this world for too long, strike back in very violent ways, adding to the slaughter, particularly when their sovereign countries are bombarded with violence and murder by the greatest "democracy(ies)" on Earth; but "we" have been indoctrinated and conditioned to believe the lie(s) that it is allegedly okay for those "democratic" countries to perpetrate the slaughter(s), but that it is supposedly not okay for those sovereign people(s) to defend themselves, though they have just as much right(s) to defend themselves, and will do so in any way(s) they can, especially if they are limited in the ways to do so that are at their disposal, even if it means sacrificing many innocent people and themselves in the process! But the multi-national, global fascists, tyrants and oppressors are out in force to violently and murderously shove submission to their repression(s) down the throats of anyone and everyone whose lands possess great wealth in petro- chemical- mineral- cheap workforce resources, no matter who dies in the process, and how many are being sacrificed for the love of money; and many millions of innocent people ignominiously go down into the slough of death while being ignored by the 200 million "Americans" who profess to be "Christians" and to have Christian Unconditional Love and Compassion, the ultimate in hypocrisy, and so unlike God that most of them will not go to heaven because they have grieved the Holy Spirit of God away from them! The God of Compassion and Unconditional Love does not tolerate the foregoing in the least; and He will not allow it go on for much longer at all; but in His Great Unconditional Love and Compassion, He has given humankind six thousands years of chances to overcome and cease their atrocities, and their very desire for atrocities; and, contrary to common Machiavellian brainwashing, those atrocities and the desire for them are NOT an inseparable, unavoidable, acceptable part of human nature, and they CAN be overcome as they ARE by those non-violent people who ONLY seek Peace, for God ONLY blesses those who ONLY seek after True Peace! "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called the children of God." (Matthew 5:9.) But the reverse is also True, that those who are not peacemakers will NOT be called the children of God; therefore, for all of us who want to be right with God, it behooves all of us to ONLY be peacemakers, to not suffer (from) the illusion(s) of so-called acceptable violence, and to wake others' up to their God-given Duty(ies)! "Humanity WILL NOT be intimidated" (id., Ramsey Clark) by those who claim to be peacemakers, like all of the present Bush administration, and are nothing but warmakers and grave threats to peace all over the globe! All despots like Bush and Company have believed that "The People" cannot govern themselves; but the millions of True Americans who realize what is really going on, CAN govern themselves, and DO want to do so; and they will not be intimidated and kept from taking their government back, and making it a government of True Peace rather than militarism, war, corporate greed, racism, and international mass-murder! ALL OF US MUST UNMASK, IN ANY AND ALL NON-VIOLENT WAYS THAT WE CAN, THE ILLUSION(S), INDIFFERENCE AND COWARDICE OF THE FASCIST "HITLERS'" IN CONTROL OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT TODAY, AND THOSE WHO GO ALONG WITH THEM, AND STOP THEIR IMPERIALISTIC PROGRAMS OF RACIST WORLDWIDE GENOCIDE, THEIR "FIRST-STRIKE" ATTACK(S), INVASION(S) AND CONQUERING(S) OF VIRTUALLY, IF NOT FULLY, DEFENSELESS SOVEREIGN NATIONS, IN THE FACE OF "OUR" EXTREME AND EXCESSIVE MILITARY "SUPERIORITY" THAT THEY DON'T HAVE A CHANCE OF SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDING THEMSELVES AGAINST, AND STOP THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S COLONIALIZATION AND DOMINATION OF THEM, ALL OF WHICH HAVE THE INALLIENABLE RIGHT(S) TO BE TOTALLY FREE FROM ALL OF SAME! DO IT! DO IT NOW! DO IT BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE FOR ANY FURTHER INNOCENT CASUALTIES AT THE HANDS OF ALL OF THESE BRUTAL, HORRIFIC REIGNORS OF GLOBAL TERROR! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Friday, July 16, 2004
PRESUMPTION OF GUILT (Written on 28 December 2003; Updated on 16 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain There is a climate in the United States today that is growing worse and worse. It is the climate of ever-increasing criminality of "law enforcement" authorities, while holding them less and less accountable for their crimes. It is supported by everyone from most judges to most civilians, who also habitually exercise presumption of guilt, instead of the "presumption of innocence" that is supposed to be a civil rights bulwark of our society; and it has become so extreme that most "law enforcement" authorities are themselves very evil criminals who violate peoples' civil rights virtually every day, for which they themselves should be imprisoned. There is a very high percentage of the general public who realize these facts; but far too many "Americans" refuse to believe the truth of it, and most of them will not believe it unless they themselves end up arrested and on the receiving end of the abuse(s) of authority and discretion by an extremely corrupt "criminal justice system". In fact, a very large and growing number of people are changing their thinking from blindly trusting and supporting the criminal justice system to speaking out against it; but the majority of "Americans" are still duped into believing the falsehoods that most law enforcement authorities are to be trusted and should be supported, even though the latter do NOT exist to "protect and serve" them, but are instead in existence to protect and serve the well-to-do minority, and to repress the impoverished majority. Those few "law officers" who want to always respect the civil rights, and the presumption of innocence, of suspects, at minimum "look the other way" by being a part of the widespread law enforcement criminality, and are therefore complicit in same by not doing enough, if anything, to stand up against and stop the widespread corruption(s) and violation(s) of the State and Federal Constitutions, the Bill of Rights, and the civil liberties of U.S. citizens incorporated therein, that they are all sworn to uphold and protect without fail. But I'm being much too kind, as most "law enforcement" authorities are guilty of far-reaching contempt for civil rights, and have long wanted to see them overturned so said rights would not stand in the way of their doing virtually whatever they want regarding the "presumed guilty". Most "civil servants" of the "criminal justice system", from the shadow government, the present "executive branch" of government, the so-called "Justice Department", the prosecutors, and the judges, all the way down to police, hate civil rights, and especially those who stand up for their own or others' civil rights; and they do everything they can on almost a daily basis to violate, and usually do get away with violating, the civil rights and liberties of most accused people. Like the Roman centurions and their masters of old, the police and their counterparts of today, including the judges and prosecutors, are becoming more and more evil in preparation for the complete repression of the non-violent and peaceful citizens who do not and will not go along with it, and stand up against it; and most "Americans", by their apathy, complacency and complicity in same, are part of causing it to come about because they are not stopping it as the majority could and would do; as a result of which, we are very soon going to see repression in the United States of America like we have never seen before, the level of which will be the worst atrocity to befall this country and the world in their entire histories! What do we do about this? Well, we certainly don't cower to the jack-booted thugs and their masters! We (continue to) exercise courage and peacefully stand up against the trend of their greater and greater abuse(s) of power and authority, and their abrogations of the civil liberties of most individuals, and we don't lay down in the face of their attempts to terrorize and subjugate us. Their tactics are to humiliate and demonize us so that cowed juries will arbitrarily, and more or less automatically, convict us of whatever trumped-up charges the prosecutors and the judges can come up with; and they put on a show in a kangaroo court of granting us due process of law, while all the time they are railroading us for exercising nothing but our Constitutionally-protected right(s) and duty(ies) to non-violently dissent against the criminal INjustice system and its ultimate goal of subjugating all free people(s). We must also prepare ourselves, if we haven't already done so, to suffer the gross injustices of the foregoing system, and to be as ready, willing and able as we can be to go through whatever emotional and physical abuses they have in store for us; and we must prepare ourselves not to submit to their evil demands and in any way agree to yield our individuality to the collective subservience to evil. We must be courageous, for all those who are cowardly and bow down to the tyrannous, treasonous, fascist demands of any of those who wish to take away our liberty(ies) and control us, become servants of evil and will end up without any hope of redemption. But those who are courageous in the face of evil will have great Hope, knowing that they stood ONLY for what is Right, and what is Truly Just and Merciful, the opposite(s) of the evils that the cowardly dictators and their servants stand for! There is no True Freedom to be found in surrendering to the powers of darkness! True Freedom is only to be found in walking in the Light of Truth, and in ONLY standing for and representing Truth and Liberty! Be wary of all those who would have you surrender your freedom(s) and acquiesce to the many injustices in this world, and their instigators and perpetuators; but don't allow them to cause you cower in fear to them! Stand up to them wherever they are found! Don't allow them to stifle your voice! Speak Truth to so-called power! Don't let them intimidate you, though they will try to do so! And don't let ANYONE silence your freedom of speech; for, even in death, they cannot destroy liberty; and the voice of freedom will continue to be heard! The servants of evil will claim that you raise your voice too loud, that you are disturbing the "peace", that you are a troublemaker, that you are an extremist, and all kinds of other false accusations; but don't let that discourage or dissuade you from standing up against ALL that is wrong, particularly when it violates civil liberties and/or human rights! Don't cower to librarians turned into de facto FBI agents who give in to and support the totalitarian police state tactics of violating citizens' privacy and reporting to the government what their patrons read, reporting to the police the protest messages that they write to the librarians, and violating the freedom of speech of patrons by admitting that the library will keep taking anti-war flyers off the library bulletin board that patrons have posted, even if you have to go to jail for non-violently standing up against it! We are on the threshold of a fast-approaching time when most neighbors will inform on and turn in their innocent neighbors for allegedly being terrorists because the latter refuse to blindly follow and kowtow to the corrupt, human-rights-violating dictates of the U.S. government! It is already happening to a certain extent at the present time, and I myself have experienced it firsthand! I fully expect to be railroaded any time now for standing up against all of these wrongs, and I have expected it for quite some time; but I will NOT allow ANYONE to silence the Truth, no matter what I have to go through as a result! Very often throughout history many spiritually-blinded servants of darkness and evil have believed they could, and have tried to, silence Truth; but they have NEVER been able to fully succeed; because, for every free voice of Truth that they imprisoned and/or murdered, more and more rose up and shined the Light of Truth into the ever-increasing darkness; and the Light of Truth prevailed with many, many people against great, and apparently insurmountable, odds! But it was because of the human efforts of courageous people, aligned with Divine Power, that it was accomplished; and WE must be those courageous people! Jesus the Christ, the ONLY Truly and Completely innocent man, was presumed guilty, and He set the example and standard for how ALL of us who are falsely accused for standing up for the Truth must persevere and let NOTHING and NO ONE stand in the way of, or keep us from, standing up against evil, as follows: "It is written, thus says the Lord (God in Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God)...." "Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you: not as the world gives peace, do I give Peace unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid...." "....(P)erfect Love casts out fear...." (John 14:27; and 1 John 4:18 [emphasis added by me].) "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of (evil). For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; (a)nd your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; (a)bove all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil ones. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word(s) of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all True Believers; (a)nd (pray) for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Truth, (f)or which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.... Peace be to the brothers and sisters, and Love with Faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all them that Love our Lord Jesus Christ IN SINCERITY. Amen." (Ephesians 6:11-20, and 23-24.) [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
"ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion" "By William Thomas" [Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.] "TABLE OF CONTENTS" "A Morning Like No Other" "The Gang Who Couldn’t Fly Straight" "War Games" "The Trouble With “Terrorism”" "Pipe Dreams" "Drug Wars" "Traders And Traitors" "Minder Binder" "Your Papers, Citizen" "What now?" "His Own Worst Enemy" "Dealing With It" "EXCERPTS FROM All Fall Down:"
"We came to this moment in ways and places we will never forget, holding our TV clickers as gingerly as betraying wands summoning an evil jinn. We watched slack-jawed, silent or silently cursing, unable to grasp what we were seeing. The images were grotesque, impossible, preposterous. Assailed by revulsion and vertigo, unable to look away, we watched hypnotized by horror as endless replays relentlessly revealed huge airliners floating through the air - too low! too low! - before banking like fighters to harpoon twin skyscrapers taller than three Titanics stood on-end. "Staring like passengers assured of the absolute impossibility of the disaster now unfolding, we discovered that big buildings are just as vulnerable as big ships to the inexorable laws of mass, inertia, and gravity. "Not since the funeral of a princess did an entire grieving world gape so grimly at the same event. From sunny fishing villages in Honshu, to sleepy European capitals, a bungalow in Maine, a hideout fitted with life-support for a Saudi millionaire…voices in a babble of dialects were shouting the same four words: "Turn on your TV!" "One billion of us did. [page 1] "The Federal Aviation Administration alerted NORAD to the first hijackings at 8:38…18 minutes later, a pair of F-15s was scrambled from Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod 179 miles away. Ordered to keep their speed down to an airliner’s crawl - and denied permission to accelerate to 1,500 mph over the Atlantic Ocean - Otis’ Mach 2 fighters were 70 miles from Manhattan when the South Tower was struck. General Myers never mentioned that just 10 miles from the Pentagon, armed fighters were ready to launch. Tasked with defending the nation’s capitol against terrorist attacks, Andrews AFB boasts the 121st Fighter Squadron equipped with F-16s, and the 321st Marine Fighter Attack Squadron flying F/A-18s. Two “ready alert” jets are ready to intercept bogies 24-hours a day. But someone ordered the Andrews jets held on the ground. [page 9] "At 9:55, Cheney reached Air Force One, recommending that Bush authorize the military to shoot down any rogue airliners. “You bet,” Bush replied. Moments later a military aide approached the vice president. “There is a plane 80 miles out,” he said. “There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?” "Cheney replied instantly, “Yes.” [page 10] "Box-cutters were found on two flights diverted to Canada. As the Globe & Mail reported on June 13, 2002, a French Canadian general serving as deputy commander of NORAD on Sept. 11 suspects “there might have been more than just the four aircraft involved.” "According to the Globe, when a Los Angeles-bound flight was grounded by emergency FAA orders at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport that fateful morning, “three Middle-Eastern passengers angrily demanded that the flight proceed and then were kicked off the plane, vanishing before police showed up. United Airlines Flight 23 was bound for the West Coast and full of fuel.” Among the “identified” hijackers, just who were these Arab aces whose names and photos were plastered worldwide across newspaper front pages and TV screens within days of the attacks? It turns out that one of the 19 “hijackers” had died the year before. At least six are still alive! [page 24] "After three sessions, white-knuckled instructors felt this Egyptian pilot was too incompetent to fly solo. Hanjour also trained for a few months in Scottsdale, Arizona back in 1996 - but washed out when instructors there felt he was too incompetent to fly. "Yet, here he is supposedly at the controls of a jumbo jetliner circling at 7,000 feet. As the predatory profile of his jet overshadows the Pentagon inside its "No Fly Zone", no Stinger anti-aircraft missiles are fired, no evacuation orders given, no "fast-movers" zoom up Hanjour's "six" to disturb his concentration. "Which is lucky for him. Because a pilot who flunked flying Cessnas does not need more distractions as he conducts a steep spiraling descent, diving through the remaining 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes before leveling off to bring the big jetliner into the low-sided Pentagon. An airline pilot with 30,000 flying hours would never attempt a daredevil dive as tricky as this. As the ground rushed up to fill the windscreen, a recorded female voice would have commanded Hanjour to "Pull up! Pull up!" Even if the junior jet jockey complied, the sink rate of a heavy jet descending at nearly 3,000 feet-a-minute would tend to keep its flight path traveling downward even after Hanjour brought the nose up. [page 25] "According to the New York Times, Atta never looked at his instructor. His attention span was zero. Al-Shehhi fared no better. “After some harsh words,” both fledgling militants moved on. Atta and al-Shehhi were not the only alleged terrorists who had trouble stretching their wings. Nawaq al-Hazmi and Khaid al-Mihdhar are alleged to have flown Flight 77. Both jet jockeys briefly attended a San Diego fight school, where they also washed out because of their limited English and incompetence at the controls. Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar visited the San Diego airfield last spring seeking flying lessons. Instructors who love flying try hard to encourage slow students. But after just two flying lessons, their shaken instructors said “no more,” and advised al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar to quit. “Their English was horrible, and their mechanical skills were even worse,” one instructor told the Washington Post. “It was like they had hardly even ever driven a car.” [page 28] "Central Asian observers observe that America’s interests in their countries are fueled by oil, not good intentions. Reporting from New Delhi, the Asia Times explained how strategic considerations make the US military presence in Afghanistan and the Central Asian states “not unlike that over the oil-rich Gulf states.” According to The American Reporter, within another 50 years Central Asia will account for 80% of world oil needs. The Big Secret is that long before another five decades pass, if Washington and Whitehall do not gain control over Central Asia’s “black gold”, both allied cultures will run out of gas. Writing in The Ecologist of the abrupt transition from three-car families to empty tanks, David Fleming suggests, “the speed at which it arrives could be startling.” [page 84] "In late June, more than two months before attacks on America provided a pretext for war, consultations between Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Russian and Indian foreign ministers reached a decision to invade Afghanistan… India and Iran announced that they would “facilitate” the coming US-Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Washington said it would not drop its invasion plan - even if bin Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taliban. [page 98] "Former Green Beret Tyree testified that as early as 1975 drugs were being flown into Panama for transshipment to Arkansas - a state referred to by insiders as the CIA's own "Banana Republic" inside the United States. He should know. Tyree served as crew chief on a US Army helicopter taking part in "Operation Watchtower". Flying more than 100 unmarked cargo planeloads of cocaine out of Colombia into Albrook Air Station, Panama between December 1975 and early March 1976, Tyree watched cocaine being offloaded under the watchful gaze of an Army mission commander, three named CIA officers, an Israeli colonel, and another colonel called Manuel Noriega. [page 102] "At least 21 White House and military intelligence agencies run back door “black” projects unaccountable to Congress or the American people. Other “shadow” agencies operating at the executive level of the federal government include the National Security Council, the 5412 Committee, the PI-40 subcommittee, Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Special Operations, National Program Office, and the “black ops” compartment of the Federal Emergency Management Agency known as FEMA. In practice, the shadow government often works at cross-purposes to legitimate law enforcement and other agencies, using their highly publicized objectives as a convenient cover for “counter-ops” that thrive on the confusion and contradictions they create. Let’s put some names to the unofficial US government “shadow” departments and see how they have actually worked to circumvent the will of Congress and the American public. [page 105] "Bo was blown away when Sa said he would cut off all drugs flowing from the Golden Triangle, if Washington would recognize his Shan state. A grinning Grits was whisked to Washington, where he reported to Harvey that the president's "War On Drugs" was just about won. Instead of acclaiming Grits as a genius and savior of American youth, senior US officials panicked. Harvey called Grits back and asked him what he was doing meddling outside his mandate. Harvey ordered the officer to "erase and forget" everything about his time in the Golden Triangle. "If you don't stop everything you're doing, you're gonna serve 15 years in prison as a felon," Harvey harangued. The elder Bush went ballistic over Grits' gritty initiative, which could have choked off most of the heroin entering the United States - along with the White House skim. [page 106] "On or about July 4, 2001 Osama bin Laden was flown by a private Saudi jet with no registered flight plan to Abu Dubai, Saudi Arabia. When he checked into the American Hospital for emergency care, the outlaw with a $5 million US bounty on his head was accompanied by Ayman al-Zawahari, four bodyguards, an Egyptian MD and a male Algerian nurse from bin Laden’s residence in Quetta, Pakistan. According to Le Figaro, “Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden’s room.” [page 127] "Even the New York Times finally choked on a presidential police state. In an editorial headlined, “Seizing Dictatorial Power” one of America’s most respected columnists blasted Bush for mounting what amounts to a silent coup. [page 143]"
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"Continue to Part 2:"
More "excerpts from: ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion" (Chapters 10 through 12, pages 204 to 246) "By William Thomas" [Fifth Essence Publications-Canada Edition Copyright (c) 2002 in Canada, the U.S.A. and Internationally by William Thomas. All rights are reserved.]
"WHAT NOW?" ""Nothing would be what it is. Because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise --what it is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?" --- Alice in Wonderland", by Lewis Carroll [International copyright (c) by Lewis Carroll, his Estate, and/or the Publishers. All rights are reserved.] "Rightly or wrongly, Alice had it right. Or, as that great Yogi named Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” "Confuse people long enough (about 25 seconds for the average TV viewer) - and they will click channels, tune into less arduous distractions, and reset their brains to “snooze” control. "It’s a time-tested formula. Everyone who runs a scam for personal, political or financial gain relies on their audience’s fractured attention to get away with story lines that seem absolutely compelling in the heat of some manufactured moment - but collapse into complete nonsense if we run the tape back and view it frame-by-frame. "Take the events Sept. 11, 2001. Absolutely riveting video, relentlessly repeated. Authoritative news anchors looking dazed and grim, throwing out official statements like lifelines to millions of dazed and desperate viewers drowning in shock and disorientation. "It couldn’t be real, but it had to be true." "So we bought it. Or most of it anyway. We didn’t ask why intelligence agencies who couldn’t catch a whiff of the most complex “hit” since the invasion of Normandy knew the names of 19 cremated hijackers and their renal-challenged ringleader within 48 hours of attacks that killed 50,000, no 25,000, no 6,000, no 2,500 people.. "We didn’t ask how frightened young men who couldn’t fly Cessnas could navigate and steer heavy jets into their targets. Or why none of their names turned up on the passenger lists of the four airplanes they were supposed to have commandeered. (Total number of Middle Easterners among 257 passengers and crew: zero.) "We didn’t ask what the United and American pilots (three of them military veterans) were doing while men armed with quarter-inch knives demanded death to fellow Americans, why their cockpit conversations were never released, why eight indestructible “black boxes” holding the keys to so many questions were rendered “inoperable” while hijackers’ paper passports escaped explosions and fire unscathed. "We didn’t ask why a plane supposedly driven by its passengers into two separate crash sites in the Pennsylvania countryside came apart in mid-air. Or why the president of the United States remained more interested in the story of a pet goat than reports of airliners crashing into Manhattan skyscrapers and the Pentagon. "We didn’t ask why U.S. forces were poised to attack across the Tajikistan border into Afghanistan in an assault announced last June - but could not scramble a single fighter to defend the U.S. capitol before three airliners hit their targets on a sunny morning in September. "We didn’t ask why the CIA met with an ailing Osama bin Laden in an American hospital as the biggest British battle fleet since the Falklands sailed for waters off Afghanistan, why Washington gave the Taliban $43 millions in May, or why the FBI and Attorney General of the United States repeatedly ignored warnings and blocked investigations into the impending attacks. "We didn’t ask what the CIA was doing in the upper echelons of Big Banks that profited hugely from “short-selling” United and American Airlines stocks in the final days before someone dialed 9.11 "We didn’t ask why the head of the WTC arson investigation told reporters there were “explosive devices” in the building, why so few survivors were burned, or why New York firefighters were dragged away from Ground Zero just when the site was becoming safe and they were getting close to the bottom of things." "We did not ask because we were not told what had really happened. "Like good Germans in Hitler’s heyday, we looked the other way when more than 1,100 not-quite-white people bearing Middle Eastern names were thrown into U.S. prisons, interrogated, abused, held without notifying their families or lawyers - without ever being charged with terrorist acts. We were sure it couldn’t happen to us. "Anthrax held us enthralled. Instead of asking what a “weaponized” strain of a decades old “Made In The USA” bacteria was doing in silent letter bombs, we clamored for risky antidotes and even more dangerous vaccines without stopping to consider that anthrax is not contagious, easily treated, rarely fatal - and that bee stings pose a far more serious threat to most Americans. "Like frightened Germans after the Reichstag fire, we demanded that authorities “do something”. They did. A Constitution generations of Americans had given their lives to defend was suspended. Laws were quickly passed permitting surveillance, assets seizure, arrest and detention of “suspects” - without formal charges or judicial oversight. Evidence will be sealed. Special tribunals will hear these cases. Forcible quarantine and inoculations are next. "A president who told Americans the day he “took” office - “If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator” - appointed himself supreme ruler of a his new Supreme National Security Council. A hundred thousand troops were called up for “internal security”. And we said thank God, not realizing that soon perhaps we could be busted for that, too." "FEMA is only for hurricanes, the Florida recount can wait, Timothy McVeigh blew up a big building with the same sort of fertilizer used to cover up his cohorts, Osama bin Laden is an ungrateful madman just like Saddam and Noriega and all the other thugs we’ve hugged, Bush’s “War on Drugs” is just as urgent and honest as his “War on Terrorism”. And kids as precious as our own being blown up in Afghanistan should just get out of the way. "We have to get bin Laden. Or maybe we don’t. It’s no longer clear. For sure, we have to topple the Taliban. What they’re doing to women must be stopped. But now our leaders say maybe it would be okay if they rule the southern half of the country and let us take the rest where the pipelines have to go through. "Pakistan is our ally. They are sending troops to fight on the side of the Taliban. They have nukes. The general who heads their intelligence service sent $100,000 to a fanatic the FBI says led the suicide planes against Manhattan. But it’s okay now. The FBI complained and the general has resigned." "On Oct. 10, 2001 U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain called on the Pakistani oil minister to get moving on the stalled Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to a Pakistani port. Selling oil and gas to China is back on the table she says, “in view of recent geopolitical developments.” "In the context of appeasing China, Chamberlain is an interesting name. "In the context of Sept. 11, China’s ascension to the WTO before the WTC’s dust had settled seemed almost scripted. Like some kind of quid pro quo - you give us oil and a seat on the organization divvying up the world, we do something for you. "What could that be? At least 15,000 Chinese Muslim troops have been sent to the defense of the Taliban. "Some people think President Bush II’s second modern “crusade” is a contest between Allah and Christ. They are dangerously wrong. This war is being fought to reinstate the real “god” - gold, oil and drugs. "You and I can switch to bicycles or electric cars. But militaries cannot convert to battery-operated battleships or B-52s. The hi-tech allied armed forces needed to keep a lid on people being ripped off - which includes just about everyone on the planet - is running out of oil. The world’s biggest remaining oil reserves are in the Caspian basin. A 20- billion barrel transfusion must begin flowing through 48-inch arteries just as soon as they can be laid across Afghanistan - and injected into the industrialized veins of increasingly desperate oil addicts. "Forget global warming, catastrophic climate change, the oppressed women of Afghanistan, the starving millions shivering with the onset of winter, and millions more moderate Muslims who are beginning to believe that Osama bin Laden is right. We’re talking serious money here: $3 to $5 trillion worth of oil and natural gas, and hundreds of billions more in that other addiction supplied by a country called Afghanistan. "An American administration intimately linked to the international drug trade and the banks that launder its dirty money has been beside itself since the Taliban declared poppy-growing against Shariah Islamic law. Maybe the mullahs were miffed at the CIA for cranking up Afghanistan’s heroin production to finance Osama bin Laden. "Their decree was issued 19 months ago. The fields are fallow; 60% of U.S. heroin imports have been shut off. Junkies are having withdrawals almost as bad as the White House, where some $250 billion a year in illicit drug money waters Wall Street, Big Banks, and various Bushes. "On the scale of national budgets, the only usable amounts of cash are in the drug trade. Everything else is a digital dream. If the drugs stop flowing, the world economy will instantly collapse. "The “shadow” administration hopes Columbia can pick up the slack. But a few dedicated drug enforcement officials haven’t gotten the word. They keep cracking down on drug lords like Lehder linked to people with names like Cheney and Bush. "All the details are in the lawsuits brought by a former Green Beret, a Contra drugs-for-arms dealer and smugglers gone straight. "But the media ignores the news." "It’s imperative that the Taliban get turfed and fresh poppies planted. Don’t get confused. These aren’t the poppies for Remembrance Day. Though in a way they are. Americans have been conned into wars for oil and drug profits beyond their knowledge or imagination since the U.S. Navy tracked the Japanese carriers steaming toward Pearl Harbor, the Maddox fought phantom Viet Cong gunboats in the Gulf of Tonkin, and Iraqi soldiers ignored the incubator babies in Kuwait. "The documentation is voluminous. Much it comes from government sources. Does anyone really believe the puppeteers behind the Sept. 11 attackers do not have a similar agenda? "You decide. Search the Internet. Check the references in the back of this book. Cultivate independent news sources. Evaluate. Read the evidence presented in All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion. See if it resonates. "Ask yourself: “Who benefits? Who gains?” "“Well,” says David Icke, "The Illuminati want a world government and army, a world currency and centralized global financial dictatorship and control. They want micro-chipped people and a society based on constant surveillance of all kinds at all times. And they want a frightened, docile, subservient, people who give their power away to the “authorities” who can save them from what they have been manipulated to fear." "That pretty well nails it down." "Ted Rall has traveled extensively through Central Asia. His cartoons are savagely astute. So is his analysis. Rall writes that the Sept. 11 attacks have provided Washington with “the perfect excuse to do what the U.S. has wanted all along - invade Afghanistan and install a puppet pipeline regime in Kabul.” "Amend that to: “puppet poppy pipeline regime.” "Michael Ruppert is a former LAPD investigator. He has submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on Intelligence. After investigating the events leading up to Sept. 11, Ruppert responds, “I absolutely believe, at this moment, that the United States government had foreknowledge of the attacks and allowed them to occur.” "Dr. Len Horowitz, the man who wrote the books on Washington’s complicity in a cull, says of Sept. 11: “There is a conspiracy within our own government - a conspiracy of silence at minimum.” "After two solid months on this case, after evaluating gigabytes of corroborative information, after presenting the patterns formed by that evidence in this book, All Fall Down - I fully concur. There can be zero doubt that the attacks of Sept. 11 were foreseen and facilitated by agents and agencies within the United States government. "I did not say, “initiated”. I have no evidence of that yet. But in any courtroom worthy of that name, accomplices to mass murder are no different from those who pull the triggers. Or fly the suicide planes." "So what to do? "In a media-branded “terrorist” camp in the British Columbia interior, where armed native warriors were preparing to defend their Shaman and their land against heavily armed tactical police, their leader pointed to the campfire we were sitting around and told me that he welcomed a massacre that would spark an uprising across Canada. "Wolverine knew that provoking a heavy-handed response to one small band occupying ancestral lands would “scatter the embers” among the far-flung dry tinder of long-held resentments and rage. "Osama bin Laden knows this too. The Iraqis, Jordanians and Saudis I met during the Gulf War were businessmen troubled by American terror from the skies. They come from a tribal people with long memories. Even the more moderate Koran they follow teaches the absolute obligation of the faithful to avenge the killing of innocents - unless acceptable reparations and apologies are made. "Killing one million Iraqis - mostly children under the age of 15 - through bombings, radiations and epidemic-sparking sanctions--then bombing people with the lowest per-person calorie intake in the world and killing millions more in the coming cold of a mountain winter--is not a wise policy for anyone this side of such a vast gulf in history and perception. "Not if we want to keep opening letters, boarding airliners and working in tall buildings. "We certainly want to reduce the level of terror, certainly not escalate it,” Noam Chomsky told a San Francisco peace rally. “There is one easy way to do that and therefore it is never discussed. Namely stop participating in it. That would automatically reduce the level of terror enormously.” "What else? "“Beyond that, we should rethink the kinds of policies, and Afghanistan is not the only one, in which we organize and train terrorist armies. Rethink the policies that are creating a reservoir of support,” Chomsky adds. "Want to stop terrorism dead in its tracks? Stop looking the other way. Stop arming people with heavy grievances and their own agendas. Take out the training camps, from Fort Benning, Georgia to the Beka’a Valley. Give angry, hungry kids in refugee camps a home, a homeland, an education, a stake in a worthwhile future. "Give them respect. "Listen to what they are saying. Before they feel driven to say it with 30-pounds of explosives strapped to their chests. The biggest thing I learned before bullets started flying at Gustafsen Lake is that people with grievances just want to be heard." "Bill Moyers has another startling suggestion. Reduce our need for oil. In a keynote address to the Environmental Grantmakers Association on October 16, 2001 Moyers asked, "Do we want to send the terrorists a message? Go for conservation. Go for clean, home-grown energy." "He said, "As for national security, well, it’s time to expose the energy plan before Congress for the dinosaur it is. Everyone knows America needs to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel. But this energy plan is more of the same: more subsidies for the rich, more pollution, more waste, more inefficiency... America's unchecked consumption of oil has become our Achilles heel. It leaves our economy dangerously vulnerable to price shocks. It invites environmental degradation, ecological disasters, and potentially catastrophic climate change." "He's right." "Feeling used, enslaved, scammed, betrayed, lied to, burned out, bummed out. manipulated, screwed over, mind controlled, emotionally blackmailed, tantalized, toyed with, jerked around, ripped off, threatened, harassed, patronized, exhorted, extorted, attacked by powerful interests who keep telling you it's all "for your own good" and that there is no such thing as conspiracy at high and hidden levels? "Take heart! In September, 2001 more than 50 million North Americans accessed the Internet from their homes. An online community of real flesh and blood brothers and sisters is coming together very quickly now. Nothing is hidden, all is being rapidly revealed. Despite the complacent complicity of media mesmerizers, the first mass-marketed war to come up against the worldwide web is being undone by hundreds of millions of people bypassing its contradictions and coercions to share solidarity and insights on the net. "From North, South, East and West people of all persuasions are coming together in a rapidly coalescing consciousness. Each new participant brings another vital piece of personal perspective that is already forming a new world view that is inclusive, respectful, compassionate and celebratory of its differences and diversity. "We can turn this around. "We've all been traumatized. We’re all mad as New Yorkers. And we’re smarter and more generous than our fear and anger. "People know what’s going on. Even those who don’t have access to alternative information sense that there is much more to motives and events than they are being told. By the grace of a wired world and the spirit within us all, we are joining together to pull the plug on cynical profiteers whose only “god” is the payouts they receive in gold, oil and drugs. "Here are some things we can do: "Remember the children. "Unplug all brainwashing broadcast machines within eye and earshot. "If someone tries to sell you a box of bombs and flags. Just say, "Forget it. I'm not buying until I read the label." "Buy only necessities. "Do not sign up, do not subscribe, do not join the party line. It leads to a gulag. Then over a cliff. "Do not look down. "Try spreading your wings instead. "Move always toward the light. "Call home immediately. Remember that prayer is more powerful than any weapon or ill intention every devised. "Listen to each other’s stories. There is more wisdom in personal experience than any agenda-serving “analysis”. "Hug someone you care about right now "Whenever you feel love and gratitude, express it out loud. Do this often. The whole universe hears you. Every creature who benefits will bless you for your gift. "Resist much. Obey little. Think for yourself. "When they come with retina scans, wear contacts inscribed with your favorite slogan. "THINK LIKE SOMEONE IN A COUNTRY OCCUPIED BY A FOREIGN POWER. "ACT LIKE SOMEONE SHARING A PLANET OCCUPIED BY A FOREIGN POWER. "REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE THE POWER. "We must depart the script prepared for us. Reality is consensual. We can all change our minds. If we stand together in the face of tyranny, if we laugh at fear and choose to walk away from this scam - it all falls down. "Then we can build a saner, more compassionate, more joyful world together." ---William Thomas
"All statements excerpted from Chapters 10 through 12 above are fully described and documented in:" "ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, by William Thomas" "268 pgs., $35 including shipping and free electronic updates, please include an email address" "Will Thomas, Heron Rocks, 1-9 Hornby Is., BC Canada V0R1Z0" "RWT@Telus.net"
"More from All Fall Down:" "WHO GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT FOR 9.11?" "DON'T DO IT, DUBYA"
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