TO ALL "AMERICANS" WHO CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, AND TO ALL THOSE WHO DON'T CLAIM TO BE Remember..... (Written on 11 September 2003; Updated on 25 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain "Remember 9-11-01." We are surrounded by affirmations reminding us of what happened on that dark day; but of the Truth of what is presently going on a measly several thousand miles from us, the U.S. government and mainstream media don't want, and don't allow, us to be reminded of. What is it I'm talking about that is going on that most "Americans" know very little or nothing about? Why, it's the murderous slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and other places in the world at the hands of the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex, the smell of whose blood should more than fill our nostrils by now, and for which "we" are complicit in and responsible for! But "Americans", the majority of whom claim to be Christians, don't want to see or hear it; and by now, even if it was presented to them "in living color", most of them wouldn't watch it at all, or very little, would change the channel, or would stare at all of it glassy-eyed without any real comprehension of the level of the travesty and unforgivable evil of it all! It doesn't make "American" society look very good, to say the least, that most "Americans'" favorite television show is the "Sopranos", a show about mobsters, criminal activity(ies), violence, and murders; and that most of their favorite fictional writers condone and promote adultery, horror and killing, as Stephen King promotes the latter! Stephen King does have some redeeming stories, as do some of those other writers; but most of them have little or no redeeming value whatsoever; and what all of this shows, as Dr. M. Scott Peck put so accurately, is that most of "normal American society" is evil! Then add to that the "police dramas", both "reality" and fictional, like "24" and "Threat Matrix", shows that glorify evil, civil-liberties-gutting "police" agencies such as the "Department of Homeland Security" (DHS), and the CIA, NSA/NSC, FBI, ATF, etcetera, which propagandize, indoctrinate and condition "Americans" into believing that such agencies are supposedly "necessary evils", though they truly are NOT, that such agencies can supposedly be trusted, though they truly can NOT, and that "Americans" should go along with those agencies' abrogation(s) of civil liberties, though they truly should and must NOT; and the present "American system of government", through the use of such police dramas on television and in the movies, is getting most "Americans" to concentrate on individual murders, or small groups of murders, both fictional and those real ones reported on the news, so they won't pay attention to the thousands upon thousands of innocent human beings that the U.S. military is maiming and/or murdering all over the world, and so most "Americans" will be paying attention to all kinds of violence except the most appalling violence being committed at the expense of the those tens of thousands of innocent human beings the world-over! Yes, the three thousand or so Americans, and many international visitors, who were killed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are very important; yet they were, or are, NOT better than ANYONE else; and the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. government at the present time are just as important, even more so because there are so many more of them! ALL of their deaths choke me with sorrow because I have a God-given conscience! Do YOU have that conscience? Do YOU stand for anything truly important? If so, why are YOU not doing something, anything that you can, to try and stop this senseless slaughter?! Please don't say that there's nothing you can do; because there is plenty that you can do! YOU can write essays like this one, YOU can start a website expressing your outrage at the heinous loss of innocent lives, YOU can march in anti-war demonstrations, YOU can write letters to your President, your Congressional Representatives and your Senators, YOU can post and/or hand out flyers decrying the bloodshed of so many innocents, YOU can talk about it with your neighbors, even those who don't want to hear it, and try to wake them up to what is really going on, and/or YOU can directly volunteer with some agency or agencies that are trying to non-violently do something about, and to seek to stop, all of the carnage. What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! The terrorist bombing in Iraq on 29 August 2003 is being called the worst terrorist attack since 9-11-01; but the worst terrorist attack since 9-11 was the criminal, unprovoked, "first-strike" attack, invasion and conquering of Iraq which the U.S. government perpetrated (so far?) this year; and those who committed and/or supported this criminal war of aggression against sovereign peoples' of the world, are the real traitors against "America", not those True Americans who are trying to wake "Americans" up to what is really going on, one of the most Truly American duties that Americans have the responsibility to carry out! The following has had several other facts added thereto, and been sequenced in chronological order, on 26 February 2004: Remember the American hospital in Dubai..... where Osama bin Laden was visited by a CIA agent and allowed to fly away from scot-free after his treatment(s) in June 2001, after Clinton had put out an international "dead or alive" warrant for Osama as he was leaving office in January 2001! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the "insider", "put-option" stock trades..... that occurred just before 9-11-01 on the two airlines involved in the jet liner attacks, leading us to conclude that certain people knew in advance that the attacks were going to occur, making those probably-already-rich people even richer at the expense of over 3,000 innocent lives, as well as the many innocent lives thereafter! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how Bush acted upon being informed of the attack(s).... and that cameras recorded him not acting surprised by the news of the attack(s) on 9-11, but acting like he expected the news, as well as his not immediately leaving the elementary school classroom that he was visiting, upon receiving the news, as would be expected under the circumstances, and his acting like he was at a loss as to how he should act in front of the cameras to something he already knew was coming! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how, much too impossibly fast, the alleged hijackers'.... names and photographs were very conveniently brought to the "American" people (what, about a week or so after 9-11), of mostly-Arabs whose bodies and identification were completely disintegrated in the crashes, and subsequent (inferno) explosions, of the planes, and how two or three of whom turned out to still be alive and to have nothing to do with 9-11 (yet the official version of the story has not been admitted or corrected to this day, most of the "American" people still believe that all of those suspects are still guilty of that heinous crime when absolutely no concrete evidence of their alleged guilt has ever been proven to us, that most "Americans" have automatically believed, and continue to automatically believe, simply because the U.S. government and the mainstream, government-controlled media told us those were the facts, again, without any concrete proof of same ever having been provided---which is, much the same way, "we" have automatically taken the U.S. government's, and the mainstream media's, word(s) for the alleged "fact" that Osama bin Laden is the so-called mastermind behind all of it, also without any concrete proof ever having been given concretely proving same)! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how quick Bush and Company were to call Americans' traitors.... and to have done so over and over again about Americans who have done nothing but exercise their Constitutionally-given right(s) and duty(ies) to question the highly suspect, official version(s) of the alleged events and perpetrators on and surrounding 9-11, and to falsely claim that said Americans are supposedly "aiding the enemy", etcetera, which is nothing less than typical nationalistic, fascist propaganda, not only explicitly calculated to turn "Americans" against Americans and to attempt to scare Americans from exercising Constitutional dissent, but to also seek to prevent any deeper, truly impartial investigation to discover all that really and actually transpired on and surrounding 9-11, and who all of the real, actual perpetrators are! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the coverup that has occurred.... by the untainted evidence (as was also done regarding the Oklahoma City Bombing) as it was at the scene of the implosions of the World Trade Center Towers and immediately thereafter, being carted off without a complete and thorough forensic investigation being carried out, for the very clear, obvious and express purpose(s) of destroying evidence that, as experts are stating had to be present for those buildings to come down they way they did, other explosive devices were present; and to make certain that we will very likely never be able to prove who was responsible for those other explosive devices! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the 9-11 Commission is not conducting a thorough, impartial investigation.... but is continuing the coverup of events that occurred on and surrounding 9-11, much like the Warren Commission covered up the JFK assassination, and that no impartial, thorough investigation of 9-11 will probably ever be carried out as True Democracy and the Law demand(s), to prove categorically and without any doubt(s) what really and actually occurred on 9-11, and in events surrounding same, as well as who all of those involved in same were; and it is all much too convenient and totally unacceptable for any True Americans to accept without continuing to ask the questions that should be asked! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember Kosovo in October 2001..... where and when it was discovered that the CIA was still working with and training al Q'aeda! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the tens of thousands..... of innocent Iraqi men, women, children, and little babies who have been terrorized-to-death by the U.S. government "endless war" machine, and those including many more men, women, children, and little babies who have been seriously maimed for the rest of their lives, all in the names of "Peace", "Freedom", "Democracy", and "Liberation"! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the wars..... in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and the bombing, slaughter and maiming of thousands of additional innocent people, are still going on, contrary to what we've been led to believe by the U.S. government and mainstream media! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember..... [Who are the real enemies?!] (etcetera) {More to be added later.} On top of all that, it sickens and disgusts me that the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex all over the globe are treated like they supposedly don't matter by the majority of "Americans"; though All of those innocent people most-definitely DO matter, and NONE OF US should ever forget it! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"? ---Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I repeat: What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! Therefore, for the sake of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people who are yet to be maimed and/or slaughtered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex if enough Americans don't seek to put a stop to it, please fulfill YOUR duty to try and bring an end to all of the immeasurable suffering those people are having illegally inflicted upon them by the criminal U.S. government "war(s)-for-profit" machine! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Monday, July 26, 2004
TO ALL "AMERICANS" WHO CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, AND TO ALL THOSE WHO DON'T CLAIM TO BE Remember..... (Written on 11 September 2003; Updated on 25 July 2004) By S. Wolf Britain "Remember 9-11-01." We are surrounded by affirmations reminding us of what happened on that dark day; but of the Truth of what is presently going on a measly several thousand miles from us, the U.S. government and mainstream media don't want, and don't allow, us to be reminded of. What is it I'm talking about that is going on that most "Americans" know very little or nothing about? Why, it's the murderous slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and other places in the world at the hands of the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex, the smell of whose blood should more than fill our nostrils by now, and for which "we" are complicit in and responsible for! But "Americans", the majority of whom claim to be Christians, don't want to see or hear it; and by now, even if it was presented to them "in living color", most of them wouldn't watch it at all, or very little, would change the channel, or would stare at all of it glassy-eyed without any real comprehension of the level of the travesty and unforgivable evil of it all! It doesn't make "American" society look very good, to say the least, that most "Americans'" favorite television show is the "Sopranos", a show about mobsters, criminal activity(ies), violence, and murders; and that most of their favorite fictional writers condone and promote adultery, horror and killing, as Stephen King promotes the latter! Stephen King does have some redeeming stories, as do some of those other writers; but most of them have little or no redeeming value whatsoever; and what all of this shows, as Dr. M. Scott Peck put so accurately, is that most of "normal American society" is evil! Then add to that the "police dramas", both "reality" and fictional, like "24" and "Threat Matrix", shows that glorify evil, civil-liberties-gutting "police" agencies such as the "Department of Homeland Security" (DHS), and the CIA, NSA/NSC, FBI, ATF, etcetera, which propagandize, indoctrinate and condition "Americans" into believing that such agencies are supposedly "necessary evils", though they truly are NOT, that such agencies can supposedly be trusted, though they truly can NOT, and that "Americans" should go along with those agencies' abrogation(s) of civil liberties, though they truly should and must NOT; and the present "American system of government", through the use of such police dramas on television and in the movies, is getting most "Americans" to concentrate on individual murders, or small groups of murders, both fictional and those real ones reported on the news, so they won't pay attention to the thousands upon thousands of innocent human beings that the U.S. military is maiming and/or murdering all over the world, and so most "Americans" will be paying attention to all kinds of violence except the most appalling violence being committed at the expense of the those tens of thousands of innocent human beings the world-over! Yes, the three thousand or so Americans, and many international visitors, who were killed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are very important; yet they were, or are, NOT better than ANYONE else; and the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. government at the present time are just as important, even more so because there are so many more of them! ALL of their deaths choke me with sorrow because I have a God-given conscience! Do YOU have that conscience? Do YOU stand for anything truly important? If so, why are YOU not doing something, anything that you can, to try and stop this senseless slaughter?! Please don't say that there's nothing you can do; because there is plenty that you can do! YOU can write essays like this one, YOU can start a website expressing your outrage at the heinous loss of innocent lives, YOU can march in anti-war demonstrations, YOU can write letters to your President, your Congressional Representatives and your Senators, YOU can post and/or hand out flyers decrying the bloodshed of so many innocents, YOU can talk about it with your neighbors, even those who don't want to hear it, and try to wake them up to what is really going on, and/or YOU can directly volunteer with some agency or agencies that are trying to non-violently do something about, and to seek to stop, all of the carnage. What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! The terrorist bombing in Iraq on 29 August 2003 is being called the worst terrorist attack since 9-11-01; but the worst terrorist attack since 9-11 was the criminal, unprovoked, "first-strike" attack, invasion and conquering of Iraq which the U.S. government perpetrated (so far?) this year; and those who committed and/or supported this criminal war of aggression against sovereign peoples' of the world, are the real traitors against "America", not those True Americans who are trying to wake "Americans" up to what is really going on, one of the most Truly American duties that Americans have the responsibility to carry out! The following has had several other facts added thereto, and been sequenced in chronological order, on 26 February 2004: Remember the American hospital in Dubai..... where Osama bin Laden was visited by a CIA agent and allowed to fly away from scot-free after his treatment(s) in June 2001, after Clinton had put out an international "dead or alive" warrant for Osama as he was leaving office in January 2001! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the "insider", "put-option" stock trades..... that occurred just before 9-11-01 on the two airlines involved in the jet liner attacks, leading us to conclude that certain people knew in advance that the attacks were going to occur, making those probably-already-rich people even richer at the expense of over 3,000 innocent lives, as well as the many innocent lives thereafter! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how Bush acted upon being informed of the attack(s).... and that cameras recorded him not acting surprised by the news of the attack(s) on 9-11, but acting like he expected the news, as well as his not immediately leaving the elementary school classroom that he was visiting, upon receiving the news, as would be expected under the circumstances, and his acting like he was at a loss as to how he should act in front of the cameras to something he already knew was coming! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how, much too impossibly fast, the alleged hijackers'.... names and photographs were very conveniently brought to the "American" people (what, about a week or so after 9-11), of mostly-Arabs whose bodies and identification were completely disintegrated in the crashes, and subsequent (inferno) explosions, of the planes, and how two or three of whom turned out to still be alive and to have nothing to do with 9-11 (yet the official version of the story has not been admitted or corrected to this day, most of the "American" people still believe that all of those suspects are still guilty of that heinous crime when absolutely no concrete evidence of their alleged guilt has ever been proven to us, that most "Americans" have automatically believed, and continue to automatically believe, simply because the U.S. government and the mainstream, government-controlled media told us those were the facts, again, without any concrete proof of same ever having been provided---which is, much the same way, "we" have automatically taken the U.S. government's, and the mainstream media's, word(s) for the alleged "fact" that Osama bin Laden is the so-called mastermind behind all of it, also without any concrete proof ever having been given concretely proving same)! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember how quick Bush and Company were to call Americans' traitors.... and to have done so over and over again about Americans who have done nothing but exercise their Constitutionally-given right(s) and duty(ies) to question the highly suspect, official version(s) of the alleged events and perpetrators on and surrounding 9-11, and to falsely claim that said Americans are supposedly "aiding the enemy", etcetera, which is nothing less than typical nationalistic, fascist propaganda, not only explicitly calculated to turn "Americans" against Americans and to attempt to scare Americans from exercising Constitutional dissent, but to also seek to prevent any deeper, truly impartial investigation to discover all that really and actually transpired on and surrounding 9-11, and who all of the real, actual perpetrators are! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the coverup that has occurred.... by the untainted evidence (as was also done regarding the Oklahoma City Bombing) as it was at the scene of the implosions of the World Trade Center Towers and immediately thereafter, being carted off without a complete and thorough forensic investigation being carried out, for the very clear, obvious and express purpose(s) of destroying evidence that, as experts are stating had to be present for those buildings to come down they way they did, other explosive devices were present; and to make certain that we will very likely never be able to prove who was responsible for those other explosive devices! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the 9-11 Commission is not conducting a thorough, impartial investigation.... but is continuing the coverup of events that occurred on and surrounding 9-11, much like the Warren Commission covered up the JFK assassination, and that no impartial, thorough investigation of 9-11 will probably ever be carried out as True Democracy and the Law demand(s), to prove categorically and without any doubt(s) what really and actually occurred on 9-11, and in events surrounding same, as well as who all of those involved in same were; and it is all much too convenient and totally unacceptable for any True Americans to accept without continuing to ask the questions that should be asked! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember Kosovo in October 2001..... where and when it was discovered that the CIA was still working with and training al Q'aeda! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember the tens of thousands..... of innocent Iraqi men, women, children, and little babies who have been terrorized-to-death by the U.S. government "endless war" machine, and those including many more men, women, children, and little babies who have been seriously maimed for the rest of their lives, all in the names of "Peace", "Freedom", "Democracy", and "Liberation"! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember that the wars..... in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and the bombing, slaughter and maiming of thousands of additional innocent people, are still going on, contrary to what we've been led to believe by the U.S. government and mainstream media! [Who are the real enemies?!] Remember..... [Who are the real enemies?!] (etcetera) {More to be added later.} On top of all that, it sickens and disgusts me that the tens of thousands of innocent people being maimed and/or murdered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex all over the globe are treated like they supposedly don't matter by the majority of "Americans"; though All of those innocent people most-definitely DO matter, and NONE OF US should ever forget it! "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"? ---Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I repeat: What will you do? Will you have a hand in destroying me, and those like me as well, because we are being the voice of conscience? For if you don't actively participate in seeking to prevent ANY more innocent bloodshed, even if you are not in any way directly involved in it, you will be complicit in it by having done nothing to try and stop it! What do YOU live for? Do you simply live for yourself and your family and friends? Don't you realize that we were all created equal, with EVERYONE else on this planet of "ours", to care for one another? Do you not know that we will ALL be held accountable for what we could have done that we failed to do to seek to end this nightmare that the evil, psychopathic warmakers are seeking to make "endless"?! Where is YOUR "Christian" conscience? Where is the heart of God that is supposed to be in you? Where is YOUR compassion and selflessness, YOUR lack of selfishness and self-centeredness, and YOUR desire to stop making excuses for evil, and excuses for your "laziness" when it comes to being the non-violent Christian "soldiers" that you are supposed to be, "fighting the good fight of faith", to NOW try to bring an end to as much evil and suffering as you can, without putting it off for God to "take care of it"? Where is YOUR fulfilling of YOUR "Christian duty"? And for ALL of those other "Americans" who do not believe in Christianity, where is YOUR God-given duty to care for, and not destroy, your fellow human beings? We CANNOT leave it to others' to fulfill this duty! It is for ALL OF US to fulfill it as the "greatest (Christian) country on Earth"! Therefore, for the sake of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people who are yet to be maimed and/or slaughtered by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial complex if enough Americans don't seek to put a stop to it, please fulfill YOUR duty to try and bring an end to all of the immeasurable suffering those people are having illegally inflicted upon them by the criminal U.S. government "war(s)-for-profit" machine! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
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