Click here to go to the InfoWars website for information on 9-11, etc.!

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Monday, August 30, 2004

ADDRESSING IGNORANCE, PART FOUR Response To An E-mail Message (Written on 27 March 2004; Updated on 30 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain ( Originally written by me on 27 March 2004 for posting as a response to another reader's posted comment(s) to an article entitled, "9/11 Commission: A Week of Lies and Spin", written by Kurt Nimmo, and posted on that same date to his blog (weblog), ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE: Life In NeoConservative America, at:
, and is a continuation of a series of "Addressing Ignorance" essays by me from my website, at, and from my blogs, at http://www.m
, and, :) though it doesn't have a copy of Part 3 of the foregoing series of essays, .) [All of the following (with the exception of Kurt Nimmo's article(s) and/or others' comments) is copyright(ed) (c) 2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved, and no alteration, redissemination, (re)publication, and/or (re)printing of any of same by any means, except by the author, is permitted without the express written permission of the author.] Okay, "Damfa", et alii, you have a right to your opinion(s), and I defend that right; but there are just way too many bizarre occurrences for 9-11 to have not been a second "Pearl Harbor"! The following is just the short list(!): 1.) It's not a matter of conjecture, it's a matter of fact(s) that interceptors close-in to the flight paths of the flying bombs were not allowed to take off; i.e., from Andrews Airforce Base, the closest to the events; and the interceptors which were allowed to take off, from Cape Cod (I don't recall the name of the base), hundreds of miles away, weren't allowed to fly at top speed, but only at usual passenger jet speeds, and therefore arrived too late to intercept the flying bombs, obviously by design! [SEE William Thomas' book, ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics Of Terror And Mass Persuasion, via excerpts on my website on my "More Comments, Part 10" page, at: , and/or on William Thomas' website, at: (see his "Sources" section in the back of the book alone(!), by purchasing the book from his website), as well as several other such books on the subject by several other authors!] 2.) A "very complete" list of the alleged hijackers was provided to the American people and the world on a much too convenient basis that defies probability or even possibility under the circumstances, what, within a week of the catastrophe?! Two or three of these "Arab hijackers" were later proven to still be alive, or to have already died previously, and to have nothing to do with 9-11! Now, for the rest, take into account that their bodies and ID's were completely dissintegrated (sp?--I can't find the word in the dictionary; what do you want from me:) by the explosions; so how did the government come up with this list unless it was prefabricated, hastily fabricated and/or they already knew who many of the men were going to be, or at least who they were going to use as the scapegoats and blame?! (They had to give the people some answers quickly, didn't they!) Also, NONE of the alleged hijackers names were on ANY of the passenger lists! [SEE, again, the above-referenced book.] 3.) It had to be a huge catastrophic event with loss-of-life in the several thousands, as well as an attack on and almost complete destruction of targets that were HUGE symbols of America, its financial dominance, its huge military might, and "the American way of life", much like Pearl Harbor was, rather than the killing(s) of a couple hundred here and there in several bombings of (much?) less symbolic targets, in order to get the American people so scared that they would immediately support, and the world to support, at least for a short time, screaming bloody murder and carrying out our own brand of "jihad" against defenseless scapegoat countries like Afghanistan and Iraq! [Id.] 4.) High up people who are very conveniently not being investigated, profited through "put-option" stock trades on the destruction of planes of the two major airlines involved, as well as the financial losses to same, and on the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers! [Id.] 5.) A former high-up CIA employee, who was speaking out publicly against the U.S. government, was working security for the WTC Towers and was very conveniently killed in the destruction of same! [Id.] 6.) The evidence in Rene Sneider's civil lawsuit case against Henry Kissinger and the CIA for the assassination of his father, General Sneider of Allende's Chile, was stored in the Towers, and was very conveniently completely destroyed! [Id.] 7.) The foregoing begs the question(s), who else and/or what else was very conveniently killed and/or completely destroyed in the destruction of the Towers that made them expendable and/or worth the losses of/from same, not to mention the no-doubt huge insurance money(s) recouped from their destruction?! And why were both San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and many of the employees of the Towers given forwarning(s) not to fly and/or go to work on or around 9-11?! [Id.] 8.) The CIA and Pakistani "intelligence" created al Q'aeda and supported and trained the Taliban (remember, virtually everyone, as Kurt so rightly said, is expendable); the Bush family is very close to the bin Laden family (all of those who were living in the U.S. at the time, were rushed out of country in some of the few planes allowed to take off and fly from the U.S. soon after 9-11, and have never been allowed to be questioned by the FBI, who balked strenuously against allowing them to leave before being questioned, or anyone else to be questioned about Osama, etc., and/or balked strenuously against allowing any such planes to leave the ground during the suspension of "all" flights within, to and from the U.S.); Osama was visited in an American hospital in Dubai in June 2001 by a CIA operative and was allowed to leave after his treatment (though there was an international warrant out for his capture, issued by President Clinton in January 2001 just before he left the presidency); the CIA was still training al Q'aeda operatives in Kosovo AFTER 9-11 (in October 2001); and Osama has somehow very conveniently elluded capture for two and half plus years now by the world's "greatest" military and "intelligence" apparatus in history; etcetera! [Id.] 9.) As Kurt also so aptly (re)iterated, the PNAC conspirators admitted BEFORE 9-11 that IT HAD TO BE of the proportions of a "Pearl Harbor" like catastrophic event, which 9-11 AND NOTHING LESS WAS, to get Congress and the American people to support the so-called "endless war" "Against Terrorism"; and several "intelligence" experts have stated that IT HAD TO BE an "intelligence" operation with the resources of those like the CIA, etcetera, to plan and carry it out, and that a disjointed organization like al Q'aeda couldn't possibly have carried out what was "accomplished"! (Do you not read or pay attention very well, Damfa, et alii, or is your denial so deep that you can't face the facts! Kurt very likely couldn't have been any more thorough in such a short, succinct article if you go to his supporting links, particularly the Kaminski one! {By the way, Kurt, welcome back; what did you do, go on vacation and/or a "photo-shoot", hunting for more images, for very nearly a week! :o}) [Id.] 10.) Huge "defense" and infrastructure contractor-corporations directly and/or indirectly connected to Bushco are profiting in the billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers money directly from the COMPLETELY ILLEGAL "aggression" and "first-strike" attack, invasion, conquering, occupation, and long-term control of Iraq and its billions of dollars in oil-worth, and the setting up of what are very likely to be permanent, Middle East controlling, military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq to be used for the further COMPLETELY ILLEGAL imperialistic conquering and/or "otherwise" domination(s) of other countries in the region, for the further multibillion dollar profiting from a permanent war "footing" into the "unforseeable" future! Could ANY and/or all of this have been brought about without a 9-11 catastrophic event to the extent that it was? NO WAY! And, again, Bushco knew it AND admitted it before the fact! [Id., and/or recent events that are coming to light even in the "mainstream" news media at the present time.] 11.) Bushco stopped and/or slowed down deeper investigations into the "al Q'aeda terrorist threat" prior to 9-11, and planned the attack and conquering of Iraq as far back as Bush I's administration (still Bushco/NeoConCo)! Bushco knew about the huge alleged terrorist threat of al Q'aeda throughout the entire seven or eight months of the beginning of Bush II's administration leading up to 9-11, and refused to hold "intelligence" meetings (at least one at the very seriously concerned suggestion of Clarke) concentrating on the threat and doing something (anything?) to prevent (at least much of, if not all of?) what happened on 9-11! [Id.] 12.) The people have been lied to at virtually every turn about almost every, if not every, item at-issue concerning the foregoing and many other points! Etcetera! (If all of the foregoing doesn't convince "you" that Bushco are implicated very explicitly in 9-11, what will it take!? Their verbal and/or written admission that they were!? That will very likely NEVER happen! So we have very little choice(s) but to have it proven to us by the many facts which very clearly point to their complicity, as well as by the many more facts that are coming out almost every day proving it, except to bury our heads back in the sand as most Americans are so good at doing, and live in denial of those facts, which is exactly what Bushco want(s) us to do! DON'T LET THEM SUCCEED IN GETTING "YOU" TO DO JUST THAT!) [Id.] And the foregoing list is without even going to Kaminski's list, as well as points out the fact that you, "Damfa", clearly didn't go to Kaminski's list either (which I don't need to do because I already know so much of it, though I will do so later to learn what's "new" that I can learn on the subject---postscript: having now gone to and read said list, it is very important that all of you who are reading this go to Kaminski's list and read it for yourselves!) before you start(ed) promoting your doubts! So, "Damfa", et alii, your kind(s) of denial(s) is/are, again, just what Bushco and the shadow government are depending on in the majority of Americans! So, please, get fully educated on the subject before you write such "doubting Thomas", mis- and un- informed "denials"! The only thing I have somewhat of a problem with in what Kurt wrote in the instant article, is whether or not we should be giving so much "attention" to the likes of David Corn, for it serves to keep his name and his "Damfa-form" of denials even more alive in the ethernet, which he, and all of those like them, obviously don't deserve, not to mention the harm that it does to the "cause" of Truth and not continuing to live in denial about the far-too-many facts to be coincidence and/or to be anything but true! I guess The Nation is trying to give both sides of the story by allowing someone like David Corn to continue to promulgate his denial(s); but they've told so much Truth on the subject, so they should get rid of all of the likes of him, for he and they only detract from and help the discreditors of their good work, limiting it, which we don't have the luxury of the time for in this extremely serious time we are living in right now! Well, I just wrote an article in its own right, that I may alter or rewrite to be published on my own blogs and/or websites, with the name(s) removed of those my readers wouldn't know who I was talking about! Then again, maybe I won't remove the names, but explain who they are, with, in the case of Kurt, a link to his site like I've already given many of on my sites! Then again, again (sic), I could just post it as a "letter" instead of an article, as I've also done several times before! :) (Thank you again for all of your continuing edification, Kurt! {SEE Kurt Nimmo's 27 March 2004 article, "9/11 Commission: A Week of Lies and Spin", on his blog (weblog), ANOTHER DAY IN THE EMPIRE: Life In NeoConservative America, at:
:o}) [Copyright (c) 2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Friday, August 27, 2004

ADDRESSING IGNORANCE, PART THREE Response To An E-mail Message (Written on or about 1 April 2003; Updated on 27 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain
I'm not the one who needs to wake up! And I don't need or have to justify myself to ANYONE; but I'm going to explain the following to you because you are so wrong: First, many good Americans, who love their country very much like I do, and many who even love their evil government because they're misguided like you, are living abroad and receiving Social Security, either Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement, BECAUSE SOCIAL SECURITY ALLOWS RECIPIENTS TO RECEIVE IT IN MOST OTHER COUNTRIES; and I have wanted to move out of the U.S. for several years before I became as "left" as I am now, having finally, completely woken up. Do you think I'd want to move abroad if Social Security didn't allow it? I wouldn't be able to; and, as it is, I'm not able to right now because my SSDI is so low! I would not be looking for someone to go 50/50 and move abroad with me if my income wasn't so low. Second, Americans can live abroad and still love their country! It's much too expensive to live here on very low Social Security incomes; and it's much less expensive to live in about a half dozen countries abroad because their cost-of-living's are much lower than the U.S. Because "expatriates", as those living abroad from their home countries are called, want to have a higher standard of living than they would have in their home countries, does NOT mean they have abandoned their countries of origin! But I have come to the point where I've realized (and, no doubt, you will not understand this) that I no longer want to support the evils my government is committing by my living here, and that perhaps I can do more good from "without" rather than from "within". Third, what you indoctrinated and conditioned, so-called Americans don't understand, who falsely believe that the U.S. government can't do any wrong, or that their wrongs are supposedly okay or acceptable, is that IT IS NOT DEMOCRATIC TO MAKE "FIRST-STRIKE", "PREEMPTIVE" ATTACKS OF, AND WARS ON, SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES! To call such attacks and wars "democratic", or as bringing democracy to those "we" are supposedly liberating, while we murder and maim thousands of innocent men, women, childen, and little babies in the process, is absolutely ridiculous! And to call it "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated, and is ludricrous, while we are slaughtering and maiming those thousands of innocent people! You can't bring freedom to dead people! And you "brain-dead" people don't understand True Democracy and Freedom! You think we, those on the "left", are the idiots; but you on the "right" are the ones who are the idiots! So we, the True Patriots, are not the ones who need to wake up! You false patriots need to wake up and stop believing the lies you're being fed by the "right"! Blindly following your or "my" government is not the responsibility of any person to do! The responsibility and DUTY of True Americans is to dissent against the evils of their government! I know most of you ignorant people think the Declaration of Independence was only something you needed to learn about in Junior High School, and that it supposedly doesn't have any real relevance anymore except about past history, but you ought to read it again and again; because it makes very clear that it is every citizens duty to "throw off" despotism, such as what Bush and Company are perpetrating upon "Americans", and "provide new guards for their future security"! If we don't, we're soon going to have no True Freedom left in the U.S.! But you blind, brainwashed people can't see the Truth! Most of you are so far gone into blind following of "anti-democracy" in the guise of "democracy", that there is little or no hope of reaching you and of your waking up; but, because I Truly Care about and accept, in the sense of not being a bigot WHATSOEVER, all people regardless of their race, creed, color, religion, disabilities, etcetera, I try to help you and people like you, who are the real ones who need to wake up, to do just that, wake up! I, and all of the people who are Truly Awake like myself, DO SEE who the real enemies are! They are the evil hypocrites and psychotics like Bush and Company who are seeking for multinational corporate interests to rule the world and control sovereign countries resources for multi-billion dollar profits to go to them and the other elitists of their kind, and not to the majority of poor people in the U.S. and the rest of the world! They call it "democracy", but it is the furthest thing from democracy; and you followers and enablers of them who are using you, and consider ALL of you completely expendable once they're finished needing and using you, don't see it! You're puppets and pawns being exploited by these truly satanic people! So, here's to hoping you, and most people like you, Truly Wake Up and stop being blind followers of the blind before it is forever too late!
Once More, ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL,
S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot
[Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

ADDRESSING IGNORANCE, PART TWO Response To An E-mail Message (Written on or about 1 April 2003; Updated on 25 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain
On the contrary, I am NOT eating my words right now; because I know without a doubt that I'm on the side of right without having been brainwashed with the lies of the U.S. government! The U.N. just proved on March 7th that General / Secretary of State / Warmonger / War-Hawk Colin Powell provided forged so-called "proof" to the U.N. of Saddam having restarted his nuclear weapons program! You, like most people, listen to and watch too much of the conservative, mainstream media like CNN and FOX, as well as the other major networks, which are run by the military-industrial complex, and trust that they and the U.S. government are supposedly and usually telling ("you") the truth, which they usually are NOT! This is a rhetorical question, so please don't try to answer it in writing to me, but how many times does it have to be categorically proven to "you" that, especially when it comes to a Republican administration wanting a war, as usual, they lie through their teeth in order to convince the majority of "sheep", so-called "Americans", to support such a war, before you realize that NO government can be trusted?! We are supposed to love our COUNTRY, which I DO; but no citizen is supposed to love their government! By their very existence, governments' are inherently corrupt, particularly the bigger and more out of control they are, like the U.S. government is at the present time, and has been for far too long! Bush is lying to the American people "right and left", claiming Saddam Hussein and Iraq are a major threat to "us", when for the past twelve years, minus the four from 1998 to 1992 that the weapons inspectors were not there, practically everything they had has been destroyed; and, to show you I'm not "in love with" the U.N. either, their and the U.S. government's sanctions are responsible for the deaths of a million and a half innocent Iraqi civilians, half a million of which were children! And, on top of that, the U.S. government and it's allies have been bombing the "No-Fly Zones", also murdering many more innocent Iraqis, almost every day for the past eleven years! So, what fantasy world do you live in anyway?! Without mentioning your name or violating your privacy, I posted my last message to you on my website weeks ago. I'll bet you haven't read any of my recommended reading; because people like you don't want your fantasy world to be disturbed, and you want to keep on believing in and living lies! You believe that in order to love your country, you've got to love your evil, lying government; and "you", therefore, have a very false so-called "patriotism" that condones and supports the murder(s) of millions of innocent people by the U.S. government for over 100 years now! People like you further think millions of people now protesting a war against Iraq (6-million on February 15th---with over 1-million in London alone) are allegedly "idiots"; but millions of Truly Sensible people can't be that wrong! It is the conservatives, and those who blindly love and support their governments', who are the idiots! But, a really interesting and important fact is, the majority of the populations' of England, Spain and Italy, even though their governments' support it, are against such a war without U.N. approval, as well as the majorities of the populations of Germany, France, etc.! And the only reason the usual 60 to 70 percent of the "American" population is in support of the war is because of the blitzkrieg of U.S. government and mainstream media propaganda lies that Saddam is allegedly this huge threat that he is NOT, which is scaring the majority of the American populace "to death"! Now, no doubt you'll throw back in my face that my own website quotes one of my favorite quotes that "(t)he majority is usually wrong(!)"; but I'm talking about, and so was Heinlein, the ignorant majority, not the non-ignorant "majorities" I spoke of above who are against a further Iraq war! In England and Europe they get much more of the Truth from their media than we do in the U.S.! Just watch and listen to the B.B.C. on P.B.S. sometime to find that out! And they have a much more objective viewpoint of the U.S. government, and are NOT fooled by the rhetoric and propaganda lies, especially of the Republican administration! They also "see through", and know from years of observational experience, the fact(s) that the U.S. government's true aims are to be THE imperial conqueror of all of the "weak" countries of the world like Iraq! Think about it, Man! Why aren't "we" threatening and attacking North Korea right now, since they are a MUCH BIGGER threat? Because, if we did, our country would likely be "nuked"; so we go after (a) weak country(ies) that in truth we know do NOT have the capability(ies), because we destroyed it/them, to do such severe harm to "us"! True Democratic governments do NOT carry out and fulfill imperial, colonial agendas and goals; therefore, the U.S. government is NOT a True Democracy! Yes, the U.S. is the best place to live in some sense(s); but in another sense it is one of the worst places to live because those who live in the U.S. are then, indirectly at least, a complicit part of the most hypocritical and destructive government on the face of the Earth. And, lest you throw that typical propaganda at me of, "America, love it or leave it(!)", I AM trying to "get out" of this country so I no longer IN ANY WAY support it's evil, lying, murderous policies, agendas and actions! That saying should read, 'America, love it AND leave it'! One of the U.S. government's own military general's just ADMITTED a couple of weeks ago that the American people are, and supposedly need to be, "conditioned", meaning 'brainwashed'! Quit letting evil people condition and/or brainwash "you"! Try, if it's not too late (though it probably is), to use your own head and think for yourself, instead of blindly believing the lies that you are being "spoon fed"! Granted, if we become part of the minority who ONLY stands up for what's right, we will be persecuted; but it is better to be persecuted than to go along with large-scale murder; so get off your lazy butt and learn to stand ONLY for what is True and Right!!
Again, ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL,
S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot
[Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Monday, August 23, 2004

ADDRESSING IGNORANCE, PART ONE Response To An E-mail Message (Written on or about 20 January 2003; Updated on 23 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain
The U.S. government perpetrates global terrorism! Wake up, man, and see the light! What you say is typical brainwashed rhetoric and blind following of the blind! If "we", the U.S., "take Saddam out" as you put it, we will likely have something much worse than 9-11 inflicted upon us! If 9-11 wasn't an act of the globalist conspiracy involving Bush, Cheney and the entire bin Laden family, as well as many others, which there is a great deal of evidence that it was [SEE William Thomas' book, ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, among others], it was an act of revenge for the millions of innocent Arab peoples, including men, women, children, and little babies, that the U.S. government has either had a direct hand in murdering, or was directly or indirectly involved in supporting the murder of, since WW2; and, if we keep pushing these people, we are provoking a much worse situation than we now have! Think for yourself and stop parroting the propaganda of evil murderers for multi-national business interests, and military and political reasons! I AM a patriot; and all those like myself who are the "lone" voices of sanity against the insanity of any and all war(s), are the ONLY true patriots! Those who are like yourself, though you think you are the true patriots, are puppets and pawns of evil, darkness and murder, and are NOT patriots AT ALL! True Patriots stand only for True Democracy for ALL people(s) the world over; and murdering more millions of innocent Iraqis is not going to be bringing democracy to them! I love my country; but I do not love my government! NO ONE is supposed to love and support their government over sanity, True Love, Peace, Freedom, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice FOR ALL! All governments are by their very nature and existence corrupt; and ONLY the country must be loved, which those who stand up against the evils and corruptions of their government(s) are doing more than any of those who support war mongering, racism and hate; and NO ONE should support their governments' insanity(ies)! No, the Iraqi people don't have the basic freedom of protesting against their government; but, believe me and them, that most if not all of them do not want the U.S. government to attack their country and kill tens of thousands more innocent men, women, children, and little babies, even though they do not like their evil dictatorship anymore than the West does! A True Democracy, which the U.S. government most-definitely is NOT, does not force it's will on sovereign countries, dictate to them what they must do (particularly when the U.S. has more nuclear, chemical and biological weapons than any other country in the world---so, how hypocritical it is for the U.S. government to "command" other countries not to possess them when we are brandishing them against the rest of the world), and seek to conquer and dominate them like an imperialist government! Imperialism is not democratic in any way, shape or form! No doubt you won't follow my recommendation(s) to read them; but get a true education on history and U.S. foreign policy(ies), and if you read nothing else, read three books, ROGUE STATES by Noam Chomsky, and THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, A People's History and DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE, Cross-Examining American Ideology by Howard Zinn, excerpts of which are all found on my website on my "More Comments, Part(s) One", "Two" and "Three" pages; and if, after reading those books in full, you are still for what the U.S. government stands for and is doing, I will stop trying to show you the right way! I used to be indoctrinated and conditioned to believe like you and most "Americans" do; but I have had my eyes completely opened to what is really going on! Do you claim to be a Christian and believe that the devil exists like most "Americans" claim? If so, then you should know that OF COURSE (a) huge conspiracy(ies) exist(s) and is/are running the world; and you should then know that the U.S. government is NOT Christian, though it claims that it is! Please read my page on my website known as my "Religious Comments" page, at:; as the U.S. government is soon going to institute, and require everyone to follow on threat of imprisonment and/or death, a so-called Christian government, doing away with the Constitutional "separation of church and state"! The Bushs', Cheneys', Rumsfelds', Ashcrofts', and many others, all part of the "religious right", are for it and are seeking to bring it about! War is NEVER ANY WAY to expel evil! Evil CANNOT be expelled with EVIL! Two wrongs DON'T make one right; and the ends NEVER justify the means when the ends and means to the ends are evil and/or wrong! Do the dissenters represent that much (24%) of the total population of the U.S.? If so, that is the equivalent of half of the half of the populace that votes! Only the other half of that half (one quarter of the U.S. populace) supposedly put G.W. Bush in office; but they did NOT! He unconstitutionally and illegally obtained office by a very successful coup aided by the majority-conservative U.S. Supreme Court who violated and overthrew democracy by stopping the Florida vote recount which has been proven beyond any doubt would have shown that President Gore should now be in office if it had not been stopped! Again, wake up; and cease blindly following the blind down to ultimate destruction very soon! The vast majority of "Americans" do NOT see the true problem(s), and are NOT Truly courageous AT ALL, or they would ONLY seek Peaceful solutions! ONLY cowards seek revenge against anyone! Shall we make ourselves just as bad as those cowards who attacked us on 9-11!? That is what the majority of false-Americans usually do; but that is not what the country that professes to be a true democracy and a Christian country should do in any way whatsoever! But the U.S. government does so anyway; and, as a result, is the most hypocritical government on the face of the Earth! We do NOT have to love our government to Love our country; and we must not love hate, vindictiveness, war, murder, anti-democracy, inequality, and injustice OF ANY KIND(S), IN ANY WAY(S)!
ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL,
S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot
[Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Friday, August 20, 2004

"UNITE TO FIGHT THE WARMAKERS"! (Written by Brian Becker of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition on or about 1-24-03 to 2-2-03) "INTRODUCTION" "Unable to contend with the historic and constitutional right of the people to control their own government and the direction of their country, the Bush administration has now launched an assault on the anti-war movement. As the clock ticks down and the administration rushes to wage war against Iraq, it is starting another war here at home against the people of the United States. "On January 18, 2003 half a million people marched in Washington, D.C. in a true democratic expression of their opposition to an illegal and immoral war of aggression being driven by a tiny few who hold the reigns of military and economic might. Another 200,000 marched in San Francisco. Around the world people in over 35 countries held solidarity demonstrations. Now we are all mobilizing for the February 15/16, 2003 mass actions against the war that have been initiated by the European peace movement. The people of conscience who are taking to the streets represent the sentiments of so many millions more. This is a powerful rejection of the Bush administration's attempt to drag us all into war and global conflagration. "On January 28, 2003, ten days after the historic January 18, 2003 march, the Free Congress Foundation, the Center for Security Policy and other ultra-right wing members of the U.S. political establishment, including former officials of the Heritage Foundation and the Reagan administration, began promoting the creation of a new version of the House Un-American Activities Committee to investigate not only the organizers but the demonstrators themselves who came to Washington to protest Bush's march to war. "On January 30, 2003 the New York Daily News published the Bush administration's latest smear -- a purportedly leaked intelligence report from his Homeland Security department claiming that "Iraqi spies" came to the U.S. from Canada to carry out the anti-war demonstrations. "This first act for Bush's Homeland Security department -- which had officially opened a mere six days earlier -- speaks volumes about what Bush's view of "homeland security" is: using the power of the government to lie, to discredit, to disrupt and to try to shut down the opposition of the people of the U.S. to his program of violent domination and empire. "The Center for Security Policy is a group funded by arms manufacturers and big business who are being given the U.S. taxpayer's money looted from programs that would otherwise fund education, healthcare and jobs in America. The Free Congress Foundation is a haven for extremists so out of step with social justice that they pay staff members who have written that we in the U.S. might be better off if the confederacy had won the civil war, who advocate that the racist Trent Lott should have remained in his leadership position, who push anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and who spoke at a neo-Nazi conference last summer. These groups both work with and are received by the Bush Administration. "We call on all people of conscience to rally together and defend our movement for justice and peace. The red-baiting and demonization of certain leading anti-war organizations has one purpose -- to weaken the whole peace movement. "PURPOSE OF RED-BAITING: TO STOP COLLECTIVE ACTION AND SILENCE DISSENT" "These efforts are the apex of a repugnant red-baiting campaign against the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition because of its role as a principal organizer of the mass grassroots movement of opposition to war throughout the United States. It is not only A.N.S.W.E.R. that is the target of these attacks. The Not In Our Name Project (NION) and others who have been organizing for peace have also been subject to virulent red-baiting. "The point of the associational red-baiting and smear campaign is to warn all of us who are coming out into the streets, many who have found public voice for the first time and are empowered by the strength of their actions, that what we think we experienced is tainted, that we are dupes of some hidden hand and should go back inside. These are the identical mechanisms that were used by the government to try to destroy the labor movement of the thirties and forties and the civil rights and anti-war movements of the fifties, sixties and seventies. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was labeled a "communist sympathizer.") "All of us who have been involved with the Coalition have been subjected to an intensive associational red-baiting attack that emanates from pro-war supporters. It often gets carried by others who claim to be from the progressive community but who unfortunately are more focused on engaging in sectarian factionalization than, on the eve of war, stopping a needless slaughter. Fortunately, the thousands of people organizing around the country to stop this war drive have been rejecting these efforts, as is evidenced from the success of the mobilizations and the outpouring of support received by A.N.S.W.E.R. at the grassroots level. "THE JANUARY 18, 2003 DEMONSTRATION AND THE RED-BAITING TACTICS" "The demonstrations have been supported by, organized by, and attended by persons from all walks of life. For January 18, 2003, hundreds of thousands of people traveled all night by bus and car from communities around the country with their children, their grandparents, their friends and neighbors, many attending their first demonstration and not knowing fully what to expect. Once arriving in the freezing cold of D.C. or the streets of San Francisco they met others from different backgrounds who shared a simple and heartfelt demand: that there be no war of aggression launched by the government of the U.S. on the people of Iraq. We have heard stories of the veteran from Pennsylvania who spent the day with the family from Alabama, the mother and her son from Mississippi who made new friends with the students from Wisconsin. We all listened as speakers representing veterans, labor and working people, youth and students, communities of faith, members of congress, artists and writers, and fighters for social justice from different struggles all brought messages of solidarity in opposition to a war on Iraq. And then we all marched together. "Those who seek to diminish and divide this growing movement often dishonestly claim that A.N.S.W.E.R. is a "front" group in order to diminish the Coalition and all the people from different backgrounds and organizations that are part of it, including on its Steering Committee, and who have their own honorable independent histories in the anti-war and social justice movements. The red-baiters have focused on singling out the presence of socialists and Marxists, in particular members of the Workers World Party (a socialist party in the U.S.), because some people in that party have been prominent in supporting the anti-war movement and the work of A.N.S.W.E.R. and their political positions have been routinely caricatured. "Those who claim that A.N.S.W.E.R. is a "front" demonstrate their own racist and elitist perception of reality. Oddly invisible to them is the role of the various communities and organizations, including Arab Americans, African Americans, Korean Americans, Filipino Americans, Latinos, faith-based and solidarity groups who clearly have a central leadership role in organizing A.N.S.W.E.R. and carrying out the actions of the past year. "That there are socialists or Marxists in the peace movement is neither a shock, nor a matter for repudiation. There are also Democrats, Republicans, Greens, anarchists, independents, and people with no party affiliation, and everyone is welcome. This is a united front of opposition that is becoming a big problem for the administration -- hence the stepped up demonization and red-baiting, particularly after successful mass actions. "WHAT IS "MAINSTREAM" AMERICA: THE POWER OF REAL DEMOCRACY" "While thousands of grassroots activists have worked tirelessly organizing their communities, holding teach-ins, handing out leaflets, putting up posters, and doing all the other necessary tasks to build a movement to stop Bush's war against Iraq, it is sad that a few on the sidelines claiming to speak for the liberal and progressive community have so willingly been partners with the right wing and pro-war supporters in their efforts to disrupt the growing peace movement. Much of the red-baiting and disinformation campaign emanated first from the pages of the Nation magazine and its columnists, which is now approvingly cited by the new Joe McCarthys in the conservative establishment. Some writers who have done nothing to organize against the war -- Todd Gitlin, Marc Cooper, Christopher Hitchens, David Corn and a few others -- have been feverishly exposing "reds" in the anti-war movement and demanding purges for months. "A handful of people who claim to be leaders of the peace movement have also supported these attacks and demurred that they are not red-baiting but only trying to look out for the best interests of the movement. They state that the anti-war movement must appeal to "mainstream America" and that A.N.S.W.E.R.'s leadership and organizing, despite the turnout of hundreds of thousands of people in the streets, is a barrier to reaching that "mainstream" America. They wrongly insist that A.N.S.W.E.R.'s linking issues of war, racism and economic justice -- inclusion of the struggle against the death penalty, or presenting a taped anti-war message to the demonstration from political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, or supporting Palestinian self-determination -- that this bringing together unity of different social justice struggles to oppose war on Iraq can only "limit" the anti-war movement. "A.N.S.W.E.R. has mobilized the largest demonstrations against the Bush administration's policies that have been filled not only by radical activists but by broad sections of the population reaching across ethnicities, races, genders, economic status and many political divides to include many who are participating for the first time in political protests. "'Mainstream,' when used by those who wish to narrow the movement and its outreach, is however, a code word in the political lexicon that refers to upper middle-class white America. A.N.S.W.E.R. wants to and has reached and included all sectors of the society. When we use the term mainstream we mean not only the middle class, but the broad, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-national working population in the United States. History proves that the most powerful mass movements are those that give voice to sectors of society that are traditionally disenfranchised or ignored or demonized. Together we are building demonstrations and a movement that reflects the real mainstream America -- all of us. This has been echoed by the thousands of people from all backgrounds who have written about their experiences standing shoulder-to-shoulder with people they would never otherwise have met, who are from different communities, and how for the first time they have felt the power of democracy in America. "'Mainstream' is also used as code for something else. It means opposing some tactics of Bush's war while embracing the government rationale for its twelve-year quiet war against Iraq, including genocidal sanctions that the UN admits has killed over one million Iraqi civilians, and accepting the fundamental assumption of the Bush administration that the U.S. must "do something about Iraq." The entirely false characterization and spin provided by these pundits, and those who parrot them, is that those who oppose the imperial ambitions of the U.S. in the Middle East are necessarily political apologists for Saddam Hussein. Simply put, if the people in Iraq want to carry out regime change, that is one thing. When the Pentagon and the CIA attempt to use sanctions and military invasion to create a puppet regime, that is something altogether different. Counterposed to Bush's doctrine of pre-emptive war and forcible regime change, A.N.S.W.E.R. supports the right of Iraqi people to determine their own destiny. The same can be said about the U.S. conflict with North Korea, Cuba or any other Third World country that attempts to retain its sovereignty in the face of U.S. military aggression and economic blockade. "In the past week, the red-baiting attacks have been picked up and intensified by corporate media such as NPR and the New York Times, who also approvingly cite the "progressive" publications and enlist other sectarians who claim to be part of the peace movement, to give credibility to their demonization of the peace movement. Below is a link to an audio piece from NPR's Fresh Air from last week, which has compelled people from all over the country to condemn NPR and send messages of support to the anti-war movement. "LESSONS OF THE MCCARTHY ERA" "The historical link between the current attacks and the 1950s McCarthy era is striking. As the social justice movement emerged from the 1950s, the result of red-baiting was clear for all to see: socialists had been fired from their jobs, driven from unions, and also from "progressive" organizations who were purging their ranks. As the pressure grew, even the ACLU, which purportedly defended free speech unconditionally, capitulated and purged its ranks of communists and socialists who had played an invaluable role in the movement to defend the Bill of Rights. It even reported on activists to FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and the House Un-American Activities Committee. The attacks spread to those who were designated as "fellow travelers" and even to those who simply signed petitions against the atomic bomb. Actor Paul Robeson and renowned scientist Linus Pauling (who won two Nobel prizes, including one for peace) had their passports lifted by the U.S. government. This is recognized as a shameful period of witch-hunting in America. "The red-baiting limited the anti-war movement during the Korean War and critically weakened the labor movement in the U.S. At the start of growing opposition to the Vietnam War in the mid-1960s, the established "peace" groups demanded that socialists and Marxists also be purged from anti-war groups and organizing, just as Corn, Gitlin and their group of armchair activists are demanding now. But young people who took the leadership of the anti-war movement, the people who took to the streets, rejected these demands. Ultimately, because division efforts similar to those clamored for now failed, the mass movement was built with many voices and the progressive community played a leading and decisive role in the protracted struggle that brought an end to the Vietnam War. "This new attack is a disgraceful course of conduct, one reminiscent of loyalty oaths and one that will not be tolerated. "We in the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition choose to work together and choose to stand side by side because we oppose war, racism, sexism and homophobia and share a common belief: support for the right of people to live decent non-exploited lives, in peace and with justice and self-determination. As evidenced by the mass demonstrations on September 29, 2001, April 20, 2002, October 26, 2002, and most recently January 18, 2003, so also do hundreds of thousands of people. "OUR FUTURE TOGETHER" "We speak on behalf of many grassroots organizers around the country who are building a movement to stop a criminal war of aggression that will needlessly endanger the lives of U.S. servicepeople and kill thousands of innocent Iraqis for Big Oil's interests, and that will loot the national Treasury, diverting money from healthcare, jobs and education to arms-makers and corporate war profiteers. "Constructive criticism and dialogue about political disagreements is healthy for the movement and a sign of maturity. But we categorically reject the demands for purging, factionalization, sectarianism, and red-baiting that seeks to divide people at the very moment when unity is required to stop Bush and company from waging an endless war against the people of the world. "We encourage all to join in as we continue to build a potent force of unequaled breadth and diversity, with many different voices and viewpoints, united to stop this war drive. "Otherwise the Bush Administration, its warmongering supporters, and those who would play directly into their hands for their own sectarian purposes, will be able to divide a growing movement, shut down powerful dissent and scare off and silence people just as happened in the McCarthy era to those who then opposed atomic weapons, the war in Korea, and the legal Jim Crow apartheid in the U.S. It took the progressive movement more than a decade to regain its footing. We probably don't have that kind of time right now." ( Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by the International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition. All rights are reserved. )

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

AMERICAN AMBASSADORS OR "AMERICAN AM-BASTARDS"? (Written on or about 16 March 2003; Updated on 18 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain To Will Thomas (Canadian, International Investigative Journalist): I'm further "moved" by your articles on your website! I'm "moved" to take more (only legal) action(s) against 'the U.S. Administration of Global Imperialism'! I'm "moved" to "get the hell out of Dodge", and move out of this evil country known as the U.S.A.! To tell you the truth, Will, if I wasn't living on an only income of very low Social Security Disability, and I could afford it, I would move out of the United States right now! I can only imagine how someone like yourself who is not an American, "thank your lucky stars", views "we" egocentric "Americans"! You must see "us" as, because "we" ARE by and large, a truly arrogant and blind nation, with "the blind leaders of the blind" Pied Piper-ing "us" to perdition! Most so-called Americans blindly believe most, if not all, of what their government and the mainstream media tells them is the truth, even though the vast majority of what they're told are lies! You must wonder how "we" can continue to let ourselves be this way, how "we" can live in such a fantasy world, when the signs are everywhere of what the Truth is concerning Presidential and other political corruption, and military-industrial-imperialistic greed! Most "Americans" think they're better than everyone else: Better than Canadians, Mexicans, other Central Americans, South Americans, Cubans, Brits, Europeans, Jews (who they're "using" for the time being), Iraqis, Russians, the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Orientals, Africans, blacks, brown-skinned, "yellow"-skinned and "red"-skinned people(s), "Christians" who aren't a part of the "Moral Majority/Religious Right" which is neither, moral or the majority, religious in the True sense or right, and everyone else who isn't "American" and white! But they AREN'T better than ANYONE else!! I am very tired of this egotism, this sanctimonious, racist self-righteousness, and my being associated with it! I feel I'm complicit in the U.S. government's evils just by my living here, even if I don't support them; and I hate being ashamed of what my country stands for, especially right now; but the only other option I have is to even more indirectly comply with and condone it's evils, and be complicit in them, by remaining, like most so-called Americans, apathetic, cowed, acquiescent to, and even directly supportive of, it's totally unsympathetic and murderous ends! The Truth is, I am one of the very few, compared to the whole, True Americans who loves his country very much, but not his government; and I must exercise my True Patriot(ic) DUTY, as spelled out in the great Declaration of Independence, to "throw off" such government that IS seeking to put "America" under "absolute despotism"! May Truth prevail!! "America, love it (AND) leave it"! "America, love it (BY) leav(ing) it"! Perhaps, if despotism is what the majority of "Americans" want, those of us True Americans who don't want it, should just get out and let them have it! Wouldn't it be absolutely, incredibly amazing if all of the True Patriots emigrated to other countries and renounced their so-called "American" citizenship, and loved their country by their "statement" of "getting out", and by exerting their influence(s) in various other ways, "from afar", like Thomas Jefferson, one of the United State’s greatest "Founding Fathers", did from France!?! Thomas Jefferson was appointed as Ambassador to France, no doubt because some if not many wanted to remove his Truly Patriotic influence(s) from having more direct "sway" by his then-continuing to reside "in-country"; but he went, and did not abandon his country; and from afar he continued to powerfully influence "America's" political ideology, policies and actions for the better, in fact for much greater good, which he even more "forcefully" continued upon his return, being an exceedingly great "check and balance" upon corporate "means and ends" in the guise of the then-"Republicans" known as the Federalists, through the powerful influence of the then-"Democrats" known as the Republican Democrats! So you see, the True Democrats are the True Conservatives, for they "conserve" True care for The People, Truly providing for their needs, without rancor and false delusions of grandeur, and violent conquest over others; and the true Republicans are the true Liberals (sic), making Howard Zinn very right that the so-called conservatives are the liberals, for the latter are liberally monstrous, liberally military-industrial-complex oriented, liberally into war-making, liberally corporate-self-centered, liberally anti- Social Services, liberally without care for and against the masses of The People, liberally murderous, and liberally tyrannous, truly-treasonous, autocratic, authoritarian, dictatorial, domination-istic (sic), imperialistic, and terrorist-ic (sic)! Not that the so-called liberals of the U.S. government haven't, or the present-day Democratic Party hasn't, become and isn't just as corrupt in it's own ways! All of these wrongs must be overcome for the sake of both "American"- and world- society as a whole! The U.S. government, though it thinks it is, is NOT "a law unto itself"!! "America" can be an ambassador for great good or for great evil; and the U.S. government is at present being the worst ambassador of "bad-will" the world-over, an “Am-bastard” if you will, that it has ever been in it's entire history. But True Americans CAN and MUST be ambassadors ONLY for Good, in any and every way(s) they can, particularly and especially in standing up to and against the evils of their government, in every and any NON-VIOLENT way(s) that they can! Therefore, True Americans must not be complicit in the evils of the United States government by continuing to reside in the U.S. and being a "sharer" in it's ill-gotten "gains"! True Americans must make one huge, ultimate "protest" by refusing to be so much a direct part of such an evil government, and "move out" without abandoning their country! This is not only possible, it is a necessity! I for one hope to emigrate as soon as I possibly can; and I pray that I will be enabled to do so, God willing, much sooner than later, before it is too late!! During circumstances such as this, people sometimes cannot overcome great evil(s) by working from within, and must non-violently overcome them by denouncing and disconnecting themselves from any and all allegiance to such monumental evil(s), and work for NOTHING BUT True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL, from without, by 'dodging the heck out of hell', or dodging out of what is very soon to be hell on Earth, if hasn't already begun to be, which I believe it has! Your's ONLY for ALL of the immediately-foregoing, S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot ( Will(iam) Thomas, International Investigative Reporter, Lifeboat News Service, British Columbia, Canada, ) [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Monday, August 16, 2004

THE EPIDEMIC OF PRO-IMPERIALISM IN AND BY THE UNITED STATES OF "AMERICA" (Written on or about 1 April 2003; Updated on 16 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain To A(nother) Friend: I have a theory you might be interested in; and I'll say right off that the only evidence I have that it is very likely true is the CIA connection(s) to the anthrax mailings and the overall foreign policy actions of the Bush administration that clearly and extremely evidence(s) such corruption(s). My theory is that the "new" disease epidemic and/or pandemic that is occurring now, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (S.A.R.S.), is a viral infection that was probably planted abroad by the CIA (starting in China, and then traveling in infected persons to Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, and the U.S., etcetera) so that the majority of Americans will be in even greater fear than they already are and will blame the "terrorists", in order for "our" government to gain their support to "justify" more "first-strike" wars against certain countries, like Iran and North Korea, which are completely contrary to what the United States is supposed to, AND ONLY, stand for to be a True Democracy! It's just much too convenient that "this" epidemic is occurring now! And God forbid that "we" attack North Korea; because they will very likely nuke us, and/or attack us chemically or biologically, in the process! Most of what is happening domestically and internationally today is manmade absolute insanity that is only going to get worse! Some people doubt that such disease theories are likely to be fact because, for example, they say that influenza viruses have existed for centuries and originated out of China as well. But, due to the fact that "germ warfare" research, and the production of biological weapons, have existed almost as long as the "bugs" themselves, it is very likely that most, if not all, of them were originally "man-made", and mutated to form additional strains. Many, if not all, lethal diseases either crossed from animals to man or from man to animals, and many have mutated while in those "hosts". In the case of crossing from man to animals, they often then cross back to man; but it is very unlikely that nature originally produced all or most of them to start with. In the process of tampering with nature, which mankind has been doing for thousands of years, they have been sowing the "seeds" of their own destruction, and have wiped out millions of people and other species, for just as long; and the United States government is the largest producer, provider and stockpiler of biological weapons! "There is NOTHING new under the sun"! The U.S. government has admitted that it has sprayed U.S. cities, and millions of unsuspecting citizens, with biological weapons testing material(s) in the 1950's through 1970's that were kept secret from the American people at that time, which of course they now claim were supposedly benign; but many people have developed serious illness(es) as a result of exposure(s) to the biological and/or other material(s) inflicted on them by those "sprayings"! There is a great deal of government-written evidence proving these facts! Look at the "Chem-Trail" spraying program(s) in the U.S. and worldwide NOW, which thousands of people all over the world are attesting to the actual occurrence(s) of, and serious illness responses to same, again over the entire globe, many exposures to which have caused long-term disease that was NOT caused from other sources, and that of course the U.S. government denies that any such program(s) are occurring, even in the face of the considerable amount of evidence proving that it IS, or that such programs ARE, indeed, occurring! Also look at the government pesticide spraying programs, which cause severe cancer-causing exposures to highly dangerous chemicals and their byproducts, that are being almost constantly sprayed on unsuspecting populations to allegedly combat insect and disease threats that do NOT exist, or are NOT the threat(s) to "public health" that the government claims! The cancer-causing chemical exposures are a MUCH worse threat than the so-called insect-disease threat; and the former HAVE already killed thousands of people from cancer(s), and have caused birth defects in thousands of the offspring of people exposed, in "America" and all over the world! Conspiracies such as this HAVE BEEN carried out by the U.S. and other governments for decades, and ARE being carried out by the U.S. government right now! OF COURSE supreme "government" conspiracies are occurring and are yet to occur as they have been carried out by the U.S. government for decades, and are only going to increase and get much worse in this time of much more extreme government lawlessness in the United States and abroad; so no one should doubt that such conspiracies exist or be surprised by them! The U.S. government has several very secretive organizations, and some new, very unconstitutional laws; and once a government, any government, perpetrates such secrecy and violations against it's own Constitution and citizens, that government is no longer a democracy, if it ever truly was! The ONLY hope for such a government is to Truly and COMPLETELY abolish all such "top secret" or so-called "national security" organizations, and laws like the so-called U.S. "Patriot" Acts I and II, which it is very unlikely that it will do! The countries with such governments are NOT democracies; and, though they may have more of the appearance of "freedom" than some other countries, they are NOT Truly Free, but are doomed to bring about their own destruction in a relatively short period of time. History has confirmed time and time again that such despotic, corrupt governments "self-destruct", are destroyed by their own citizens or other governments, or are driven out! But, unfortunately, the United States government has in its favor that it is very effectively indoctrinating and conditioning the majority of the U.S. citizenry that such policies and actions are supposedly acceptable, making clear, to some at least, that more "Americans" need to be awakened to what is Truly right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, what is the true purpose(s) of such tyranny and despotism, and to the absolute tyranny and despotism that it has led to, the cessation of civil liberties, at the present time, which is only going to get worse and worse if more and more Americans don't stand up against it to save their country and their freedoms! By pointing out the conspiracies that are occurring, or are very likely occurring, many "Americans" think that dissidents like myself are insensitive to events such as 9-11-01, the death(s) that occurred on that day, and should not speak or write the Truth about what is really going on in "our" government; but I want to make as clear as I possibly can that I am exceedingly moved by the losses of the thousands of people who lost their lives, and for the thousands of people who lost family members and friends, on that day, and my inadequate condolences, both now, and those which I have deep inside me, go out to them continuously; and I am very, very sorry for what they have gone through. Yet, even with all of that, I am ever-mindful, and have the duty to remind the grieving and everyone else, that vengeance belongs to God, not to mankind (Romans 12:19). "We" must not strike out the way we are; for "we" are going to commit many atrocities just as bad as, if not worse than, 9-11-01! Top retired military officials are even saying, "What is becoming of our country(?!)"; and THEY are literally protesting against it too, marching in Peace Demonstrations, along with hundreds, if not thousands, of veterans against the present war(s) of aggression! Even retired Rear Admiral Gene LaRocque has said, "Dissent is patriotic during (both) peace AND war. Please stick with it"! (Emphasis added by me.) Too many "Americans" also falsely think that dissidents are themselves terrorists and/or a threat to the security, safety and freedom(s) of the United States and their fellow-"Americans"; but the vast majority of dissidents are neither a threat to security, unless it is a threat to the fantasy-securities of the majority of ignorant "Americans", or a threat to the safety and freedom(s) of the U.S. and their fellow-"Americans". On the contrary, dissidents are a "check and balance" on excessive government and government abuses, and protect the liberties of "America" and all Americans! In a True Democracy, it is both a right and a DUTY to dissent against threats to and violations of that Democracy! Most "Americans" just don't "get it", and wrongly think that if they don't understand something like dissent, that supposedly makes it wrong; but it is they who are wrong, due to a very false indoctrination and conditioning to misunderstand what is and is not true patriotism; and they falsely believe that indiscriminate support and love of their government is the only true patriotism, and that all those who dissent are supposedly not patriots! Yet their "understanding" couldn't be any more backwards! We must love our country without loving and blindly supporting our government; and the dissidents are the ones Truly loving, and trying to protect the liberty(ies) of, their country as it is their, and ALL Americans, DUTY to do! The blind trust and support of the United States government, it's troops and the U.S. mainstream media by most "Americans", is claimed to be their "duty"; but it is NOT their duty to do so; and they must awaken to this fact, or the U.S. is doomed to become a totalitarian police-state! It is the blind trust and support of the U.S. government, the troops and the mainstream media that is the idiocy, not the dissidents and the protests against the imperialism of the United States government; but I believe that even the majority of dissidents don't realize how grave the situation in the U.S. is right now, and how serious the threats to liberty are; for the government is on the threshold of suspending civil rights and locking up all of the dissidents that the authorities can get a hold of! The authorities know that we are a serious threat to their stranglehold on "reality", and fascist control over the people; and they know they may likely not be able to hold on to their "power" if they don't remove our strength! What kind of "democracy" is this?! It is no democracy at all; and we must "wrestle" the government out of their control BEFORE they lock us all up and throw away liberty(ies) and freedom(s)! What is going on right now is exactly what I stated above and elsewhere is going to happen! The U.S. government and military, and the many supporters thereof, are making themselves, not just as bad as the alleged terrorists who attacked the U.S. on 9-11-01, if indeed they were the ones who did so (not automatically believing most things "our" government and the mainstream media tells us like most "Americans" do), but MUCH WORSE than the alleged terrorists, by being terrorists themselves! IT IS COMPLETELY INEXCUSABLE! And I, having some conscience left, am extremely sickened by what is now going on, as millions of other Americans are as well; and we are not going to sit still while the obliteration of True Democracy is occurring with immunity and impunity by those sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies "BOTH foreign AND DOMESTIC"! (Emphasis added by the author, me.) Right now, we are more surrounded by domestic enemies than we are foreign ones'; although, the U.S. government is creating hundreds, if not thousands, of more "international terrorist" enemies right now by it's overt acts of aggression, making the United States the most "evil", dangerous country in the world at the present time, and making the United States and the world much more dangerous places for Americans to live in! So I echo, what are we doing to our country?! And what are we doing to our country and the entire world by the unjustified actions that we are carrying out worldwide?! True Americans MUST non-violently wrestle the present, and worst, "axis of evil" government in the U.S. (presently run by four sociopathic psychotics: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft) from the jaws of destruction RIGHT NOW, as WE ARE trying to do, before it is forever too late, and this true axis of evil murders thousands of more innocent people in the name of “Freedom”, committing many extremely-unconscionable crimes against humanity and international human rights, and making the Euphrates River run red with civilian blood! For the sake of True Freedom, this must NOT be allowed to continue; and human rights activists MUST rise up, and ARE rising up, against it in greater and greater numbers, exceeding millions of people both in the U.S. and worldwide, to "throw off" such tyranny! This is what the Declaration of Independence instructs us that we are supposed to do! It recently came to my attention that G.W. Bush is using the brainwashing tactics of Hitler and the Nazis by repeating at least three times in each of his speeches many lies as if they are facts, such that most "Americans" are believing those lies as if they are facts, and are, just as Bush and company want and expect them to do, blindly reacting to those lies with revenge in their hearts, minds and actions by supporting, if not actually taking part in [such as serving in the military and (supporting the) murdering (of) many innocent civilians in Iraq], the inexcusable, blind vindictiveness, with gross atrocities, against innocent PEOPLE who did NOT attack us or have ANYTHING to do with 9-11-01! As a result of all of the foregoing, the majority of "Americans" are blindly following their government as the Germans did Hitler in the 1930's and 40's, and are following an un-elected "'President'-by-Coup" who is extremely unintelligent and ignorant, who is brain damaged by alcohol and drug abuse, and who is a prime mover in a huge globalist conspiracy for the military-industrial complex and the U.S. government to conquer and control the whole world, in order to create a "U.S. Empire" worldwide! True Americans are not supposed to blindly follow ANY government, including and especially their own, and will NOT do so! They Greatly and Truly Love their country; and, as we have been warned not to do for centuries by many great Messiahs, patriarchs, prophets, scholars, and human rights activists, they do not blindly support their government; because governments are by their very existence and nature liars and extremely corrupt, and are lawless except for extremely unrighteous, anti-freedom and murderous "laws"; and I am very tired of all of these people who "buy into" most, if not all, of the lies! True Americans MUST seek to counteract "the epidemic going pandemic" of "preemptive", tyrannous, global, imperial conquest by the U.S. government, and the abrogation(s) of our civil liberties by same; and, thank God, WE ARE, by standing up for the Truth in any and all peaceful and non-violent way(s) that we can, and by standing up against the pandemic lies of an extremely tyrannical military-industrial U.S. government gone, closely-bordering on totally, insane, making more and more threats against democracy and freedom to exist within our own borders than there are abroad, in the guise of "our own" elected AND UNELECTED "representatives" and tyrants, and their rampant genocidal policies and warmaking! To top it all off, these tyrants claim to be Christians while ignoring the Sixth Commandment, "You will NOT kill...." under ANY circumstances; and this is the ultimate hypocrisy and insult to God! The True-American, Mindy Kleinburg's of this world [one of the wives of a deceased loved-one who died in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, who spoke the Real Truth to the September 11th Commission on April 1, 2003 (as seen on C-Span at 12:00 midnight on April 2, 2003), about many of the questions concerning the highly-extreme corruptions, and inadequate response(s) of our government to the alleged-terrorists who allegedly hijacked the planes on 9-11-01, as the latter entered and moved freely about our country, knowing they were alleged potential terrorists, and the presently-occurring cover-up of same], are counteracting the evil(s) and are the True Heroes! Now, may this Commission not further the cover-up, and Truly get to the bottom, AND THE TOP, of who is responsible for, or at bare minimum who allowed, the 9-11-01 attacks in order to bring about war, much like President Roosevelt allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to bring about the war against Japan! We must remember that history repeats itself over and over again, and that NO government is to be trusted, especially one that is completely out of control like the U.S. government is at the present time, and like NEVER before; and we must not be fooled by the government and the mainstream media propaganda presently "washing" over us! May the Real, Whole Truth, and Sanity, Truly Prevail, Completely Come to the Light of Day, and Completely Overcome the insanity, though it probably won't! I have no illusions about what is going to happen; but that must not make us apathetic and inactive in our Duty to without fail, unflinchingly seek after the Whole, Real Truth no matter what befalls us for doing so; otherwise, we are complicit in the evils that are committed in the violation(s) of Truth and True Freedom! Standing up for NOTHING BUT the Truth is the Most Truly Patriotic thing we can do; and the True Americans WILL do so, AND ARE doing so, braving many additional threats to their freedom(s), and to their very lives, at the hands of the corrupt and lawless, by and large evil, unfortunately "necessary evil", "law enforcement authorities" who are sworn to "protect and serve" us, but who are mostly terrorists, murderers, "testi-liars", and/or who violate human rights and civil liberties every day, and get away with it virtually every time! Anyone who trusts "law enforcement" authorities doesn't know what's really going on! As a "Public Defender", better called a "Public Pretender" as most of them are, said to me once, the police "are not there to help you"; and, though he was a worthless defense lawyer except to help the State convict most people that he "represented", he couldn't have been more right about that! And thinking about that subject made me wonder, though it doesn't appear that anyone else is asking this question like they should be, how many of the large number of Americans the federal government has "secretly" incarcerated, in that the government refuses to give out any specifics about why they are imprisoned, to bring any public charges against them, to divulge where they are incarcerated, etc., have been murdered by the authorities and thereby made to PERMANENTLY "disappear"?! We The People should be "shouting from the rooftops" against these sorts of "Police-State" actions; but, what are most of "us" doing about it, nothing!! "We" are allowing it to happen, in the so-called "greatest democracy on Earth"!! What the United States and the world are coming to is absolute totalitarianism!! The "powers that be" have been working towards bringing about the present state of affairs for decades, if not hundreds of years. Their goal has therefore long been to undermine and eventually overthrow freedom in the United States, the latter of which they are now largely succeeding in doing. May the dissidents, and those others' who ARE speaking out against "our" corrupt and lawless "leaders", and trying to take action(s) to do something about, and to stop, their lawlessness, be successful in "overcom(ing the) evil with (the great) good" THEY ARE doing! Your's for "....the whole (T)ruth, and nothing but the (T)ruth, so help us God"! S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot Equal, Human, Civil, Legal, Disability, Patient, Transportation, Parental, Housing, Tenant, and Liberty Rights Advocate; Independent Legal Assistant; Personal Computer Specialist; Writer; and Poet; Sui Juris/Pro Esse Suo/Pro Se CC: Will(iam) Thomas, International Investigative Reporter, Lifeboat News Service, British Columbia, Canada, [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Friday, August 13, 2004

DEMONIZING (Written on 15 April 2003; Updated on 13 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain Just because you disagree with or don't understand something, doesn't automatically or arbitrarily make what you don't understand or agree with wrong. I have for some time realized that most people are living in a fantasy world; and I now further realize what is truly going on at the present time in the war-mongers' response to my and many others' non-violent stand against war, and it is as follows: I and the other non-violent anti-war protesters are being demonized by those who want to make the protesters out to be a threat that we are not, as a result of their fear and paranoia stemming from 9-11-01 and the so-called "War Against Terrorism", and because of their lack of understanding of why we, the protesters, are non-violently against the present wars for empire and corporate monetary gain for the members of the military-industrial complex. So, what they do is, they "paint" us as dangerous to their "normal" life and world, when it is they who are one of the greatest threats to life and the world through their willingness to allow the U.S. government to run amuck and abrogate civil liberties in the United States and abroad with the false belief(s) that doing so will protect the U.S. from terrorists and terrorism, while actually making us MUCH LESS safe from those threats. THE NON-VIOLENT ANTI-WAR, ANTI-IMPERIALISM PROTESTERS, WITH THE VAST MAJORITY OF US BEING COMPLETELY NON-VIOLENT, AND TOTALLY AGAINST VIOLENCE, ARE NOT TERRORISTS! We are non-violently fighting against the terrorism of the U.S. government, which terrorism is what they are committing in their unprecedented, at least out in open, "preemptive", "first-strike" war(s) against weak nations like Iraq that have no chance against the might of the U.S. military. The United States and "Americans" are not better than anyone else in the world; for NOBODY is better than ANYONE else; and, if the U.S. has the right to defend itself, so do other sovereign nations like Iraq. But the U.S. government and most "Americans" act like only "Americans" and the United States have any rights in world affairs, while the U.S. government violates international law(s) over and over again with impunity, and like those other nations which have not bowed down to the "all-powerful" United States have virtually no rights to resist being overthrown and dominated by the U.S. government. Other nations have no right(s) to attempt to overthrow and dominate the United States; so what right does the U.S. have to do so to other countries, especially in light of the many facts proving that the U.S. government is the greatest threat to the world today?! "Americans" act like the United States is above being "power-mad", but the U.S. is not above power-madness, and the United States is exercising extreme power-madness at the present time!! True Americans have the duty(ies) to try to curb this!! That is what the True Democracy that is supposed to exist in the U.S. is all about!! An ignorant neo-conservative said on C-Span that she does not understand what trying to end "racism" has to do with protesting and trying to stop war; but the understanding of said connection(s) is obvious and simple: For the United States to believe that it is superior to every other country on the face of the globe is the ultimate in bigotry; and "America" feels that all of the Arab and Islamic people(s), as well as many other non-white races, are inferior to so-called white, "American" Christians, and are expendable, which is a most extreme form of racism! Besides, throughout history, virtually all wars and/or oppressions carried out by one group of people over another, especially the ones carried out or supported by the U.S. government for over one-hundred years, have been closely tied in with racism, contrary to True Democracy! The Declaration of Independence states, "ALL (PEOPLE) ARE CREATED EQUAL...."; and NOTHING could be any more true than that truth! (Emphasis added by me.) ALL PEOPLE in the United States and the world are also imbued with the inalienable and immutable right(s) to freedom of belief, and to express that belief in any way they believe their conscience is guiding them as long as it is not violent or aberrant; and to IN ANY WAY try to deny that or any other immutable right(s) is very serious discrimination on the basis of creed and a very extreme violation of the civil right to freedom of speech; so anti-war protesters have JUST AS MUCH right(s) to non-violently express their views as warmongers do, without having the non-violent free expression of those anti-war sentiments interfered with IN ANY WAY! Pro-war people do NOT have freedom of speech reserved for them alone, though they act like they do! Non-violent anti-war protesters have JUST AS MUCH right to freedom of speech as pro-war people do; and that EQUAL right to freedom of speech for dissenters is what the True Democracy in the U.S. is supposed to stand for, without fail, and it cannot be taken away, even in wartime, no matter what the so-called justifications are for doing so! IT IS ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FOR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT TO FORCE IT'S WILL DOWN THE THROATS OF OTHER SOVEREIGN NATIONS, PARTICULARLY AT THE POINT OF A "FIRST-STRIKE", "PREEMPTIVE" GUN! IT IS TOTALLY AGAINST WHAT TRUE-DEMOCRACY STANDS FOR, WHAT THE TRUE-DEMOCRACY OF THE UNITED STATES IS SUPPOSED TO STAND FOR; AND IT IS MAKING THE UNITED STATES THE OPPOSITE OF DEMOCRATIC! Therefore, in exercising this antithesis of democracy against such countries as Afghanistan and Iraq, it is impossible for the U.S. to be truly "liberating" and restoring "freedom" to these countries, especially while slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians in the process! THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY! Sure, most "Americans" don't see most of the slaughter on the United States mainstream media, nor are they given the true numbers of the so-called "collateral damage" and "acceptable losses", because the "American" mainstream media is part of the imperial, corporate war and propaganda machine! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "ACCEPTABLE LOSSES" OR "COLLATERAL DAMAGE"; AND, AGAIN, IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF DEMOCRACY TO MURDER PEOPLE IN THE PROCESS OF SUPPOSEDLY LIBERATING THEM! BESIDES, NOBODY CAN LIBERATE DEAD PEOPLE, OR THE MAIMED WHO ARE GOING TO SUFFER FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES! THE LATTER ARE ALWAYS GOING TO FEEL AFRAID OF THE U.S. AND "AMERICANS", NOT FEEL LIBERATED BY THEM! DISSENT AND PEACEFUL, NON-VIOLENT ASSEMBLY AND PROTEST ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTED RIGHTS AND DUTIES IN "AMERICA", TO BE A CHECK AND BALANCE UPON GOVERNMENT; BUT THE "AMERICANS" WHO ARE DEMONIZING THE PROTESTERS ARE NOT BEING A CHECK AND BALANCE UPON THEIR GOVERNMENT AT ALL, THEY ARE BEING THE OPPOSITE, AND THEY ARE STRIKING OUT AT THE WRONG PEOPLE, WHEN THEY SHOULD BE STRIKING OUT AGAINST THEIR GOVERNMENT THAT IS ALMOST COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL! THE PROTESTERS ARE NOT THE GROUP TO DEMONIZE AND RESIST; IT IS THE PRESENT, NON-DEMOCRATIC UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT THAT SHOULD, AND INDEED MUST, BE RESISTED FOR THE SAKE OF TRUE DEMOCRACY! The dissenters are attempting to preserve True Democracy and Freedom for the sake of ALL Americans, and for the sake of all people(s) the world-over. They are NOT the threat(s) to freedom and democracy; the presently-constituted U.S. government is the threat to democracy and freedom! Open your eyes and see all of the civil liberties and human rights that are presently being done away with in the guise of protecting liberty(ies) and liberating human rights! IF AMERICANS DON'T STAND UP AGAINST, AND STOP, THIS DESTRUCTION OF CIVIL LIBERTIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS, SOON WE WILL NOT HAVE ANY CIVIL OR HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE UNITED STATES OR THE REST OF THE WORLD! THE FANTASY, "NORMAL" WORLD OF THE SAFE, UNMOLLESTED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS GONE, IF IT EVER REALLY EXISTED; AND IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE NON-VIOLENT, PEACEFUL PROTESTERS! THEY ARE BEING TRUE PATRIOTS IN SOUNDING THE MORE-THAN-JUSTIFIED ALARM THAT "THE (IMPERIALISTS) ARE COMING, THE (IMPERIALISTS) ARE COMING", AND THAT THEY'RE BRINGING WITH THEM THEIR LIES, THEIR WARMONGERING, THEIR WARMAKING, AND THEIR ABROGATION(S) OF TRUE-FREEDOM(S), IN THE GUISE OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT; AND THOSE WHO ARE GIVING THE WARNING ARE EXERCISING A GREAT DEAL OF TRUE COURAGE TO TAKE THE TRUE STAND THAT THEY ARE! READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AGAIN, AND AGAIN! THIS IS WHAT AMERICANS FOUGHT AGAINST WHEN WE FOUGHT AGAINST THE BRITISH EMPIRE; AND NOW A VERY SIMILAR LEVEL OF TYRANNY AND WORLD DOMINATION ARE BEING PASSED OFF ON US BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT AS STANDING FOR THE TRUE AND THE GENUINE, BY THE TOTALLY DISINGENUOUS, AGAIN! You've been taught to believe all of your life that you can completely trust and respect your government, and that all of those who don't completely trust their government, and don't go along with what they do no matter what, are supposedly anarchists and traitors; but you've been indoctrinated and conditioned with one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on this Earth! This indoctrination and conditioning was and is perpetrated by corrupt, evil people so we wouldn't stand up for our rights; and it is they who are the traitors! DON'T BE FOOLED! DON'T BLAME THE INNOCENT! AND DON'T BE A PART OF ALLOWING TO HAPPEN TO THE DISSIDENTS WHAT HAPPENED TO THE NORTH-AMERICAN INDIANS, THE BLACK-AMERICANS AND THE JAPANESE-AMERICANS; BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO COME ABOUT IF YOU CONTINUE TO BLINDLY SUPPORT THE "UNITED STATES EMPIRE"; AND YOU WILL BE COMPLICIT IN IT BY YOUR FALSE CONDEMNATION OF THOSE EXERCISING THEIR CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS, AND BY YOUR APATHY TO WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON! PULL YOUR HEAD(S) OUT OF THE SAND, FACE WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON, AND CARRY OUT YOUR DUTY TO STAND UP AGAINST IT! FOR IT IS TRULY PATRIOTIC TO QUESTION, PROTEST AND DISSENT AGAINST ALL VIOLENCE. LOVE YOUR COUNTRY, NOT YOUR GOVERNMENT, FOR THEY DON'T GO HAND IN HAND WHEN THEY PROMOTE VIOLENCE; AND ONLY LOVE YOUR GOVERNMENT IF IT IS BEING A TRUE DEMOCRACY THAT DOES NOT PROMOTE, SUPPORT OR COMMIT VIOLENCE. Please don't "misplace" your fear(s) and condemn those who are standing up for True Freedom(s)! The anti-imperialism, anti-war, anti-violence protesters are not the threat to you! It is much too easy to condemn the wrong people, as we have seen over and over again throughout history; so please let "perfect love cast out (your) fear(s)" and exercise nothing but True Love towards those who stand for nothing but True Justice, Democracy, Liberty, and Peace FOR ALL HUMANKIND. May God Truly bless you. [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

STANDING UP FOR NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP US GOD! (Written on 24 April 2003; Updated on 10 August 2004) By S. Wolf Britain There are so many things that need to be said in times like this, particularly with all of the controversy(ies) going on; but people can't voice their free-speech right now without being vilified by rabid, arch-conservatives and fanatic-extremist, false-patriots who don't truly understand what they are doing. Yet people like the Dixie Chicks, with all of their "back-pedaling", are being chicken. They should have stuck by what they said "come hell or high water", because what they said was "nothing but the Truth...."! Texans, as well as all Americans, SHOULD be ashamed that Bush is from Texas, let alone from the United States at all! But, now that the Dixie Chicks haven't stayed true to what they said, they've lost all credibility with those like myself who tell it like it is and don't apologize for the Truth! Bush is a fascist; and he should be tried and convicted in federal court for being a tyrant and committing the ultimate in treason(s) by very seriously violating the Constitution of the United States, declaring an out-in-the-open "preemptive", "first-strike" war for the first time in U.S. history, commanding the commission of war crimes by ordering such a war for conquest, thereby committing war crimes himself, abrogating domestic democracy and liberty(ies), and violating international human rights! Don't mince words! The Truth is the Truth is the Truth, no matter what the fanatical followers of fascists say or do in response; and those who stand for Truth must not let the ignorant rabble-rousers intimidate them into acquiescing and/or remaining silent at a time like this, when the Truth needs to be shouted from the rooftops without fail! More and more, what the Bush administration is now doing is reminiscent of the rise of Nazi Germany. Hitler started out with apparent good will and the promotion and instituting of apparently benign, "good" causes like the "Hitler Youth", an apparently innocent "Boy Scout" like organization, which Bush and company's falsely-patriotic, so-called "USA Freedom Corps", "Citizen Corps", "Network for Good", and their spawn, "Teen Freedom Corps", are eerily reminiscent of. But Hitler Youth very quickly degenerated into falsely-patriotic brainwashing, blind support of the State, and preparation of an unquestioning population and military to serve the extremely evil purposes of Herr Adolf, an insane sociopath, to racistly murder millions of innocent people in the name of the State. And USA Freedom Corps, Citizen Corps, Network for Good, and Teen Freedom Corps serve a very similar purpose, to further indoctrinate and condition the majority of "Americans" into ever-greater blind submission and service to the State, and to only serve those who are fellow-followers of the fraudulent majority, in the names of so-called "Freedom" and being so-called "Citizens", who aren't Truly-Free or True-Citizens AT ALL, but relegated to the heap of Nazi-like sheep! Bush and his accomplices are also insanely sociopathic; and he and the people like him want "us" all to think alike and march in unquestioningly obedient "lock-step" to the self-destruction of a U.S.-led global corporate-military-industrial empire in which True Freedom(s) are done away with, much-like Nazi Germany operated in the 1930's and 40's! The True-Patriots CANNOT stand for this, and MUST persistently and unrelentingly seek to completely overcome it, unlike the German people failed to do, before it is too late; otherwise, whether you want to believe it or not, "America" WILL become fully tyrannous, much more than it already is, and True Freedom(s) will become a memory! There were those like the great German True-Patriot, Hermann Hesse, who sounded the warnings about the Kaiser's "Nationalism", and Hitler's "Nazism", the movements of anti-freedom run amuck in Hesse's day, who, because of the Nationalism sweeping the nation since just before World War I, chose to get away from the dangerous government-supporting fanatics, to be able to continue to stand up for the Truth, and to try and help the German people, from "without". Hesse emigrated to Switzerland, where he continued to be a staunch opponent of Nationalism and Nazism, and to publish articles trying to open the eyes of the German people, as well as the rest of the world, to what was really going on. But, by and large, they were not believed or listened to until it was too late! Is such blind conformity and subservience to evil what "America" is repeating today?! I cannot stand by and let that happen, and I won't!! Will you?! If people like Jesus the Christ, the Apostles, Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, and/or Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, they would in one way or another be "crucified", as they were in their day(s)! If God Himself was walking the face of the Earth today in the person of Christ Jesus, the majority of people would murder him, much like they murdered him two-thousand years ago. And even the professed, so-called Christians would be some of the first to commit such murders, and soon will, again, those who stand for the Truth as they did! As I've said before, most people don't want the Truth; what they want are the lies, and to bow down to their lord and master, the (p)rince of (d)arkness, that old snake, the devil, mammon, the love of money, war, etc.; and most of them will not be deterred from serving their evil master(s), and from harming those who stand for nothing but what is right! "As it is written...." "Thus says the Lord...." "....(A)s it was in the days of (the first coming of Jesus), so will also (the days of second coming) of the Son of man (Jesus) be...."! (Matthew 24:37.) Therefore, if the above True Teachers and Dissenters against the common delusions of governments and the majority(ies) of people, were vilified and murdered for standing against all that is evil and wrong in the world in their time(s), it should not be surprising that the Dissenters of today are threatened, attacked and murdered for doing likewise! But they must NOT be diverted from ONLY standing for Truth, no matter what befalls them; and they have great courage to surmount those odds! But those who waffle, as the Dixie Chicks have done, show a great LACK of courage, and are only "respected" by those who they "sell out" to! Many people who have only pulled their heads part way out of the sand, don't want to pull them all of the way out; but they must if there is to be any True Hope for them! We cannot allow the destroyers to destroy unopposed; and we must be very clear about their evil(s), and that they who commit such evil(s) are not to IN ANY WAY be respected or supported, even upon threatened, or actual, imprisonment and/or death! All of the foregoing Civil Rights Advocates and Activists were very clear about the evil(s) of their generation of fraudulent "leaders". They did not spare anyone from the Truth(s) they needed to hear; and we must not hesitate to speak the Truth about the evil, fascist, appointed-"President" that "we" now have as the supposedly supreme ruler of the United States at this time! This is our Truly-Patriotic right and DUTY to do as Americans; and at least the Dixie Chick who dared to utter the words of Truth that she did, stuck by that right and duty, even if she did wrongly "hold her tongue" from the point that the controversy started; and I hope and pray all "Americans" become True Americans and cease hesitating to tell it like it is! There is NO greater duty than this! "As it is written...." "Thus says the Lord...." "Cry aloud, spare not (and/or have no pity), lift up your voice(s) like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression(s), and the house of Jacob their sins(!) Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: (T)hey ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. 'Wherefore have we fasted and You see it not (they say)'? '(W)herefore have we afflicted our soul(s), and You take no notice'? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labors. BEHOLD, YOU FAST FOR STRIFE AND DEBATE, AND TO SMITE WITH THE FIST OF WICKEDNESS: YOU WILL NOT FAST AS YOU DO THIS DAY, TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON HIGH(!) IS THIS THE FAST THAT I (THE LORD YOUR GOD) HAVE CHOSEN? A DAY FOR A MAN TO AFFLICT HIS SOUL (AND/OR TO DISCIPLINE HIS INNER EMOTIONS)? IS IT TO BOW DOWN HIS HEAD AS A BULRUSH, AND TO SPREAD SACKCLOTH AND ASHES UNDER HIM? WILL YOU CALL THIS A FAST, AND AN ACCEPTABLE DAY TO THE LORD? IS NOT THIS THE FAST THAT I (THE LORD YOUR GOD) HAVE CHOSEN? TO (SEEK TO STOP THE CONTROLING FORCES) OF WICKEDNESS, TO UNDO THE HEAVY BURDENS, AND TO LET THE OPPRESSED GO FREE, AND THAT YOU BREAK EVERY (HINDRANCE TO FREEDOM WITHOUT MURDERING PEOPLE IN THE PROCESS)? IS IT NOT TO DEAL YOUR BREAD TO THE HUNGRY, AND THAT YOU BRING THE POOR TO YOUR HOUSE? WHEN YOU SEE THE NAKED, THAT YOU COVER (THEM); AND THAT YOU NOT HIDE YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH (AND/OR ANY OF MANKIND)? THEN (AND ONLY THEN) WILL YOUR LIGHT BREAK FORTH AS THE MORNING, AND YOUR HEALTH WILL SPRING FORTH SPEEDILY: AND YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL GO BEFORE YOU; THEN (AND ONLY THEN) THE GLORY OF THE LORD WILL BE YOUR PROTECTION(!) THEN (AND ONLY THEN) YOU WILL CALL, AND THE LORD WILL ANSWER; YOU WILL CRY, AND HE WILL SAY, 'HERE I AM'. IF you take away from your midst the (restrictions on freedom), the pointing of fingers at others', and speaking vainly (or in vain); (a)nd IF you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the suffering soul(s); then (and ONLY then) will your light rise in obscurity, and your darkness will be as noonday: (A)nd (then and ONLY then) the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and make your bones strong: (A)nd (then and ONLY then) you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters will not fail. And (then and ONLY then) those who are with you will build the old deserted places: (Then and ONLY then) you will raise up the foundations of many generations; and you will be called, 'The repairer of the breach (to safety and peace), The restorer of (worthy) paths to (walk) in....'"! (Isaiah 58:1-12.) There are NO other paths worthy of walking in, but to ONLY satisfy God's expectations and receive of His blessings; but those who do not satisfy His expectations, will NOT receive these blessings; therefore, we MUST STOP the doing of ALL evil(s) to ALL other people(s)! Bush and company believe they are, and claim to be, people of God and doing His will; but they are neither! On the contrary, they are doers of great evil(s), and are deceiving the vast majority of "Americans", just as the Word(s) of God predicted that such people would do! But they do NOT fool the doers of great good who ONLY do great good; and those doers of only great good will stand up against the doers of evil, especially the doers of great evil(s) like Bush and company are committing, no matter what; for, if they do not cry out against the shedding of innocent blood, few if any will be turned from being a part of doing the great evil(s); but, if they do cry out against it, many can AND WILL be turned from doing so! Committing NO evil(s) against our fellowman is CLEARLY what we must ONLY stand for, even against all of the so-called rationales for vengeance-for-vengeance, violence-for-violence, and war-for-war! It is obvious that ALL wars are evil; and there is no excuse for evil(s) of ANY and ALL kinds! Giving evil for evil ONLY brings about more evil! The ONLY way(s) to stop the evil is to stop the continuation of retaliation(s), revenge, violence, war, and bloodshed. ANYONE WHO CONDONES, PROMOTES AND PERPETRATES THE CONTINUATIONS OF RETALIATION(S), REVENGE, VIOLENCE, WAR, AND THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD, IS EVIL, IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED AT ALL, AND IS NOT TO BE SUPPORTED OR FOLLOWED IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, FOR THEY STAND FOR THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT GOD STANDS FOR!! "As it is written...." "Thus says the Lord...." "....(A)bide in (God); that, when he (returns), we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His (return). Behold, what manner of love (God) the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world does not recognize us, because it did not recognize Him. Beloved, now are we the sons of God (if we ONLY do His will), and it does not yet appear what we will be, but we know that when He (returns), we will be like Him; for we will see Him as He is. And every (person) that has this hope in (them) purifies (themselves), even as He is pure. Whoever commits evil also transgresses (God's) Law: for evil is the transgression of (God's) Law. And you know that He was manifested to take away our evil, and in Him is no evil. WHOEVER ABIDES IN HIM DOES NOT COMMIT EVIL: WHOEVER DOES COMMIT EVIL HAS NOT SEEN HIM, AND NEITHER DO THEY KNOW HIM(!) (PEOPLE), LET NO (PERSON) DECEIVE YOU: THOSE WHO DO RIGHTEOUS ACTS ARE RIGHTEOUS, EVEN AS HE IS RIGHTEOUS. THEY WHO COMMIT EVIL ARE OF THE DEVIL; FOR THE DEVIL COMMITTED EVIL FROM THE BEGINNING. FOR THIS PURPOSE THE SON OF GOD WAS MANIFESTED, THAT HE COULD DESTROY THE COMMITTING OF EVIL. WHOEVER IS (RE)BORN OF GOD DOES NOT COMMIT EVIL; FOR (GOD'S TRUTH) REMAINS IN THEM: AND THEY CANNOT COMMIT EVIL, BECAUSE THEY ARE (RE)BORN OF GOD. IN THIS WAY THE CHILDREN OF GOD ARE REVEALED, AND THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL: WHOEVER DOES NOT DO RIGHTEOUS ACTS IS NOT OF GOD, AND NEITHER ARE THEY WHO DO NOT LOVE THEIR BROTHERS...."! (1 John 2:28-29 and 3:1-10.) Once again, people who commit ANY evil(s) are NOT God's people! Just as during the evil Vietnam War, Richard Nixon was called "Tricky Dick" because of how tricky and evil he was, George W. Bush is also very tricky, sneaky and making evil(s) appear to be for good, for "democracy", for "freedom", and for "peace", while they are NOT truly for any of those good and useful purposes; therefore, as Dick Nixon was, "Sneaky George" is an anti-Christ and must not be followed or supported IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! To support the troops, trained professional murderers, is to support him and his evil ways, and to support the evils that the troops commit; and right-conscienced individuals cannot support or follow evil IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM, for to do so is to be complicit in, and to be part of being responsible for, those evil(s)!! The young kids who are trained to do the bidding of the rich, though they are of course to be properly pitied, are not guiltless; for they are responsible, even if "only" following orders, and will be held COMPLETELY accountable by God, for ALL of the murders they commit!! Evidence is almost constantly coming out and accumulating about how corrupt and evil the Bush administration is, and how little the American public can trust them. It just came out recently that, with regards to the Timothy McVeigh prosecution and execution, very important evidence that WOULD very likely have made a difference in the outcome of his defense was withheld from Tim McVeigh's lawyers; though, of course, the Justice Department, run by the very evil member of Bush's cabinet, Attorney General John Ashcroft, claims it would not have made a difference in the outcome of McVeigh's defense; but, at minimum, his defense team would have very likely been able to get a longer delay-of-execution in order to examine "tons" of other evidence that they were not given by the prosecution until it was forever too late, another proof that the death penalty is totally unjust! It also proves that the "American" judicial system, and especially the Bush administration, are not to be trusted at all, and that those who blindly trust them to usually and truly be just, are living in a fantasy world! In reality there is little or no True Justice to be had at any level of the judicial system, or with the extremely evil Bush administration! The level of adoration and adulation of "'President'-by-Coup" Bush by the so-called majority of "American" citizens is truly amazing and bizarre considering how evil and fascist he is! In response to his speech aboard the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, officially announcing on May 1st, 2003 that the war in Iraq is allegedly over, a woman who was interviewed on C-Span said that Mr. Bush is supposedly very genuine, when he is one of the most non-genuine or disingenuous persons, particularly of U.S. government "caliber", including his entire cabinet, in existence today; and it goes to show just how "advanced" the level of deception of the "American" people is, both by his administration and the powers of darkness, and just how much it has succeeded and is succeeding; and this is yet another "sign of the times" of just how evil the time in which we are presently living really is! As has occurred again and again all through history, the majority the citizens are completely deceived into blindly supporting their government, thereby themselves committing great evil(s), and/or being complicit in them, by doing so! NOBODY, except those who do NOT commit ANY evil(s), are spared from being responsible and accountable for ALL of the evils, including but not limited to killing other people, they are directly involved in, or complicit in by indirectly supporting, IN ANY WAY(S)! Once more, there is and/or are NO excuse(s) for evil(s); and EVERYONE will have to answer for ALL of the evils they commit or are IN ANY WAY involved in, either directly or indirectly. This makes it incumbent upon us NOT to support ANY evil(s) IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM WHATSOEVER; otherwise, we WILL be destroyed by God for our "part(s)" in them; and NO ONE that has been a part of them will IN ANY WAY escape the punishment for them! "As it is written...." "Thus says the Lord...." "....But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, AND MURDERERS, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, AND ALL LIARS, will have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death (and/or destruction)"! And there will in no way enter into (heaven) any thing that defiles, neither any thing that works abomination[s] (and/or evil[s]), and makes lies: but (ONLY) those who are written in the Lamb's (Jesus the Christ's) book of life"! (Revelation 21:8 and 27.) [Emphasis added by me.] The(se) Word(s) of God make(s) it very clear that all liars and/or murderers are going to be COMPLETELY destroyed! The ONLY Hope is in True Faith in God and ONLY AND ALWAYS standing up for and/or supporting Truth, and in not shying away from doing so NO MATTER WHAT, unlike what the Dixie Chicks and many others' like them have done; so please do NOT prevaricate or deviate from speaking and standing up for the Truth, no matter how much you are persecuted for it, for your Truly Positive and Ultimate reward(s) for doing so will be much greater than anything on this Earth if you don't commit or have any part in any evil(s) whatsoever! Let us work towards the soon-to-be day of final reward(s) by standing up, NO MATTER WHAT, for NOTHING BUT the Truth, so help us God!! [Copyright (c) 2003-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]