resources/index.html .] This is what the powers of darkness and the U.S. government are presently preparing the vast majority of "Americans" for. But, I want to make very clear that this should not discourage the True Patriots from continuing to carry out their stand(s) against this insidious trend, and against any and all other threats to True Freedom; for it is much better to suffer depravation, hardship, imprisonment, and even death, than to be a part of, and/or a supporter of, the ensuing darkness, as all those who to any degree accede to it will be, if they aren't already. No True Freedom has ever been stood up for and preserved in the past except by the self-sacrifice of True Patriots in those days; and no True Freedom will be fully stood up for and preserved today and in the near future except by the self-sacrifice of present-day True Patriots. And we must not fail to stand up and be counted against all the inroads of the antithesis or opposite of True Freedom, or we will be members of the wrong "camp", and ourselves be guilty of the destruction and murder of the Truly Innocent. That is why we can't conscientiously accede to the corporate-government "wars" being presently waged against the "third world" by the U.S. government; because NONE of the thousands of innocent people who are currently being, and/or soon will be, murdered by the U.S. government are "acceptable losses" or understandable "collateral damage". THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS!! What "sick", depraved, "couched" language to make the deaths of thousands, even millions, of innocent people sound benign when there is NOTHING benign about it, either the murders or the language used to "defend" them!! There is NO defense for the rampant murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent victims for the "sake" of money!! It's not surprising, but it IS really amazing, how the majority of people(s) the world-over so easily and blindly support the killing of so many innocent people as long as it isn't them!! If and/or when hundreds or thousands of "their own" are killed, they want and will usually get revenge; but the innocent people who are murdered in the crossfire supposedly don't have a right to get their own revenge according to the U.S. government and Israel!! It's grossly idiotic and absolutely pathetic; and, of course, it leads to a vicious circle of totally inexcusable killing(s)!! This is why we cannot go along with it by our apathy and complacency, and thereby be complicit in it, without standing for nothing but True Love, Peace, Freedom, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice FOR ALL!! NOW!! Don't you see how dangerous you (potentially) are if you have little or no conscience about all of the thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies that are killed almost, if not, every year by the U.S. government, or if you ignore it??!! What can and will you (be able to) ignore next??!! The imprisonment, torture and murder of U.S. citizens for standing up for the Real Truth??!! One thing leads to another; and, over the years, the acquiescence to the death penalty and abortion, among other things, has led us to, and prepared us for, that very soon-to-happen occurrence. We've gotten too secure in the false assurances of our "freedom"; we let our guard down; and now we're soon to be drowning in many more deaths of the Truly Innocent because most of us don't understand the difference between false democracy and True Democracy!! Therefore, it behooves us ALL, if we haven't already, to find out and Truly learn the difference between them, NEVER FORGET IT, NEVER FORGET THE MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED AT THE "HANDS" OF THE FORMER, to take a meaningful stand for the latter against the murder(s) of all innocent people(s), and to take that stand no matter what befalls us!! We MUST take that stand; and we MUST take it NOW!! Please don't be a part of those who condemn those who are taking that stand; for we ALL will answer sooner or later for being on the wrong side, usually sooner than later, and in one way or another, or in many ways!! We always "reap what we sow", both by what we immediately or soon thereafter suffer as a result, and by our final accounting for all of our transgressions against others'; and NONE of us can or will escape it!! It is NOT worth it to be on the wrong side; and it IS worth EVERYTHING to be on the right side!! We MUST non-violently defend the innocent(s); and we must NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM support killing our fellowman by, or actually kill(ing) our fellowman for, "our" government OR ANYONE ELSE; and, as there are absolutely NO excuses for ANY evil(s), there are absolutely NO excuses for the evil(s) of ANY kind(s) of murder of our fellowman. Neither are there ANY justifications for such killing(s) and murder IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! We are ALL on one side or the other!! There is NO "in between", NO "gray area"!! As much as most attempt to assure themselves that they're supposedly safely ensconced "in between", and not responsible or guilty for the imprisonment, torture and slaughter of the Truly Innocent, they are ALL still complicit in it; and they ALL will be held accountable for it!! WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON??!! ARE YOU TRULY ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; OR ARE YOU ON THE SIDE OF MURDER??!! WHERE DO YOU STAND; AND WHAT DO YOU NOW STAND FOR??!! WE'VE ALL GOT TO MAKE THE CHOICE; AND WE ALL MAKE IT, WHETHER WE KNOW IT OR NOT, IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING IT!!!! WE WILL ALL EITHER BE ON THE SIDE OF MURDER OR ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; AND WE CANNOT BE BOTH!!!! AND THE LONGER YOU PUT OFF MAKING THE CHOICE AND TAKING THE STAND FOR LOVE AND PEACE, THE MORE LIKELY YOU WILL CHOOSE FOR MURDER AND THAT IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO CHOOSE LOVE AND PEACE; AGAIN, IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! WHEREFORE, CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FENCE NOW, AND CEASE CONTINUING TO ATTEMPT TO IMPOSSIBLY STRADDLE THE FENCE, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE!!!! [Copyright (c) 2002-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
Saturday, April 03, 2004
(Written on 10 December 2002,
Updated on 5 April 2004)
By S. Wolf Britain
The greatest threats to freedom are the masses of apathetic, complacent, falsely "patriotic", and complicit so-called Americans who believe the indoctrination and conditioning that leaving the protection of freedom to their votes and the "representatives" they elect is virtually all they need to do. These are the majority of people who so little understand True Democracy and the threats that all governments pose to True Freedom. They will blindly destroy, and/or "turn in" to the government, True American Patriots for being falsely accused of treason, sedition and heresy. This blind majority will themselves seek to destroy, or seek to have destroyed, the very ones who are trying to protect their freedoms; and will deceive themselves, or be deceived, to believe that in so turning against the True Patriots, they are supposedly taking the truly patriotic, correct and proper action(s). It has happened many times throughout history; and it will happen again very soon in the "United States of America", the "freest country on Earth".
The latest: "Bush seeks to have world attention focused on the disarmament of Iraq as the preeminent threat to world peace, while the real threat of nuclear war and the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction arises within the U.S. Administration. This is the politics of diversion and should give pause to those who are thinking of joining in Bush's sleight-of-hand anti-Iraq chorus believing it to be a path to peace. The nuclear threat posed by the United States is neither rhetoric nor speculation, it is the now announced doctrine and strategy of the Bush White House. It represents the ushering in of a new era of unrestrained and unprovoked catastrophic violence."
""Preemptive Strikes are Part of US Strategic Doctrine," reads the headline of the front page of the Washington Post of December 11, 2002. A classified version of the new Bush Doctrine "breaks with the fifty years of counter-proliferation efforts" by planning for the use of nuclear weapons against countries that not only have not attacked the US but that do not themselves possess nuclear capability." [ From International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition, Washington, D.C.----There's also a GREAT, MUST READ, article by them that will be posted here later.----If you want to help take a stand against all of these Bush Administration actions, and/or for more information, please visit their website at:
resources/index.html .] This is what the powers of darkness and the U.S. government are presently preparing the vast majority of "Americans" for. But, I want to make very clear that this should not discourage the True Patriots from continuing to carry out their stand(s) against this insidious trend, and against any and all other threats to True Freedom; for it is much better to suffer depravation, hardship, imprisonment, and even death, than to be a part of, and/or a supporter of, the ensuing darkness, as all those who to any degree accede to it will be, if they aren't already. No True Freedom has ever been stood up for and preserved in the past except by the self-sacrifice of True Patriots in those days; and no True Freedom will be fully stood up for and preserved today and in the near future except by the self-sacrifice of present-day True Patriots. And we must not fail to stand up and be counted against all the inroads of the antithesis or opposite of True Freedom, or we will be members of the wrong "camp", and ourselves be guilty of the destruction and murder of the Truly Innocent. That is why we can't conscientiously accede to the corporate-government "wars" being presently waged against the "third world" by the U.S. government; because NONE of the thousands of innocent people who are currently being, and/or soon will be, murdered by the U.S. government are "acceptable losses" or understandable "collateral damage". THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS!! What "sick", depraved, "couched" language to make the deaths of thousands, even millions, of innocent people sound benign when there is NOTHING benign about it, either the murders or the language used to "defend" them!! There is NO defense for the rampant murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent victims for the "sake" of money!! It's not surprising, but it IS really amazing, how the majority of people(s) the world-over so easily and blindly support the killing of so many innocent people as long as it isn't them!! If and/or when hundreds or thousands of "their own" are killed, they want and will usually get revenge; but the innocent people who are murdered in the crossfire supposedly don't have a right to get their own revenge according to the U.S. government and Israel!! It's grossly idiotic and absolutely pathetic; and, of course, it leads to a vicious circle of totally inexcusable killing(s)!! This is why we cannot go along with it by our apathy and complacency, and thereby be complicit in it, without standing for nothing but True Love, Peace, Freedom, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice FOR ALL!! NOW!! Don't you see how dangerous you (potentially) are if you have little or no conscience about all of the thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies that are killed almost, if not, every year by the U.S. government, or if you ignore it??!! What can and will you (be able to) ignore next??!! The imprisonment, torture and murder of U.S. citizens for standing up for the Real Truth??!! One thing leads to another; and, over the years, the acquiescence to the death penalty and abortion, among other things, has led us to, and prepared us for, that very soon-to-happen occurrence. We've gotten too secure in the false assurances of our "freedom"; we let our guard down; and now we're soon to be drowning in many more deaths of the Truly Innocent because most of us don't understand the difference between false democracy and True Democracy!! Therefore, it behooves us ALL, if we haven't already, to find out and Truly learn the difference between them, NEVER FORGET IT, NEVER FORGET THE MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED AT THE "HANDS" OF THE FORMER, to take a meaningful stand for the latter against the murder(s) of all innocent people(s), and to take that stand no matter what befalls us!! We MUST take that stand; and we MUST take it NOW!! Please don't be a part of those who condemn those who are taking that stand; for we ALL will answer sooner or later for being on the wrong side, usually sooner than later, and in one way or another, or in many ways!! We always "reap what we sow", both by what we immediately or soon thereafter suffer as a result, and by our final accounting for all of our transgressions against others'; and NONE of us can or will escape it!! It is NOT worth it to be on the wrong side; and it IS worth EVERYTHING to be on the right side!! We MUST non-violently defend the innocent(s); and we must NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM support killing our fellowman by, or actually kill(ing) our fellowman for, "our" government OR ANYONE ELSE; and, as there are absolutely NO excuses for ANY evil(s), there are absolutely NO excuses for the evil(s) of ANY kind(s) of murder of our fellowman. Neither are there ANY justifications for such killing(s) and murder IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! We are ALL on one side or the other!! There is NO "in between", NO "gray area"!! As much as most attempt to assure themselves that they're supposedly safely ensconced "in between", and not responsible or guilty for the imprisonment, torture and slaughter of the Truly Innocent, they are ALL still complicit in it; and they ALL will be held accountable for it!! WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON??!! ARE YOU TRULY ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; OR ARE YOU ON THE SIDE OF MURDER??!! WHERE DO YOU STAND; AND WHAT DO YOU NOW STAND FOR??!! WE'VE ALL GOT TO MAKE THE CHOICE; AND WE ALL MAKE IT, WHETHER WE KNOW IT OR NOT, IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING IT!!!! WE WILL ALL EITHER BE ON THE SIDE OF MURDER OR ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; AND WE CANNOT BE BOTH!!!! AND THE LONGER YOU PUT OFF MAKING THE CHOICE AND TAKING THE STAND FOR LOVE AND PEACE, THE MORE LIKELY YOU WILL CHOOSE FOR MURDER AND THAT IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO CHOOSE LOVE AND PEACE; AGAIN, IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! WHEREFORE, CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FENCE NOW, AND CEASE CONTINUING TO ATTEMPT TO IMPOSSIBLY STRADDLE THE FENCE, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE!!!! [Copyright (c) 2002-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
resources/index.html .] This is what the powers of darkness and the U.S. government are presently preparing the vast majority of "Americans" for. But, I want to make very clear that this should not discourage the True Patriots from continuing to carry out their stand(s) against this insidious trend, and against any and all other threats to True Freedom; for it is much better to suffer depravation, hardship, imprisonment, and even death, than to be a part of, and/or a supporter of, the ensuing darkness, as all those who to any degree accede to it will be, if they aren't already. No True Freedom has ever been stood up for and preserved in the past except by the self-sacrifice of True Patriots in those days; and no True Freedom will be fully stood up for and preserved today and in the near future except by the self-sacrifice of present-day True Patriots. And we must not fail to stand up and be counted against all the inroads of the antithesis or opposite of True Freedom, or we will be members of the wrong "camp", and ourselves be guilty of the destruction and murder of the Truly Innocent. That is why we can't conscientiously accede to the corporate-government "wars" being presently waged against the "third world" by the U.S. government; because NONE of the thousands of innocent people who are currently being, and/or soon will be, murdered by the U.S. government are "acceptable losses" or understandable "collateral damage". THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS!! What "sick", depraved, "couched" language to make the deaths of thousands, even millions, of innocent people sound benign when there is NOTHING benign about it, either the murders or the language used to "defend" them!! There is NO defense for the rampant murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent victims for the "sake" of money!! It's not surprising, but it IS really amazing, how the majority of people(s) the world-over so easily and blindly support the killing of so many innocent people as long as it isn't them!! If and/or when hundreds or thousands of "their own" are killed, they want and will usually get revenge; but the innocent people who are murdered in the crossfire supposedly don't have a right to get their own revenge according to the U.S. government and Israel!! It's grossly idiotic and absolutely pathetic; and, of course, it leads to a vicious circle of totally inexcusable killing(s)!! This is why we cannot go along with it by our apathy and complacency, and thereby be complicit in it, without standing for nothing but True Love, Peace, Freedom, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice FOR ALL!! NOW!! Don't you see how dangerous you (potentially) are if you have little or no conscience about all of the thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies that are killed almost, if not, every year by the U.S. government, or if you ignore it??!! What can and will you (be able to) ignore next??!! The imprisonment, torture and murder of U.S. citizens for standing up for the Real Truth??!! One thing leads to another; and, over the years, the acquiescence to the death penalty and abortion, among other things, has led us to, and prepared us for, that very soon-to-happen occurrence. We've gotten too secure in the false assurances of our "freedom"; we let our guard down; and now we're soon to be drowning in many more deaths of the Truly Innocent because most of us don't understand the difference between false democracy and True Democracy!! Therefore, it behooves us ALL, if we haven't already, to find out and Truly learn the difference between them, NEVER FORGET IT, NEVER FORGET THE MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED AT THE "HANDS" OF THE FORMER, to take a meaningful stand for the latter against the murder(s) of all innocent people(s), and to take that stand no matter what befalls us!! We MUST take that stand; and we MUST take it NOW!! Please don't be a part of those who condemn those who are taking that stand; for we ALL will answer sooner or later for being on the wrong side, usually sooner than later, and in one way or another, or in many ways!! We always "reap what we sow", both by what we immediately or soon thereafter suffer as a result, and by our final accounting for all of our transgressions against others'; and NONE of us can or will escape it!! It is NOT worth it to be on the wrong side; and it IS worth EVERYTHING to be on the right side!! We MUST non-violently defend the innocent(s); and we must NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM support killing our fellowman by, or actually kill(ing) our fellowman for, "our" government OR ANYONE ELSE; and, as there are absolutely NO excuses for ANY evil(s), there are absolutely NO excuses for the evil(s) of ANY kind(s) of murder of our fellowman. Neither are there ANY justifications for such killing(s) and murder IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER!! We are ALL on one side or the other!! There is NO "in between", NO "gray area"!! As much as most attempt to assure themselves that they're supposedly safely ensconced "in between", and not responsible or guilty for the imprisonment, torture and slaughter of the Truly Innocent, they are ALL still complicit in it; and they ALL will be held accountable for it!! WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON??!! ARE YOU TRULY ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; OR ARE YOU ON THE SIDE OF MURDER??!! WHERE DO YOU STAND; AND WHAT DO YOU NOW STAND FOR??!! WE'VE ALL GOT TO MAKE THE CHOICE; AND WE ALL MAKE IT, WHETHER WE KNOW IT OR NOT, IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING IT!!!! WE WILL ALL EITHER BE ON THE SIDE OF MURDER OR ON THE SIDE OF LOVE AND PEACE; AND WE CANNOT BE BOTH!!!! AND THE LONGER YOU PUT OFF MAKING THE CHOICE AND TAKING THE STAND FOR LOVE AND PEACE, THE MORE LIKELY YOU WILL CHOOSE FOR MURDER AND THAT IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO CHOOSE LOVE AND PEACE; AGAIN, IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!!! WHEREFORE, CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FENCE NOW, AND CEASE CONTINUING TO ATTEMPT TO IMPOSSIBLY STRADDLE THE FENCE, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE!!!! [Copyright (c) 2002-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]
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