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Monday, May 31, 2004

PEOPLE OF THE LIE Chapter: "The Danger and the Hope", Subheadings and subchapters: "The Dangers in Perspective", and "A Methodology of Love", Pages 263-269 [Copyright © 1983 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by M. Scott Peck, M.D. All rights are reserved. [Emphasis in both parenthesis "( )" and brackets "[ ]", in most cases added by me.)] "....The major threats to our survival no longer stem from nature without but from our own human nature within. It is our carelessness, our hostilities, our selfishness and pride and willful ignorance that endanger the world. Unless we can now tame and transmute the potential for evil in the human soul, we shall be lost. And how can we do this unless we are willing to look at our own evil with the same thoroughness, detached discernment, and rigorous methodology to which we subjected the external world?.... "....Despite their pretense of sanity, the evil are the most insane of all. "It is to the incredibly dreary insanity of the Adolf Eichmanns of this world that Hannah Ahrendt was referring when she spoke of 'the banality of evil.' Thomas Merton put it this way: "'One of the most disturbing facts that came out in the Eichmann trial was that a psychiatrist examined him and pronounced him perfectly sane. We equate sanity with a sense of justice, with humaneness, with prudence, with the capacity to love and understand other people. We rely on the sane people of the world to preserve it from barbarism, madness, destruction. And now it begins to dawn on us that it is precisely the sane ones who are the most dangerous. It is the sane ones, the well-adapted ones, who can without qualms and without nausea aim the missiles and press the buttons that will initiate the great festival of destruction that they, the sane ones, have prepared.' (Raids on the Unspeakable [New Directions Publishing Corp., 1964, paperback edition, pp. 45-46].) "What are we to do with the evil when their masquerade of sanity is so successful, their destructiveness so 'normal'? First, we must stop buying the masquerade and being deceived by the pretense. It is hoped that this book will help us toward that end. "But what, then? It is an old maxim: Know your enemy. We must not only recognize but study these poor, dull, terrified people. And attempt to do what we can to either heal or contain them.... "....(W)e are all in combat against evil. In the heat of the fray it is tempting to take hold of some seemingly simple solution--such as 'what we ought to do is just bomb the hell out of those people.' And if our passion is great enough, we may even be willing to blow ourselves up in the process of 'stomping out' evil. But we run up against the old problem that the end does not justify the means. Although evil is antilife, it is itself a form of life. If we kill those who are evil, we will become evil ourselves; we will be killers. If we attempt to deal with evil by destroying it, we will also end up destroying ourselves, spiritually if not physically. And we are likely to take some innocent people with us as well. "What to do, then? Like the patient, we must begin by giving up the simple notion that we can effectively conquer evil by destroying it. But this leaves us in a sort of nihilistic vacuum. Are we to throw up our hands--to regard the problem of evil as being inherently insoluble? Hardly. That would be meaningless. It is in the struggle between good and evil that life has its meaning--and in the hope that goodness can succeed. That is our answer: goodness can succeed. Evil can be defeated by goodness. When we translate this we realize what we dimly have always known: Evil can be conquered only by love. "So the methodology of our assault--scientific and otherwise--on evil must be love. This is so simple-sounding that one is compelled to wonder why it is not a more obvious truth. The fact is, simple-sounding though it may be, the methodology of love is so difficult in practice that we shy away from its usage. At first glance it even appears impossible. How is it possible to love people who are evil? Yet that is precisely what....we must do.... "The resolution of this dilemma is a paradox. The path of love is a dynamic balance of opposites, a painful creative tension of uncertainties, a difficult tightrope between extreme but easier courses of action. Consider the raising of a child. To reject all its misbehavior is unloving. To tolerate all its misbehavior is unloving. We must somehow be both tolerant and intolerant, accepting and demanding, strict and flexible. An almost godlike compassion is required.... "....How does the methodology of love work? How does it heal?.... "....(T)he first task of love is self-purification. When one has purified oneself, by the grace of God, to the point at which one can truly love one's enemies, a beautiful thing happens. ....(T)he boundaries of the soul become so clean as to be transparent, and a unique light then shines forth from the individual. "The effect of the light varies. Some on their way toward holiness will move more swiftly by its encouragement. Others, on their way toward evil, when encountering this light will be moved to change their direction. The bearer of the light (who is but a vehicle for it; it is the light of God) most often will be unaware of its effects [on themselves]. Finally, those who hate the light will attack it. Yet it is as if their evil actions are taken into the light and consumed. The malignant energy is thereby wasted, contained and neutralized. The process may be painful to the bearer of the light, [often] even fatal. This does not, however, signify the success of evil. Rather, it backfires.... (Emphasis in parenthesis "( )" added by the author in this case, and that in brackets "[ ]" added by me.) The healing of evil--scientifically or otherwise--can be accomplished only by the love of individuals...."

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Friday, May 28, 2004

ROBERT A. HEINLEIN (Some Quotes of the Great Author) [Copyright (c) 1978 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., N.Y. and/or 1995 by Virginia Heinlein. All rights are reserved.] "A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits." "When a place gets crowded enough to require I.D.'s, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere." "The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of 'loyalty' and 'duty'. Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute---get out of there fast! You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed." ARTHUR C. CLARKE AND MICHAEL KUBE-McDOWELL (A Quote of the Great Authors) From the book, The Trigger [Copyright (c) 1999 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by said authors'. All rights are reserved.] "No mercenary was ever a hero. You can't expect to be cheered when you change uniforms in the middle of the battle."

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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

ISAAC ASIMOV AND ROBERT A. HEINLEIN (More Quotes of the Great Authors) [Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Dr. Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein, their estates and/or the publishers. All rights are reserved.] "It was fashionable for modern political writers to look back with a smug disapproval at the "fiscalism" of Medieval times, when economy was based on money. The competitive struggle for existence, they said, was brutal. No truly complex society could be maintained because of the strains introduced by the eternal "fight-for-the-buck." (Scholars had varying interpretations of the word "buck," but there was no dispute over the meaning as a whole.)" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Caves of Steel (the first of the robot novels), page 85. [Emphasis in parenthesis "( )", in this case, added by Dr. Asimov.] "...(P)eople sometimes mistake their own shortcomings for those of society and want to fix the Cities because they don't know how to fix themselves." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 148. "...We, all of us, feel inferior...and hate it. We've got to feel superior somehow, somewhere, to make up for it, and it kills us that we can't at least feel superior... (Others) seem to be better than us--only they're not. That's the damned irony of it." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 165. "...He was an ideal man, almost an abstraction. Who could feel love, or even liking, for such a man? A man without weaknesses serves only to make everyone else conscious of his own imperfections. A primitive poet named Tennyson once wrote: 'He is all fault who has no fault at all.'" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Naked Sun (second of the robot novels), page. 383. "He had (said) the Cities were wombs, and so they were. And what was the first thing a man must do before he can be a man? He must be born. He must leave the womb. And once left, it could not be re-entered... (He) had left the City and could not re-enter. The City was no longer his; the Caves of Steel were alien. This had to be." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Naked Sun, page 404. With one great quote of Robert A. Heinlein thrown in: "...Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything--you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, source unknown. [The rest of the emphasis in parenthesis "( )" in all of the previous quotes except for one is added by me.] [Unrelated notes by me: In watching a Deepak Chopra, M.D. video the other night, I discovered something interesting he said that was so true. He said that reality is only what we perceive it to be, that what we consider to be normal reality doesn't really exist, and that when some people separate themselves from the perception of reality, or normality, they often become our sages, psychotics and geniuses. I may not agree that we supposedly have to transcend to our "cosmic self", and, instead, believe that we have to get rid of "self", yet he is very right that what most people consider to be "normal" is not normal at all. But he mixes the very wrong and insidious belief systems of Hinduism and Buddhism, etcetera, with Christianity, and misses that true-Christianity states we must rid ourselves of "self". He fails to see that instead of attaining to our "higher self", we must rejoin with the "Person" known as God and reflect His character.]

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Monday, May 24, 2004

ISAAC ASIMOV (Some Quotes of the Great Scientist) [Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Dr. Isaac Asimov, his estate and/or the publishers. All rights are reserved.] "All humanity could share a common insanity and be immersed in a common illusion while living in a common chaos." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation's Edge, page 283. "He was at home nowhere, an orphan everywhere. ...Before he wasted time bemoaning his fate, he must find Earth. If he survived the search, there would then be time enough to sit down and weep. He might have even better reason for it then." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 16. "An Isolate--an individual in isolation--might tell lies. He is limited, and he is fearful because he is limited." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 21. "... (I)f criminals are the price we pay for rebels, heretics and geniuses, I'm willing to pay it. I demand the price be paid... You can't have geniuses and saints without having people far outside the norm..." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 29. "... (Y)ou sound very much as though you're describing (an) addiction (to) that of some ... drug that admits you to joy in the short term at the price of leaving you permanently in horror in the long term. Not for me! I am reluctant to sell my individuality for some brief feeling of joy. ...(H)ow long will you have (your individuality) if you keep it up...? You'll beg for more and more of your drug until, eventually, your brain will be damaged. ...(D)on't do this anymore. You've lived for (forty-seven) years with your own kind of pleasure and joy, and your brain is adapted to withstanding that. Don't be snapped up by...(an) unusual vice. There is a price to pay for it; if not immediately, then eventually." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 37. [Notes by me: Dr. Asimov realized, as is shown by the ending of Foundation and Earth, that genetic engineering as a whole, and the cloning of people particularly, are extremely dangerous, and that their "progress" proceeds from some evil source, or a source that evil designs against humanity; and, therefore, he also realized that they should not be allowed to continue their evil course of manipulating, and towards changing, the nature of humankind.] "...Every government must do its work by collecting wealth in one form or another. The only two ways in which such (money) can be obtained are, first, by robbing a neighbor, or second, persuading a government's own citizens to grant the (money) willingly and peaceably. "...(T)here is no possibility of robbing a neighbor, except as the result of an occasional rebellion and its repression. This does not happen often enough to support the government--and, if it did, the government would be too unstable to last long, in any case. "...Therefore, (money) must be raised by asking the citizens to hand over part of their wealth for government use. Presumably, since the government will then work efficiently, the citizens can better spend their (money) in this way than to hoard it--each man to himself--while living in a dangerous and chaotic anarchy. "However, though the request is reasonable and the citizenry is better off paying taxes as their price for maintaining a stable and efficient government, they are nevertheless reluctant to do so. In order to overcome this reluctance, governments must make it appear that they are not taking too (much money), and that they are considering each citizen's rights and benefits. In other words, they must lower the percentage taken out of low incomes; they must allow deductions of various kinds to be made before the tax is assessed, and so on. "As time goes on, the tax situation inevitably grows more and more complex as different (States), different sectors within each (State), and different economic divisions all demand and require special treatment. The result is that the tax-collecting branch of the government grows in size and complexity and tends to become uncontrollable. The average citizen cannot understand why or how much he is being taxed; what he can get away with and what he can't. The government and the tax agency itself are often in the dark as well. "What's more, an ever-larger fraction of the funds collected must be put into running the overelaborate tax agency--maintaining records, pursuing tax delinquents--so the amount of (money) available for good and useful purposes declines despite anything we can do. "In the end, the tax situation becomes overwhelming. It inspires discontent and rebellion. The history books tend to ascribe these things to greedy businessmen, to corrupt politicians, to brutal warriors, to ambitious (government representatives)--but these are just the individuals who take advantage of the tax overgrowth." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Forward the Foundation, pages 253 to 254. [Notes by me: When the government uses some of the taxes it collects, for the purpose of helping the poor, many of the tax paying citizens resent and begrudge the money they pay in taxes being used to assist the poor, and complain. Yet, for what other primary purpose was mankind placed on this Earth but to help their fellow human beings, in particular the poor, senior citizens and the disabled? It is the ultimate in selfishness to wish to withhold such assistance. Thank God, or Goodness, whichever you prefer, for His blessed help for such persons from whatever source!] "...(I)t is possible that many potential mentalics died. (Some biological weapon) was (or weapons were) created by humans... to handicap other human societies to which they were politically opposed (and factions within our own society). Like many attempts at biological warfare, it backfired--it became pandemic, and perhaps, coincidentally, perhaps not, allowed the (government) to exist with little intellectual turmoil for (decades). Though nearly all children get ill, about a fourth of them--those with a mental potential above a certain level--is more seriously affected. Curiosity and intellectual ability are blunted just enough to level out social development. The majority do not experience a loss of mental skill--perhaps because their skills are general, and they are never given to bouts of genius." --Greg Bear for Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation's Chaos, part two of the Second Foundation Trilogy, page 219. "Almost equally dangerous is the Gospel of Uniformity. The differences between the nations and races of mankind are required to preserve the conditions under which higher development is possible. One main factor in the upward trend of animal life has been the power of wandering... Physical wandering is still important, but greater still is the power of man's spiritual adventures---adventures of thought, adventures of passionate feeling, adventures of aesthetic experience. A diversification among human communities is essential for the provision of inventive material for the Odyssey of the human spirit. Other nations of different habits are not enemies; they are godsends." --From Alfred North Whitehead's book, Science and the Modern World, 1925, quoted in David Brin's book for Dr. Isaac Asimov, Foundation's Triumph, part three of the Second Foundation Trilogy, page 223. "It's easy to see that he could easily compensate to himself for this failure to be accepted by his social milieu by taking refuge in the thought that other human beings are inferior to himself. Which is, of course, true, as far as mentality is concerned. There are, of course, many, many facets to the human personality and in not all of them is he superior. No one is. Others, then, who are more prone to see merely what is inferior, just as he himself is, would not accept his affected pre-eminence of position. They would think him (odd), even laughable, which would make it even more important to (him) to prove how miserable and inferior the human species was. How could he better do that then to show that mankind was simply a form of bacteria (in a sense) to other superior creatures which experiment upon them. And then his impulses to suicide would be a wild desire to break away completely from being a man at all, to stop his identification with the miserable species (known as mankind)..." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Breeds there a man...?", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 66. "That is why the only change I ever make (is for you to change your name), for several reasons. Number one, it is a simple change. After all, if I make a great change or many changes, so many new variables enter that I can no longer interpret the result. My machine is still crude. Number two, it is a reasonable change. I can't change your height, can I, or the color of your eyes, even your temperament. Number three, it is a significant change. Names mean a lot to people. Finally, number four, it is a common change that is done every day by various people." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Spell My Name With An S", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 253. (Emphasis added.) "...Memory is not improved by devising a way for the brain to store information more efficiently. All our studies show that the brain stores almost unlimited numbers of items perfectly and permanently. The difficulty lies in recall. How many times have you had a name at the tip of your tongue and couldn't get it? How many times have you failed to come up with something you knew you knew, and then did come up with it two hours later when you were thinking about something else? --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Lest We Remember", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 329. (Emphasis added.)

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Friday, May 21, 2004

4-15-00 (Updated on 21 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain Have you ever watched the movies about apartheid in South Africa, and about the oppression and tyranny that were exerted against our fellowman there? That is the kind of tyranny and oppression that will very soon come to exist in the United States, if it doesn't already. Very few want to believe that such a police-State can, or will ever, exist in "the land of the free..."; or, most believe, or will believe, that if the U.S. does institute marshal law, suspend our civil rights, and force us to believe and live what they want us to, then they must be right because they are "the government of the United States of America, the greatest country on Earth". But, be warned, the U.S. government will very soon institute federal, nationwide laws, and/or require all of the States to put laws into effect, requiring all citizens to believe and obey a government-mandated, so-called Christianity that will not be true Christianity at all, but a counterfeit of it. A good counterfeit is so much like the true, that it very closely appears to be true; and that is what this government-mandated, false Christianity will be. There have been so many things that are not Christian which have been called Christian throughout the centuries, as well as today, that most people believe they are supposedly Christian. An example is the Roman Catholic Church organization, the "Vatican", or "Papacy", which has never been a Christian church at all; but most believe it is; and it, at the bidding of evil, will be behind this "American" government-mandated religion. We will be forced to obey on pain of imprisonment and/or death, unless we can get away, live "underground", and refuse to sell out to this false religion. Those who sell their souls to this evil, will be left without any hope of redemption; and those who don't, will be the only true Christians, and the only ones who will be redeemed. But the government will blame all of the woes being inflicted upon the United States and the world, on that minority of people who refuse to conform to their so-called true Christianity; and they will institute a "manhunt" to track down, imprison, and/or kill the real True Christians in the name of their counterfeit "Christianity", as well as in the name of God, believing that to do so will supposedly "spare" America, and the world, from the many ills that will be "plaguing" them. Very tragically, it will actually be the evils committed by the government and this false religion that will bring about these "plagues" upon both, not the minority of dissenters which they will blame for same; and the latter are the only ones who will be spared those "afflictions". Yet, the government, and the majority of deceived, sold-out "citizens" and false patriots, while suffering gravely from severe diseases caused by the plagues, will truly believe themselves to be the only true, chosen people of God, just as the majority of Roman Catholics over the centuries believed, as they slaughtered millions of innocent men, women and children in the name of God and so-called Christianity. They were the true heretics, not those who they claimed to be heretics; and, as usual, history is repeating itself. God has not forgiven the Papacy for this travesty; and we must not forgive the Roman Catholic organization for it either; as it was an unforgivable sin. The Papacy is not God's church. It never has been. But there are many sincere Catholic individuals who are close to becoming True Christians; yet they must, and will, completely "come out" of the Catholic Church before it is too late; and they will not ever again be connected with it, follow it's bidding, or follow the bidding, and those laws that are evil, of the United States government, and one-world government inspired by it, in any way. They must make that choice now, because very soon it will be too late to do so; there will be no turning back after that point; and very soon it will also be forever too late for all other U.S. and world citizens to choose between the false, government-mandated religion, and the actual True Christianity. At the time of the enforcement of this forced religious observance set-up by the government, they will also make it only legal and possible for those who accept and sell-out to it, to buy and sell the necessities of survival, and everything else. Those who do not accept it will be barred by law from being able to sell, buy, rent, or lease anything whatsoever, including food, clothing, water, housing, heating, etcetera; and those who have sold their souls by accepting this evil, will receive a coded "mark" on their bodies that will be the only accepted recognition and authorization, not only allowing them the only "commerce", but that will be the only protection, other than Divine protection, from the consequences of government reprisal. Yet God will protect, and/or provide for the needs of, those who do not accept it. Many who do not sell-out to this evil, government-enforced religion, will be caught, jailed, and/or killed; but they will have such a close, and the only True, relationship with God, that they will be given the power and strength to be able to endure whatever befalls them; and they will not lose Hope. They will be preserved through all of the calamities that occur to both them and the rest of the world. They will not buckle-under or give in and accept the false religion, or it's mark, no matter what happens to them. They will persevere through all hardship and persecutions, no matter how atrocious. They will be saints in the truest sense of the word, just as the so-called heretics were when persecuted by the Papacy centuries ago. They will be true martyrs, who gladly but not permanently, die for their Creator who so ignominiously and triumphantly died, and lived again, so they too can and will live again themselves. They will have the Greatest, One and Only, Hope to carry them through all of the darkest hours, a Hope that no others', including those who accept the "mark of the beast", will ever have. It is written, thus says the Lord, 'Stop committing evil altogether, and only do good, for the kingdom of heaven is almost here.' 'There's no time to waste!' 'Wake up and overcome evil with good!' 'The perfect Love of God casts out all fear!' Make yourselves truly right with God before it is too late! There is no Hope at all in any of the counterfeits of His truth! Do not be fooled or deceived by them! Your only Hope is in dissenting from obeying the evil laws of man! Do not listen to the twisting around and misinterpretations of God's Word(s)! [Copyright (c) 2000-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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THE CONDITION OF THE DEAD, BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY (Written on or about 14 July 2000; Updated on 19 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain Another example of the majority usually being wrong is on the subject of the condition of people after they die. Many people think they "see dead people"; but it is impossible for ANYONE to see ANY of the dead, because God’s Word (the Bible) is very clear in Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6 that "(t)he living know that they will die: but THE DEAD KNOW NOT ANY THING, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten...." Therefore, they have no separate "souls" or "spirits" that could communicate with anyone, let alone the living. The evil dead will be "burned up" (2 Peter 3:10), "....ashes under the soles of the (feet of the righteous)" (Malachi 4:3) at the time of the Day of Judgment, and "....neither (will) they have ANY more a portion for ever in ANY thing that is done under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 9:6). So NO ONE will suffer forever in an eternal burning hell; and the evil people will just be COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOREVER. (Emphasis added.) Yes, there are many verses in God’s Word that APPEAR to support the interpretation that there is a forever burning hell, and to support other false beliefs like what the Lord’s Day supposedly is; but they are, more often than not, taken out of context; and, with careful, completely contextual study, such "stumbling blocks" are thoroughly overcome. In the original Hebrew that the Old Testament was written in, and in the original Greek that the New Testament was written in, the definition(s) of the Hebrew and Greek words for "hell", ‘gehenna’, and ‘sheol’ or Hades, are simply ‘DEATH’ and ‘THE GRAVE’; and there are no Hebrew or Greek words for "soul" or "spirit" that mean any more than, in the case of "soul", the Hebrew ‘nephesh’ and the Greek ‘psuche’ (psyche), ONLY THE ENTIRE PERSON including their body and mind, and in the case of "spirit", the Hebrew ‘ruwach’ and the Greek ‘pneuma’, ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE MIND, PERSONALITY, CHARACTER OR DISPOSITION OF PEOPLE, and/or THE BREATH OF LIFE, but does NOT include ANY separate "spirit" or "soul". In other words, God’s Word proves that other than the Breath of Life, NOTHING separates from the body at death; and the Breath of Life is simply THE LIFE FORCE, not a (separate) consciousness; and there is NO consciousness that can in any way survive separate from the mind, body or soul. One of the greatest deceptions on this Earth, and one of the greatest counterfeits of a primary doctrine of God’s Word, the condition of the dead, is both the belief by most professed-Christian people that there is a soul or spirit that separates from the body, either before or after death, and that all people, and even (some) animals, go to "heaven" or "hell" right away when they die. But, again, God’s Word is very clear that, in the case of "hell", the evil people will be TOTALLY burned up and destroyed RIGHT AFTER THE DAY OF JUDGMENT of the evil people, and, in the case of "heaven", the righteous people will not go to heaven, either physically or spiritually, until RIGHT AFTER THE DAY OF JUDGMENT of the righteous people. In the meantime, all those who die either righteous or evil, both physically and spiritually, remain "asleep" IN THE GRAVE until the Day of Judgment; and there are absolutely NO other correct interpretations of, or beliefs on, this subject whatsoever, or in any way, shape or form: It is written, thus says the Lord God: "He that sacrifices to any (other) ‘god’, except to the LORD only, he will be TOTALLY DESTROYED." (Exodus 22:20.) "Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of His Hands, He will DESTROY them, and not build them up." (Psalms 28:5.) "....(T)he transgressors will be DESTROYED together: the end of the wicked will be cut off." (Psalms 37:38.) "God will likewise DESTROY (the wicked) FOR EVER, He will take (them) away, and pluck (them) out of your dwelling place, and root (them) out of the land of the living. Selah." (Psalms 52:5.) "For, lo, they that are far from You will perish: You have DESTROYED all (of) them who go whoring (away) from You." (Psalms 73:27.) "When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of evil flourish; it is (then) that they will be DESTROYED FOR EVER:" (Psalms 92:7.) "The LORD preserves all them that love Him: but all the wicked will He DESTROY." (Psalms 145:20.) "Whoever despises the Word will be DESTROYED: but he that obeys the Commandments will be rewarded." (Proverbs 13:13.) (Emphasis added by me.) "He that walks with wise men will be wise: but a companion of fools will be DESTROYED." (Proverbs 13:20.) "....(F)ear not those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him who is able to DESTROY both soul and body in hell (the final death)." (Matthew 10:28.) "And it will (soon) come to pass, that every soul, who will not hear th(e) prophet(s), will be DESTROYED from among the people." (Acts 3:23.) (Emphasis added.) "If any man defile the temple of God, he will God DESTROY; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." (1 Corinthians 3:17.) "The last enemy that will (soon) be DESTROYED is death." (1 Corinthians 15:26.) "But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and will TOTALLY PERISH in their own corruption...." (2 Peter 2:12.) "And the nations were angry, and Your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should give reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints (the true Christians), and those who fear Your name, small and great; and should DESTROY them who destroy the earth." (Revelation 11:18.) (Emphasis added by me.) Also, death is simply called "sleep" at least fifty times in God’s Word; and when both the righteous and the evil are resurrected, God’s Word speaks of them as being "awake(ned)" from sleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep (or ‘have died’), that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again (which is undoubtedly a proven historical fact), even so those also who sleep (or ‘die’) in Jesus (the righteous) will God bring with Him. For this we say to you by the Word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the (second) coming of the Lord will not prevent (or ‘precede’) those who are asleep (in the Lord). For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God: and the dead in Christ will rise first: Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so will we ever be with the Lord (at that time). Wherefore comfort one another with these words." Revelation 20:1-15; and 21:8: "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they (who) sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and who had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. (Of the righteous only, before the final judgment and destruction of all the evil people after the thousand years....) "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him a thousand years (in heaven). And when the thousand years are expired, Satan will be loosed out of his prison, And will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and (en)compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and DEVOURED them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and will be tormented day and night for ever and ever (until they are completely burned up and totally destroyed for all eternity). (Emphasis added by me.) "And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the (evil) dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell (the grave) delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second (resurrection and final) death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." "....(T)he fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, will have their part in the lake which (will) burn with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Very soon there will be no more loneliness, suffering, disease, and death! Let all who have eyes and minds to correctly interpret and understand these Words of God, understand them fully and correctly! They, not my own words, have the Power; so I will let them speak for themselves; as they certainly make more than clear what is truly and finally going to happen, who and what is going to be completely destroyed, and who the only people are who are going to survive it and live with God throughout eternity. The next and last two chapters, Revelation 21 and 22, describe in short detail how Earth itself is going to become heaven, the very center of God’s pure and holy universe where there will be absolutely no evil (right now the only planet in the entire universe where there is any evil is Earth), and how soon all of the final events to take place before this total renewal of our planet are to take place. Very soon our Earth will truly be a very wonderful place to live forever! One of the final deceptions that has already been taking place for some time, and that will very soon occur even more, is the so-called appearance of the dead to loved ones, friends, acquaintances, or strangers, telling them that falsehood is supposedly truth, like the false doctrine of reincarnation, an almost perfect counterfeit of True Christianity, that The Truth is supposedly false, that we cannot or do not have to do all that God’s Word commands us to do, and/or that we should or must do things which are contrary to Truth, reasonableness, health, or safety of ourselves or others’, etc. But, because the dead cannot truly appear to us, the truth of what is, or will be, really appearing to those who think the dead are appearing to them, is that it is the evil angels of satan appearing to be those dead people, when in reality they are nothing more than evil demons leading us astray; and, when we follow even their apparently well-meaning instructions, even those instructions which are partly according to truth or right, or appear to be, we will be carrying out the instructions of evil, and separating ourselves further and further from God and any Hope we might still have of redemption or salvation. So, please, don’t be deceived or be taken in by any of these evils! The foregoing is what is known as "spiritualism"; and it is a mixture of truth and falsehood, which is what makes up the best counterfeits. God’s Truth is nothing but 100% Truth; and it contains absolutely no falsehood(s) whatsoever; therefore, it is very important to "(p)rove all things" (1 Thessalonians 5:21) whether they be of God or not. Evil, or satan and his evil angels, is or are constantly at work seeking to deceive, and, though it is extremely sad, greatly succeeding in deceiving, the vast majority of people; and our only Protection from, and Hope for overcoming, all of this is The Word(s) of God, and prayer or meditation, ONLY to Him. Evil is also constantly at work convincing the majority of people that the One and Only True God, and His Word(s), guidance and requirements of us are supposedly not the only Way, Truth and for our best Good, and to follow all kinds of counterfeit beliefs, including false, so-called Christian beliefs, that separate us further and further from God, though we really believe that we are being brought closer and closer to Him by them when we truly are not. "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21.) "(Jesus is) the Way, the Truth and the Life: (and) NO MAN (OR WOMAN) comes to (God) the Father, except by (Him)." (John 14:6.) (Emphasis added by me.) The only Way we can overcome evil with good is to only go by God’s Good, His One and Only, Truth. As I alluded to before, God’s Word is the only thing that has any real power; but none of, or any part of, the many other religious or spiritual belief systems in this world will truly provide any everlasting, ultimate, finally-overcoming, and true, power, love, peace, joy, happiness or contentment; and most of what is considered to be normal and acceptable, and to be sought after in this world, is not normal or worth seeking after at all. The best counterfeits appear so much like the true that they fool all but those with the most trained eye(s); and virtually all of that which is considered to be normal and good in this world is so successful at appearing to be so when it isn’t, that it fools most people into believing that it supposedly is normal and good. As a result, while rationalizing that they are only being responsible, and allegedly fulfilling God’s requirement(s) that people earn their own living, most people are committing the "root of all evil", "the love of money"; and they are ‘sold out’ to this world, worldliness and nothing but hypocritical so-called believers' in The Truth, that God’s Word commands us to completely separate from (Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 6:11-18; Revelation 18:4; etcetera). Humankind has all kinds of excuses and rationalizations for evil; but there are no justifications or excuses for evil of any kind, or level, whatsoever; and all such self-justifiers' and hypocrites will also be completely destroyed along with the rest of the evil people, unless of course they stop all of their commissions of, and overcome all, evil. It is written, thus says the Lord God: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit (of God) says to the churches; To him who overcomes (evil) will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God...." "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; He who overcomes will not be hurt of the second death...." "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows except he who receives it...." "And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him will I give power over the nations:" "....He who overcomes, the same will be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before his angels...." "He who overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, which is New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God: and I will write upon him My new name...." "To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne...." "He who overcomes will inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he will be My son." (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; and 21:7.) Clearly, those who do not overcome will not inherit all things, have God for his God, or be His son; but, if God promises such wonderful things to those who overcome evil, then clearly it IS possible to overcome ALL evil NOW in this life; and we must be prepared for heaven BEFORE Jesus returns! "Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48.) "But Jesus beheld them, and said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26.) "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: (stop committing evil), and believe the gospel (the ‘Good News’ of God’s Word)." (Mark 1:15.) "And Jesus looking upon them said, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27.) "And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27.) "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24.) "Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more." (John 8:11.) See, our All-Powerful Creator-God is more than able to make us holy; and He WILL do so if we truly want to totally stop being evil, and want to fully become holy NOW! There is no time to waste! "He who commits (evil) is of the devil...."! (1 John 3:8.) And, as you saw above, all those who are of the devil will be completely destroyed! So, please, let the One and Only True Light overcome the darkness in your life, and let "(p)erfect Love cast out (ALL of your) fear"! (1 John 4:18.) [Copyright (c) 2000-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Monday, May 17, 2004

TRUE HOPE (Written on 7 April 2000; Updated on 17 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain We live in a world-society of "first stone" throwers. We are ALL sinful and commit evil, by gross acts of sin, and/or acts of selfishness, against our fellow-humankind. Therefore, people as a whole have no right to sit in such UNrighteous judgment of other people, for they should be sitting in judgment of, and seeking to become better persons, themselves, and seeking to become completely right with God; as then, and only then, are they righteous enough to stand in judgment of their fellow-humankind; and they should totally stop UNrighteously judging other people. But, if they are some of the very few people who have the spiritual gift of discernment of evil, then they must "judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24) and try to help others' see where they stand against truth, to wake up to the true condition of this entire world, to only embrace truth, not their own brand of truth, but pure truth alone, and to stand up against all that is contrary to that truth. Pure truth is a balanced combination of true democracy and God's Word(s). True democracy is always presuming people innocent of crime, even the guilty, to never presume anyone guilty of anything ever, and to always treat everyone with kindness and respect, even the guilty and those who have not treated others with respect and kindness. For it is because those others have not been treated with charity and love themselves, that they hurt other people. We should show them the mercy and kindness that they have been denied. The ends DO NOT justify the means; and two wrongs DO NOT make one right! We must NOT meet hate with more hate, murder with more murder. By doing so, we ourselves make evil people in this world even more evil; and we make ourselves more evil in the process, as well. Love begets love; and if it doesn't, forgive those who hate in return for love, "for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Being unloving and unmerciful is the ultimate in ignorance and selfishness, which begets more and more ignorance and selfishness. Do you truly understand what I'm saying?! Ignorance and selfishness causes more ignorance and selfishness! It creates a vicious cycle that gets worse and worse! That is one of the main reasons that this world is getting more and more violent today, because most of us throw "first stones", condemn others without first getting rid of our own selfishness, self-centeredness and hypocrisy, and fail to show kindness and mercy towards all people, even the lowest of souls. Stop condemning people to greater hate! Stop insulating yourselves in self-centered, self-righteous cocoons! Stop convincing yourselves that you're such good, non-hypocritical people! Stop justifying and rationalizing yourselves and your lives! Admit and realize, always, how wretched and selfish you are, even if you don't think you are; and do something about it! Truly surrender all to our Maker; and exercise nothing but kindness and mercy towards everyone, all the days of your life! Stop excusing your selfishness, present and past; and sacrifice your self by always helping the unfortunate in every way that you can! There are no excuses for any selfishness or self-righteousness! We cannot justify ourselves! Only our Maker can justify us, with His "self-replacement"! Self MUST die NOW! Self CAN die NOW! But only if we truly want to be restored to what we were created to be, completely selfless people, NOW! Our Creator will not magically transform selfish, hypocritical people when He returns! We've got to be restored to our "evil-free" state by a full and complete transformation NOW, in order to be a part of the Earth restored to what it was originally created to be, true heaven on Earth, and that it will soon be again! Do you think that's a fantasy?! You believe in fantasies like fairytale-perfect mates, false scientific theories and evolutionary dogma, and that this world is now normal! Why does the truth about creation and re-creation supposedly have to be a fantasy? The answer is, because this ABnormal world is now geared for convincing us that fantasy is supposedly reality, and reality is supposedly fantasy, and that we're supposed to "fit in" to the fantasy. We've been indoctrinated and conditioned our entire lives to fit in to one great big, giant lie! The so-called "truth" is the fantasy; and the so-called "fantasy" is the Truth! Our only Hope is in totally discarding the actual fantasy, and ONLY "fitting in" to the Real Truth. There is no "gray area", or "half-way", that is acceptable. The ONLY way we can be right with the Universe is to be COMPLETELY transformed into the image of God, NOW! We cannot fit in to this world AT ALL! Our Maker does not, cannot, and will not accept people who are supposedly half righteous and half evil, or half not fitting in to this world and half fitting in to it. That's the problem, we keep seeing this world as mostly good; but it is almost all totally evil, and a whole lot more evil than we want to face that it is. Yet, our only Hope is in facing that truth, surrendering ourselves fully to our Creator, and living only for sharing his Love and Truth, and helping and caring for our fellow-humankind. That is what we were put on this Earth for! That is the ONLY thing we were put on this Earth for! We were NOT put here to care only for and help ourselves and "our own"! We were NOT put here to "throw stones" at other people, or to try to "correct" others' without first totally removing the selfishness and hypocrisy from our own lives by "human effort aligned with divine power"! Our Hope rests in Only being a servant to Truth Himself, True Democracy, True Justice, and to True Equality! [Copyright (c) 2000-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Saturday, May 15, 2004

"EQUALITY STATE" (Written in or about 1999; Updated on 14 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain As I have said before, I've lived in the so-called "Equality State" of Wyoming. But no State in the entire United States of America has a true state of equality. The people who have the power to bring about and assure that all of our fifty states have true equality, are led and controlled by evil to prevent and keep The People from having true equality; and we should all stand up non-violently against it. We all allegedly have the legally, constitutionally-protected rights to carry out non-violent civil disobedience in protest against the lack of true equality in any State in this entire supposedly pro-freedom country, and true democracy, of ours. But, if you do, you will be arrested and booked, and have it recorded against your record for the rest of your life that you exercised your supposedly, constitutionally, protected rights to protest. All activists know this, accept the risk, and are often treated to the harsh realities of jail and prisons where their so-called equalities and freedoms are tested to the bitter end. But you must stand up for what's right, in only the right way(s), and non-violently continue to completely stand up and be counted about and against all of the many loopholes in true democracy that exist in this country that is supposed to be the greatest true democracy on Earth, no matter what. But it isn't the greatest democracy on Earth, because either enough of us don't protest sufficiently, or because most of us don't protest at all. We have to stand and be counted against all tyranny and oppression being perpetrated against us by those evil puppets in positions of political power who use their evil powers of oppression and tyranny against us in order to prevent our successful stand for true democracy and freedom; and we must at least slow down their trend before it is too late, and true freedom and democracy come to the point of not existing at all. Is this what You, The People want to complacently allow to happen? Cry aloud now, and spare not carrying on protesting to the point short of violent protest, which accomplishes no good because those activists will simply be jailed and/or killed without mercy, and what they sought to accomplish will fail and speed up rather than slow down the trends of tyranny and oppression. Every true activist already knows some of these things; but they, you, need to stringently fight for true freedom and equality in the correct "civil disobedience" ways, not with any violence or resistance of any kind that justifies oppression and tyranny. Fight non-violently for true democracy and freedom as much as your time, energy and strength will allow. Do it with all of your might as often as you possibly can. It makes a difference by slowing down the trends of evil power-brokers getting greater and swifter inroads into undermining and doing away with our human rights and civil liberties. These self-righteous people, who are convinced that they are in the right, the bearers of the holy grail and the salvation of our country and the world, are so deceived and evil that they must be slowed down, if not stopped, through the strength in numbers of more and more citizens protesting against their evils. We, The People must stop being apathetic and complacent. We must stand up and be counted NOW. There is truly no time to waste; and we CAN make a real difference; but we've got to stop wasting any more time. Complete tyranny and oppression are fast approaching; and our so-called government "protectors" and/or "representatives" are quickly and insidiously doing away with civil liberties and human rights in the name of anti-terrorism. They have used acts of terrorism which they themselves perpetrated, and made look like they were committed by fanatical domestic and international terrorists, as the excuses for taking away our civil law freedoms from excessive government oppression, tyranny and control of the people. Very soon there will be no true freedom(s), except for the rich and those who support the tyrannical, oppressive government; but we can and must slow it down by standing against it in real ways. Don't be so easily fooled into believing that the U.S. government didn't blow it's own people up, including government agents, and women and children, that they considered expendable, such as in the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Believe the truth about that, and the fact that it was "our" government which burned up the innocent men, women and children at the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, not those innocent people themselves. There is too much incontrovertible evidence of these facts if you don't listen to the government controlled mainstream media propaganda. Exercise your true freedom(s) to read the true exercise of freedom of speech, the non-mainsteam media that is getting the real truth out on such subjects, and sparing not. Learn what you can do in your own small ways to stand up and be counted for true activism, and for true freedom and liberty. We must not allow the tyrants and oppressors to go unchecked in their concerted efforts to take away the protections of our liberties and freedoms, and their long-going, fast-peaking program to undermine true democracy. Don't think it's too late to slow them down; because, it is not too late. We, The People have greater power than the evil do; for we truly have God on our side, if we don't exercise violence; and we have strength in greater numbers, along with the still-existent liberty(ies) and freedom(s) to raise our collective voices in protest. The government and the mainstream media don't care if you read all the newspapers, and listen to all of the television or radio news reports, every day; they just don't want you to do anything about any of it. They've succeeded in making most of us "media consumers"; but they only want us to sit back and watch; they don't want us to be "active watchers" who stand up and are counted against abuses of power and discretion, corruption, malfeasance, police brutality, and violations of human and civil rights in our own country. They say, 'sit back and watch and listen; but don't do anything more than that; leave it to us, the minority of power-brokers, and hoarders of The Peoples' money, to contravene and abrogate your civil and human rights while making it appear that we're protecting and preserving them, for we simply want to lock up everyone who doesn't think and live our way, and you're for that, aren't you?' The "scapegoats" for "the crimes of the century" are paraded before us, made to look like evil people as soon as they're arrested, when they're supposed to be "presumed innocent", while in actuality they're presumed guilty by virtually everyone because that's what the government wants. They want us to believe what most of us do believe, that most people who are arrested and accused of crimes are completely guilty before they have even had their days in court. "Hell, they wouldn't have been arrested if they weren't guilty as sin", right? Never mind the Words of God: 'Let he who is without (any) sin cast the first stone(s)...!' (John 8:7; emphasis added by me.) Do you think you can't do anything that would make even the slightest dent in the level of oppression and tyranny being perpetrated against us by the government in our own country, the United States government? That's something else the powers that be want you to believe; and go on believing like most of the rest of the majority of Americans, that we're completely powerless except through our "vote"; so little if anything gets done to stem the tide of insidious corruption; and sooner than it had to happen, most or all of our freedoms and liberties will be suspended in the interests of 'lies and order'. Our government is supposed to be run by "We, The People", the majority of us who are poor and kept poor; but it isn't. It's run by a minority of greedy, well-to-do sharks and shyster lawyers who have run this country into the poorhouse with immunity and impunity. So, let us get off our collective butts and do something, anything non-violent, about it. We're all responsible and accountable for "stewarding" our great country. All of us are responsible, and will be held accountable, for what we allow to go on, the speed at which it gets much worse, and for all those who suffer even further as a result. Please don't be satisfied to just sit back and complacently and apathetically watch America go "down the tubes" on an express train to hell, without at least yelling so your government "representatives" can hear you, that you're "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!" Do your part to take your country back so the poor and middle classes can run it as True Democracy intended in the first place, no matter how small a part that is! You CAN make a difference! Start a website as I have done, exercise your freedom of speech, and let God and the whole world know what you feel about the level of degradation that's been allowed to be illegally perpetrated upon this great country; or do some other such thing to do your part. Be a true patriot, not the typical false one. 'Do whatever you can to get between your government and corruption(s); it may be the only way you'll (help) save the country's life.' Stand up and be counted. (Please read Dr. M. Scott Peck's book, People of the Lie. It's one of the most important books you'll ever read. See excerpts of same on my "More Poetry [and/or Favorite Quotes], Part Two", page.) Thank you for all of your time, consideration, serious contemplation, and Truly-Correct action(s) in response to these all-important matters. [Copyright (c) 1999-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Thursday, May 13, 2004

WITH JUSTICE FOR NONE by Gerry Spence, Esq. (Chapter, "New Voices, Leashing the Corporate Cyclops", Page 296, First Paragraph) [Copyright © 1989 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Gerry Spence. All rights are reserved.] "Freedom cannot exist in a muzzled world. Free people must speak to each other and hear each other--they must test and protest and raise hell and shake their leaders by the napes of their necks. Our Founding Fathers gave us the supreme weapon of liberty--free speech--and with the First Amendment, guaranteed us that most sacred of rights. But the people have been silenced. They have been administered a new sedative. There they sit placidly, like patients on the third floor of the state hospital, where the bad ones are locked up--their mouths open, their eyes lifeless and glazed, watching television. . . . ". . . .(M)edia techniques can be used--indeed, I argue that they are--to cause Americans to reject their precious rights. "As newly freed people, our forefathers not only endowed us with the right but charged us with the duty to openly and lustily debate matters of public concern, to warn eachother of new dangers to our liberty, and to hear each other and avoid the ensnaring traps of new masters..... "The idea that in a democracy a free people should quietly accept the theft of their voice is, indeed, very radical. Our 'eternal vigilance' must have flickered. Did we not understand what was happening to us? What was ours was transformed into the corporate Cyclops, and then turned against us. . . ."

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Monday, May 10, 2004

WHAT THE RESTORATION OF THE FEDERAL DEATH PENALTY IS LEADING TO (Written on or about 19 June 2001; Updated on 10 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain We live in a most perverse time. Really, the world has been perverse for six thousand years; but, with the advent of so-called advances in technology and so on, it is even more perverse than it has ever been. For decades now, hell, for over a hundred years, U.S. government warmakers have been thinking up greater and greater ways to kill their fellow human beings; and now, with the restoration of the federal death penalty after no federal executions for thirty-six years, the United States is preparing to kill people for what they believe. Very soon, believe it, we will not be free to believe as we choose to believe; and we will not even be free to believe in true liberty. We are fast approaching an extremely dark time when truly innocent peoples' beliefs will be blamed for the calamities that will very soon befall the Earth, much worse calamities than we have yet seen or experienced. We haven't seen anything yet; and we will very soon see and experience the absolute worst that could happen sooner than soon. Remember Noah? He was not believed either, and was thought to be a raving madman and alarmist, "when the flood came and took them ALL (millions of people) away" to their deaths because they would not prepare to be only on the side of right, and prepared for that great global flood that destroyed all but eight people. So today, all but a small fraction of the total population of the Earth are going to survive the final conflagration; but you CAN be on the side of right! All of the great eccentrics, Noah, the Prophets, Moses, Jesus, the Apostles, many of Jesus' disciples, Martin Luther and the other Protestant reformers, Francis of Assisi, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., etcetera, were thought to be alarmists and insane by many people at one time or another in their, if not their entire, lives. They tried to warn their "stiff-necked" generations, and were rewarded with scoffing, cursing, stoning, ridicule, being unjustly and falsely discredited, and even with being murdered for it. So our "generation", even the professed-Christians, by and large do not believe the warnings of what is soon to befall us. It is exceedingly difficult, much more difficult than going along and fitting in, to stand only for what is right, good and true. Most people don't even believe they can do it, or that it is even possible; and, without the complete and total transformation of our characters by God, it is not; but "with God all things are possible". Even members of our perverted generation can become totally new people, true human beings, the people that we were created to be in the first place. They have to want "it" and nothing else; but most people don't want it. If they want religion at all, they want it on their own terms, not God's, and an "easy" way into heaven that does not exist at all. It is nothing new. "There is nothing new under the sun". They don't want to let go of their cherished evil(s), and want to hold onto their lust(s) and their greed. Most people judge and gossip about the wrong things. They only look upon the surface or appearance of things and the way(s) other people are, and start false rumors about or condemn others only for what they think they see about them, when they are more often wrong than right, particularly about those people and things they don't understand, the "eccentrics", or those who stand up for what is right, and against what is wrong, corrupt and evil in this world, and the way(s) things appear to be. They convince themselves that the really bad people aren't so bad, that the good people are bad, and that really evil events happening around them, which are leading to the absolute worst chaos, supposedly won't get so bad. The "ostrich syndrome" continues to worsen at pandemic proportions, while "the powers that be", sometimes unbeknownst even to themselves of the evil(s) their actions are leading to, are bringing about the biggest and most harmful conflagration that the world has ever seen! They don't look for, see, or believe the truly important "cause(s) and effect(s)", and ultimate evil(s) their actions, and inactions, are leading to; and they are the worst 'blind leaders of the blind', leading the ignorant down to the final, rapid events and destruction! Extremely soon, the "gun-toters", the "law enforcement authorities", and the enforcers of government-mandated religion, will track down, unjustly arrest, convict, imprison, torture, and murder those who truly stand for Christianity and the Truth, all in the name of God and truth that it will truly be the furthest thing from! But we don't believe it can happen in "America"! 'Oh, no, you're crazy, it could never happen here'! And those that blame those who stand for nothing but one-hundred percent Truth for the calamities befalling them, will actually be the cause(s) of those "plagues"! Though you probably won't listen to me, I am warning you that you must not waste any more time in placing yourselves, not on the side of false-Christianity, but only on the side of the very narrow "...Way, the Truth, and the Life...", without which there is no other true Hope! Pull your heads out of the sand, truly open your eyes, shed all hypocrisy and falsehoods, and trust only in God and His Truth(s), or you will very soon be forever destroyed for being a part of the final evil horde! If you are not fully and completely against ALL evil(s), you are for it (or them) in one way or another! [Copyright (c) 2001-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Friday, May 07, 2004

6-11-01 (Updated on 7 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain Yet another state-sanctioned murder has been committed today, by the murder of Timothy McVeigh; and this is yet another attempt at making two wrongs into one right, which is an impossibility! For weeks now the word "justice" has been tossed around, claiming murder for murder is allegedly justice, and killing Tim McVeigh is supposedly justice for the lives he allegedly took. But killing McVeigh was ONLY unmitigated vengeance; and President Bush had the gall to claim that it was "justice" rather than "vengeance", proving himself more and more to be an idiot! Oh, the lengths that the majority of people will go to, to rationalize, self-justify and excuse evil! It is disgusting; and the majority of people agree with it! Woe to the collective "us", we so-called Americans who are supposed to stand for nothing but "(y)ou will not kill", the Sixth Commandment! (Exodus 20:13; et alii.) It bears repeating that said Commandment does NOT say, '...except under certain circumstances'! God said, "You have heard that it has been said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That you resist not evil: but whoever smites you on your right cheek, turn to him the other (cheek) also'". (Matthew 5:38, 39; and the rest of the chapter.) This verse from God's Word(s) clearly states that murder for murder, vengeance for vengeance, was done away with by Jesus the Christ when he walked this Earth as a human being! He goes on to say in that same chapter that we are to love our enemies; but we cannot love our enemies by murdering them! We are ALL supposed to be "merciful" in order to have a place in heaven; therefore, those who are at all UNmerciful, will not obtain any mercy other than the mercifulness of being completely destroyed for their evil(s), so that evil does not in any way continue any longer! Thank God that very soon He will bring a final end to the death penalty, and that no one will any more be killed for any reason(s) whatsoever! We should pity our country for murdering Timothy McVeigh, and take a total stand against the death penalty, without any exception(s)! We ALL deserve to die for our evil! There is no one without sin (or evil); and the only people who are not going to be destroyed for their evil, are those who no longer commit any conscious, intentional evil, like adding evil to evil by murdering people for their murder(s)! Vengeance belongs ONLY to God; and no man or woman has any right to play God by determining in any way who lives and who dies! None of us are righteous enough, if we are truly righteous at all! Tim McVeigh is now a martyr, whether a false one or not; "we" have done nothing but add another unmerciful death to the list of people who died in connection with the Oklahoma City Bombing; and we have made Tim into another victim, another victim of one of "America's" great hypocrisies! 'America, cease returning evil for evil; and have the mercy for all others that you expect for yourself! How can you excuse returning injustice for injustice?! That is not AT ALL what the Leader we believe to be the Leader of our great country, God, stands for in any way! Stop being so hypocritically evil, and forgive as you expect to be forgiven!' Even a Timothy McVeigh can be forgiven!! "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy"; but those who are not merciful, will not obtain mercy!! (Matthew 5:7.) These are the Words of God, Jesus the Christ!! Wake up and follow His example; and, remember, if the majority of people believe something is right or true, they are more than likely wrong!! [Copyright (c) 2001-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.] 6-18-01 (Updated on 7 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain The subject of the death penalty naturally brings me to another "Pro-Life" controversy, that of abortion; and I cannot fail to address that subject as well as the death penalty. "All men (and women) are created equal". Once they are conceived, they are created; as the process of creation has already begun. The principles upon which this country was founded, in standing for the fact that all men and women are created equal, clearly delineates that unborn fetuses are just as equal as babies, children and adults, and have just as much right to ", liberty and the (eventual) pursuit of happiness" as everyone else; and adults have no right to play God and decide who lives and who dies! Talk about murder: What a great deal of murder of innocent human beings has been committed by way of abortion! It is totally unconscionable and intolerable; there are absolutely no truly justifiable excuses for the taking of human life in this or any other way; and it is going to be most awful in the Day of Judgment before God for those who have in any way contributed to this wholesale slaughter, especially for the doctors who committed the atrocities of removing the already-developing, defenseless human beings from so many wombs! I will never forget when and where, as a captive and captivated audience, I first read material that was sent to me about how such newly-created human beings are so atrociously removed from the wombs of so many naive or ignorant women! All four or five methods are barbaric, disgusting and deplorable; and, as the description(s) of same should cause all fully responsible and conscientious people who read about them to do, it made me cry rivers of tears and great sadness for both the fetuses and the perpetrators of this, probably the greatest, crime of ignorance! I could not believe that it took me until I was thirty years of age to be awakened from my ignorance on this subject! Where had I been? Living a hermits life in a cave in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely no contact with mankind for the first thirty years of my life? No! I had ignorantly and inexcusably avoided and ignored the subject for at least fifteen of those years! But, as painful as it was to face the Truth on the subject, I was exceedingly glad that I was awakened to the perverse unmercifulness of abortion; and I will always be indebted to the organization and it's material which were the channel for my enlightenment on the subject! There is no greater disgrace on the human race than our unmitigated slaughter of so many innocents! God will have no mercy for those who have not completely stopped being a part of this carnage, nor for those who, when they had a chance to be counted against it, did or said nothing in defense of the defenseless! Please don't continue to bury your head(s) in the sand; read the descriptions of this Hitler-esque atrocity; and, as long as you still have a conscience, you will not be able to keep yourself from being moved to indignation by the grossness of this inhumanity, and to take a stand against it! Please join the ever-swelling ranks of those who are non-violently opposed to abortion, and exercise your right(s) to freedom of speech and peaceful protest against this perversity! [Copyright (c) 2001-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Thursday, May 06, 2004

"THE MAJORITY IS USUALLY WRONG!" (With Due Credit to Robert A. Heinlein, his book Stranger in a Strange Land His Estate, and/or the Publishers; Written on or about 22 June 2000; Updated on 5 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain I have been waiting for inspiration before I sought to address these very important matters; but now, today, on Thursday, June 22nd, 2000, another financially poor person, of a racial minority in the United States, Gary Graham, was assassinated in Texas by State-sponsored, government-sanctioned murder, inflicted by the death penalty; and that travesty has provided me the inspiration I needed, as follows: The majority of "Americans" may be in favor of the death penalty at this time; but the majority of so-called Americans are also racists; so we cannot trust the majority of "Americans", including police, the courts, judges, lawyers, or jurors, to determine who lives and who dies. Two wrongs do not make one right. Murder for murder is totally barbaric, and unconscionable in a society which is supposedly much wiser, and much less barbaric, than societies of past-history. If today's society is really so much more enlightened, advanced and reasonable than societies of the past, than government-sponsored murder is that much more inexcusable. In reality, today's society is NOT advanced or much-improved over past-society, but in truth is MUCH WORSE because of how much more shamelessly we condone and excuse evil for evil. There are NO EXCUSES for evil whatsoever; and there are especially no excuses for evil in return for evil, especially in the so-called "much more advanced" society that we are supposedly a part of. We keep hearing the proponents of the death penalty say over and over again that we as a people should all be saddened by the deaths of the Gary Graham's at the hands of the State(s); but they who say such things are liars, for they aren't truly saddened by such alleged murderers' deaths; they are more pleased, relieved and grateful for their deaths, because their part(s) in bringing about, and/or supporting and condoning, such deaths aids them in fitting into, and/or pandering to, and getting along with and being accepted by, the majority. Just as sad as the sadness for the death of anyone, is the sadness that most people don't want to be true individuals and think for themselves; they want to go the lazy route of echoing the majority; and they wrongly assume that if the majority of people think one way on a subject, the majority must be right. But, it's really true, "The majority is usually WRONG"! (Robert A. Heinlein in Stranger In A Strange Land.) It supposedly takes too much "work" for people to take a minority "stand"; and we've been wrongly "programmed" since we were children to "fit in", and conform and bow to the majority; but all of us are called, making it everyone's DUTY, to stand up ONLY for what's truly and completely right, to think completely for ourselves, and be completely true individuals, even if doing so means "standing alone", being unpopular, and being persecuted for it. Remember, as Mariah Carey sings, "A Hero Lies In You"! Now, getting into the Bible, the Word(s) of God, is unavoidable at any point, because it is the original, proven, historical law book, and as such has direct, inescapable, and fully accurate bearing on the subject(s) being addressed here, the death penalty and bigotry. But the Bible is not only the first law book, it always has been, still is, and always will be, THE ONLY law book that has transcendent and preeminent authority over all other law, particularly man's law(s) and the laws of nature. It is the legal transcript of the law of God's very character, the embodiment of God Himself, and the foundation of all existence. As a result, it is required of all mankind to listen to it, apply it to all aspects of their lives, emulate it's example, and to obey it. The death penalty is another violent, hateful, shameful act on top of one or more other violent, hateful, shameful acts. The Sixth Commandment says, "You will not kill", period! (Exodus 20:13; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; etc.) It does NOT say, '...except under certain circumstances', 'except in the case of death as "punishment" for murder', or 'except when defending "freedom" or our country'. High school students have it right in the name of their organization, Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE). We The People must try to end ALL violence EVERYWHERE, and violence of ANY and EVERY kind, including but not limited to the death penalty! We cannot acceptably tell our children that violence is not at all an acceptable way to solve problems, and then contradict ourselves by promoting the death penalty! This ultimate in hypocrisy is completely and totally unacceptable in any way! By the same token, bigotry, racism and racial prejudice, are the ultimate in ignorance! Two monumental discoveries proving this were made recently; first, that the genetic makeup (DNA) of black people is ninety-eight percent (98%) the same as that of white people; and, second, a highly religious group of black South Africans who migrated to South Africa long ago, and have believed for thousands of years that they are descendants of the Jewish priesthood, the Levites, and who were of course not believed because the Jewish race has long been believed to be all "white", mostly "white" or of "brown" skin at the most, have had their claims proven correct, also by genetic testing. But, in addition to the genetic proof, it should be obvious that all of the people on this Earth are members of the very same race, the human race! We are all equal; we all bleed basically the same blood; and we are all "brothers and sisters", or, if you'd rather, "cousins"! We are NOT distant cousins either; we are closer cousins than we are different or separate; and we have another duty as members of the human race, to discover our similarities, break down the barriers between us, join together, and work together to stand up against all prejudice, racism, bigotry, and injustice of any and all kinds. Bigotry includes many things, not only racism, and not least of which are unequal rights, discrimination of any kind, and miscarriages of true justice of all kinds. It is rightly and correctly said that 'God loves the sinner, but hates the sin'; therefore, all of us of the Homo sapiens race have the highest responsibility to love all of our fellow -men and -women regardless of their race, lifestyle(s), beliefs, disability(ies), level, or "standing" in society, monetarily or otherwise, their shortcomings, law breaking, harm of others', sexual preference(s), etc. "Let he (or she) who is without (evil in their own lives), first cast a stone (at those you believe have committed evil)"! (John 8:7.) In other words, because we are all guilty of wrongdoing, no man or woman has the right to condemn any other person for their wrongdoing! To do so is not only the ultimate in hypocrisy, it is the ultimate in bigotry to make ourselves out to be better than ANYBODY else, when in reality we are no better than ANYONE else, for no person is better than, or superior to, ANY other person IN ANY WAY, no matter how "good" or "responsible" or "educated" or "successful" they supposedly are! As perhaps our greatest "founding father", Thomas Jefferson, said in the powerfully-inspired Declaration of Independence, "...ALL men are created EQUAL, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."! (Emphasis added.) In addition to the correct interpretation(s) of, and obedience to, The Word(s) of God, this is the foundation that our country, and every person within it's borders, is supposed to stand for fully and completely, without exception, and the incontrovertible truth, and highest duty, that We The People are also required to obey in order to be true Americans, and more importantly, true human beings! If all professed-Americans, and all citizens of planet Earth, do not without exception treat all humankind as equals to and with themselves, and if they treat any person or group of people in any way less than equal to themselves, they not only fail to be true Americans, and/or true citizens of Earth, they violate all that our Maker stands for, make themselves much more evil than the average person, and separate themselves from all true Redemptive Power unless they, with the help and power of God, turn themselves around and without exception treat all people as equals! Wherefore, I call all men and women everywhere, if they do not do so already, to stand for nothing but true and complete equality for all humankind, and to treat all people as nothing but the equals that they are! [Copyright (c) 2000-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

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Tuesday, May 04, 2004

9-11-2001 Part One (Written on 14 September 2001; Updated on 3 May 2004) By S. Wolf Britain I am appalled by the disaster that happened in Washington, D.C. and New York City; and I am both surprised and not surprised by it, because I knew that sooner or later something like this was going to happen. Also, I have long said since such occurrences as the Oklahoma City bombing and the high school shootings that "(w)e haven't seen anything yet". The latest debacle, or something similar, was inevitable; and the world, not just the United States, should be prepared for the worst. The Word(s) of God prophesied that the restraining power of the Holy Spirit of God would be withdrawn at this time in our world's history and that things like this would happen; and this is only the beginning; for, as more of the Holy Spirit's restraining power is withdrawn, more of mankind is going to go "mad" and commit just as, if not worse, atrocious acts. We need to wake up to the fact(s) that our hypocritical religious beliefs and/or stand are nowhere near enough, and that only those who are COMPLETELY transformed by God are safe. I am very saddened and anxious about this latest terrible event; I am very sorry for the victims, and their friends and families, for what has happened; and my condolences go out to them. To all citizens of the United States and the World: Hang in there and pray that the worst does not happen, and that this matter does not lead to World War III and/or other terrorist actions. I wish all of you, and all of your families and friends, nothing but the very best. [Copyright (c) 2001-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]