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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

ISAAC ASIMOV AND ROBERT A. HEINLEIN (More Quotes of the Great Authors) [Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Dr. Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein, their estates and/or the publishers. All rights are reserved.] "It was fashionable for modern political writers to look back with a smug disapproval at the "fiscalism" of Medieval times, when economy was based on money. The competitive struggle for existence, they said, was brutal. No truly complex society could be maintained because of the strains introduced by the eternal "fight-for-the-buck." (Scholars had varying interpretations of the word "buck," but there was no dispute over the meaning as a whole.)" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Caves of Steel (the first of the robot novels), page 85. [Emphasis in parenthesis "( )", in this case, added by Dr. Asimov.] "...(P)eople sometimes mistake their own shortcomings for those of society and want to fix the Cities because they don't know how to fix themselves." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 148. "...We, all of us, feel inferior...and hate it. We've got to feel superior somehow, somewhere, to make up for it, and it kills us that we can't at least feel superior... (Others) seem to be better than us--only they're not. That's the damned irony of it." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 165. "...He was an ideal man, almost an abstraction. Who could feel love, or even liking, for such a man? A man without weaknesses serves only to make everyone else conscious of his own imperfections. A primitive poet named Tennyson once wrote: 'He is all fault who has no fault at all.'" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Naked Sun (second of the robot novels), page. 383. "He had (said) the Cities were wombs, and so they were. And what was the first thing a man must do before he can be a man? He must be born. He must leave the womb. And once left, it could not be re-entered... (He) had left the City and could not re-enter. The City was no longer his; the Caves of Steel were alien. This had to be." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Naked Sun, page 404. With one great quote of Robert A. Heinlein thrown in: "...Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything--you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, source unknown. [The rest of the emphasis in parenthesis "( )" in all of the previous quotes except for one is added by me.] [Unrelated notes by me: In watching a Deepak Chopra, M.D. video the other night, I discovered something interesting he said that was so true. He said that reality is only what we perceive it to be, that what we consider to be normal reality doesn't really exist, and that when some people separate themselves from the perception of reality, or normality, they often become our sages, psychotics and geniuses. I may not agree that we supposedly have to transcend to our "cosmic self", and, instead, believe that we have to get rid of "self", yet he is very right that what most people consider to be "normal" is not normal at all. But he mixes the very wrong and insidious belief systems of Hinduism and Buddhism, etcetera, with Christianity, and misses that true-Christianity states we must rid ourselves of "self". He fails to see that instead of attaining to our "higher self", we must rejoin with the "Person" known as God and reflect His character.]


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